The Soul Connection Chapter 11: Meet Death

Chapter 11: Meet Death

 *the sound of a loud crash* 
Viola: Shit! I broke something! No time to care, really. 
*another crash*

 Viola: No time to care. I need to run from this place as fast as I can. 
I'm officially insane. 
Oh god help me.

 Viola: *voice over* This is it. I am back here at the academy. I didn't change myself. These spirits are still following me. I can be free with them. They can help me. 
Melanie: I'm sure she'll turn up! 
*she pauses, listening in*

 Justin: She's been gone since this morning. Where is she? 
April: I suggest we let her come home. She's not some child. 
Justin: I know that. I know.

 Daniel: I'm afraid Viola has gone too far. She might not be returning to us. 
Melanie: Well that's a tad too extreme. She's not dead, Daniel. 
Daniel: Maybe she is.

 Justin: Dead? You think your girlfriend is dead, Daniel? 
April: That's sick. 
Daniel: I'm afraid to lose her, but I'm thinking clearly.

 Viola: Dead? Please. I'm more alive than ever. 
Justin: Viola! Thank god! 
Melanie: You're okay!

Viola: No need to scream. I'm sorry for scaring you, Daniel. 
Daniel: I wasn't scared. I'm glad you are back. 
Viola: I'm staying now. 

Viola: *sitting down* What did I miss? 
Finn: Not much. Everyone was scared. That's all. 
Daniel: That couple turned up. 

Viola: What was that, Daniel? 
Daniel: That couple who witnessed your accident blame us for the disappearance of their child. 
Viola: We didn't steal their child. 
Daniel: You stole my chair. 

Viola: Uh, anyway, anyone want to hear my story? 
Justin: Go ahead. 
Viola: Well, there are corrupt people in this world. People who threaten to destroy every inch of what makes 'us' us. Those people nearly destroyed me. 

Melanie: As in kidnapped you, held various weapons to your throat and aimed a gun at your heart? Or no? 
Finn: I think she means that those people wanted to wipe her memory or something. 

Justin: Viola, whatever happened to you doesn't entirely matter. What matters is that you are okay and you are here.
April: If she's been hurt, she should tell us. She shouldn't hide an injury. 

Viola: Hey! It doesn't matter what happened. As Justin said, no need to worry. I'm perfectly fine now that I found you all. They could have drove me insane even more but they didn't. 
Finn: Even more? What do you mean? 
Viola: I don't want to talk anymore. 

Daniel: Let Viola calm herself down. 
Viola: I can decide that for myself. 
Daniel: What? You're going to run to the help of your saviour? 

Viola: Maybe I will. I don't want to argue with you, Daniel. 
Daniel: Go on. Run to him. 
Viola: I don't need to run, Daniel! No one's chasing me! 
Daniel: You so sure about that? 

Justin: What the hell is happening between those two? 
April: Don't ask me. I'm just as confused. 
Justin: We should leave. 

Melanie: Viola, are you okay? You look...distraught. 
Daniel: She's perfect. 
April: Mel wasn't asking you, Daniel. 

Viola: I am okay. I need some sleep but I will be okay. 
I'm stronger than I look. Trust me. 


*The next morning* 

Mr Quinlan: Good morning class! I trust you are all glad both myself and Viola are back in class today. 
Finn: So glad, sir. 
Mr Quinlan: You should be less sarcastic in class, Mr Goodwin. 

Justin: We're heading to the graveyard today. Are you coming? 
Viola: I think I'll sit this one out. I need to talk to some people. 

Justin: Are you sure you don't want to open up about yesterday?
You didn't seem like yourself. 
Viola: It isn't something important. 
Justin: Does this have anything to do with the shooting? 

Viola: does, I suppose. With the person who saved me. 
Justin: You met him again? The ghost? 
Viola: He's...he isn't just a ghost. There's something I need to tell you. 

 Mr Quinlan: Class, listen up! As you know, tomorrow is Saturday. The first weekend of this year here at the academy! 
Finn: That's really fascinating, sir. 
Mr Quinlan: It is, Finn. I'm visiting my daughter.
Melanie: We should head to the graveyard after class. Before our next class. 
Finn: We won't have enough time. 
Melanie: Right, 'cause that is a problem for us. 
Finn: We're heading there at lunch. 

Melanie: You think any of the stories about those dead people will be interesting at all? 
Finn: I mean, sure. Dead people are so fun. 
Melanie: What the heck does that mean? 

Finn: Some people die interesting deaths. Falling from buildings. 
Losing a hand in the deep fryer. 
Drowning in a vat or butter. 
Melanie: That's disgusting. 

Viola: You remember that his name was-
Justin: Derrick Sanders. 
Viola: Right. He...well, the reason why he saved me is...that he...
Justin: You can tell me anything, Viola. 

April: Mel, what is Finn talking about now? 
Finn: Ask me yourself. 
April: I'm asking Melanie. 

Melanie: I'd rather not think about that. People dying from falling...people dying from losing...
April: Right. People dying tales. 
Melanie: I can't stand it. 

Daniel: It's a fact of life, Melanie. 
Melanie: You're a fact of life. 
Daniel: People die sometimes because they do the wrong thing. 
Melanie: What are you talking about? 

Viola: Justin. I, I know...that spirits are possessing my body. 
Justin: Spirits? Oh goody. You're lucky. 
Viola: I suppose I am. 

Finn: Why is Viola lucky? 
Viola: This doesn't concern you, Finn. Justin and I were talking. 
Finn: I want to know too! 
Justin: Finn. Stop. 

Mr Quinlan: Enough of this little chitter chatter. It's time to learn. 
Daniel: I don't think I understand what that is, sir.
Mr Quinlan: It's a concept idea map graph. 

Viola: Right. 
April: I think it looks...rather interesting. Is that the lesson then? 
Justin: Personally, the person standing beside the whiteboard is more interesting. 

Melanie: As much as I enjoy this, most of us are ready to leave. 
Finn: Leave? For once I could afford to stay here. 
Melanie: Viola won't tell you anything. 

Mr Quinlan: Don't leave class just yet. 
I need to explain something. My ex-wife- the first one- has been tracking someone in this very room. I want you to be on the lookout. 
Viola: Very funny, sir. 
Mr Quinlan: She knows who you are, Viola.

Daniel: Well I must be leaving. Important business to attend to. 
Mr Quinlan: Daniel, sit down right now. 
Daniel: I cannot. Goodbye, Justin. See you later. 

Justin: Me specifically? You want to see me, specifically? Something up? 
Daniel: I'll see you later. 
Justin: Uh, how about no? 

Melanie: Someone tell me why I'm stuck with him as my partner. 
Justin: Someone tell me why he said 'see you later'. 
Melanie: I don't know. 

Mr Quinlan: Well he's gone now. 
I suppose we continue class without him. 
Anyone want to tell me what's happening? 

Viola: Honestly, sir, I don't have the slightest clue. 
April: I think we continue class now. 


Finn: Honestly, what do you think happened to Viola? 
April: Honestly? I'm not sure. She seems...distant. 
Finn: I feel that too. 

April: Think about it. Gone for the whole day. That lost stare in her eyes. 
Finn: Brainwashed? No, she couldn't be. 
April: I don't know. Kidnapped, probably. 

Finn: So she escaped? She did say she is stronger than she looks. 
April: That's true. It would make some sense. 
Finn: What else could have happened? 

April: I don't know. You don't think Mr Quinlan's ex-wife was involved? 
Finn: I doubt it. 
April: Anything could happen. 

April: Anyway, where are Justin and Melanie? We've been waiting here for what, ten minutes? 
Finn: Yeah. They said they'd check with Viola first. 

April: Oh okay. *notices them* Hey! There you are. 
Justin: We're here. Sorry for the wait. 
Melanie: Viola...isn't feeling so well anymore. Something must have triggered her. 

Finn: Triggered her? 
Justin: As in, she was perfectly fine when we arrived until we began talking to her about yesterday. One of the words we mentioned-
Melanie: Must have brought the memories back. 

April: I hope she will be okay. 
We were discussing what we think happened. 
Melanie: What do you think? 
Finn: The normal theories, really. How about we take a look at the graves? 


Justin: This is Derrick Sanders' grave. He had two bullet wounds and broken bones, as stated on this tombstone. 
Melanie: Jesus. Shot twice. Must hurt. 
???: That's a lie. 
Finn: Who was that? 

Tommy: My name is Tommy Morton. 
April: Hello. How did you know him? 
Tommy: He was my closest friend. Until he pushed me off the roof of your school. 

Melanie: You''re dead....oh wow. 
Finn: A real life dead person. Nice to meet you. 
Justin: This is new. 

Tommy: I'll tell you the story. You shouldn't trust him, you know. 
He killed me. 


Derrick: *voice over* I end my life now. I promise to forget the past and rest in a grave in the graveyard of this school. I end my life now. 
Tommy: Derrick! Come here. 
Derrick: You can't stop me. 

Tommy: You don't need to do this. Your life isn't perfect, sure, but nobody's is. 
Derrick: You don't understand me, Tom. 
Tommy: You've never called me Tom before. 

Derrick: I'm not the person you thought you knew. I...I killed someone, Tommy. 
 Tommy: That was an accident! You killed her on accident! 
Derrick: I still killed her. 

Derrick: I deserve to be punished. 
Tommy: No. No you don't. You deserve to be happy. 
Derrick: I won't be happy again. The guilt will always hang over me. 

Tommy: You don't need to let it control you like this. 
Forget the guilt and you can leave this rooftop with me. 
Derrick: I can't! I can't leave with you. Not like this. 

Tommy: You're my friend-
Derrick: I'm a terrible person! I killed her! I will kill more again! She...
She wasn't my first victim. 

Tommy: You killed someone else too? Who was it, Derrick? 
Derrick: Does it matter? I am a murderer. I kill. I should be killed too. 
Tommy: No. They were accidents, eh? 

Derrick: I committed a crime! Crimes aren't accidents! You can tell people that but in the end you know that you killed them with intent. Always. 
Tommy: You didn't intend to kill her...

Derrick: Deep down I did! Maybe not on the surface but somewhere inside I wished for her to be dead so I killed her. 
Tommy: You won't kill again. Not now. 
Derrick: Sometimes I cannot control my actions. 

Tommy: can always control yourself! You can; I know it! 
Derrick: Do you? Why, because you follow me like some lovesick puppy? 
Tommy: Because I care for you! Maybe I do love you! 

Derrick: What did you say? 
Tommy: Nothing. I care for you, is all. Don't kill yourself. 
Derrick: You think you love me? 
Tommy: I don't know. I could. 

Devil Derrick: Kill him. Slide him right off the edge of this building and end his life. 
Derrick: I...I don't know what to do. 
Devil Derrick: Kill him. What's one more on your list? 

Tommy: You come with me. No need to jump off the edge.
I know you understand me. 
Angel Derrick: Listen to him. You know this is wrong. 
Devil Derrick: Kill him. Push him off the edge. You know you want to. 

Tommy: What will it be, Derrick? I won't witness you die. 
Derrick: I...this is my life right now. An imbalance between life and death. 
Tommy: This is your choice. 

Derrick: I can't believe you think you could stop me.
Tommy: I'm your only friend right now, Derrick. 
Derrick: You're not my friend. 


Finn: Then what happened? 
April: Finn! Let him finish. 
Finn: What? He paused. I want the ending. 

Tommy: He pushed me off the edge. Shot me twice as I fell. It hurt. 
The betrayal. 
Finn: He must have had good aim, huh. 

Melanie: How do we know we can trust you? How do we know you aren't just lying to betray us? 
Tommy: I can help you. Your friend; I know what happened to her. 

Justin: We don't need your help. Viola is our friend. 
She trusts us. 
Tommy: Well, I suppose I must finish this story. 
Melanie: Tell us the truth or else. 


 Tommy: I suppose you won't care if I leave you to rot.
Derrick: I thought you said you cared for me? 
Tommy: I did. Until you admitted to the murders. 

 Derrick: I'm not a murderer, Tommy. We can run away from here. Without this life.
Tommy: I couldn't run away with a murderer. Even if I loved him as much as I love you. 
Derrick: Please. You don't need to kill me. 

Tommy: In another life, we would run away. You wouldn't be a criminal. 
This isn't that life. 
Derrick: Kill me. I deserve to die. 
Tommy: I can't let this be a suicide. 

*he shoots twice* 

Derrick: ...


Tommy: Rest in peace, Derrick. You said yourself that you deserved it. 
I'm sorry that your life was cut short. 

Tommy: Derrick...if you can hear me now know that I did love you once. Not now. Not today, but once I did. You were my closest friend. I held you close in my heart. 
???: So you followed in his footsteps. You too are a murderer. 

Tommy: The police murderer criminals but they aren't called murderers. I did what was best for the people in this world. 
Serephina: What was best? Killing to save who? He would have died without your pity. 
Tommy: I helped myself. 

Serephina: You are selfish and you shouldn't believe in such a thought. 
People like you, Tommy Morton, deserve to die. You are much like someone I knew. 
Tommy: *trying to breathe* Who...who...did you...know? 

Serephina: Her name was Elizabeth Lancaster. I killed her. 
Serephina: Much like yourself, she thought she knew best.
I needed an escape. I dragged her under. 

*she tosses him off the edge* 

Serephina: Rest in peace, Tommy Morton. 
Rot in hell, you freak. 


Daniel: Where are you? Hurry up. 
I don't like waiting here. 
I'm not a patient person, you know. 

Daniel: Where is she? She sure likes to take her time-
*the sound of footsteps on stairs* 
Daniel: This better be her and not some janitor.  

???: I'm here. Don't worry about me. 
Daniel: Thank god. Finally. You sure take your time, Dana. 
Dana: I don't care for that attitude, Daniel. 

Dana: I brought someone with me. I think you'll be very pleased. 
Daniel: A pet! 
Dana: Well...more like a prisoner. 

Dana: Get in here! Sit down! 
Jeana: Don't hurt me, please. Where are we? 
Dana: You aren't talking. You're a prisoner. 

Daniel: Jeana! 
Jeana: Daniel...what the hell is this? I don't understand.
You called me by my name? 
Dana: You won't be talking anymore. You aren't important. 

Daniel: Thank you, Dana. This is perfect. 
Dana: You are welcome, Danny. Now, let's chat. 
Daniel: Of course. 

Dana: This attic is quite homey! I could consider living up here to stalk your sweet girlfriend. 
Jeana: Leave Viola alone! You're better than this, Dan! 
Dana: Shut up. I can kill you. 

Daniel: You don't need to harm my dear friend Jeana. She knows to keep her pretty mouth sealed tight. Ain't that right? 
Jeana: Leave me out of this! You pig! 
Daniel: She isn't thinking straight. 

Dana: Forget about her, Daniel. You wanted to discuss the death of someone. 
Daniel: I want you to kill someone. 
Dana: And who exactly am I killing? 

Daniel: My dear friend Justin Hawkin. He has protected Viola for too long. 
Dana: Protected Viola? Much like you have too. 
Daniel: I've changed my tune. Viola will die in time. 

Dana: I am glad. Your focus is returning. 
My mother will be proud. 
Jeana: Please don't kill Viola! She's innocent to you. 
Daniel: She isn't innocent. From birth, she needed to die. 

Jeana: From birth? You didn't know her then. 
I didn't know her then. 
 Dana: Would you like to lose your tongue? 
Jeana: No. *she spits* 

Daniel: Do not worry about being delicate. Stab him, shoot him and kill him. Whatever it takes. 
Dana: Whatever it takes, he will die. 
Daniel: He can't think that saving her from your bullet was right. 

Dana: think he saved her then? 
Daniel: Of course he did. I know that. 
Dana: I did not see him. She just dodged the bullet. 

Daniel: That isn't possible. Your aim is strong. 
Dana: I think I know what happened. 
Daniel: No. You must have missed him. It was Justin. 

Dana: I'm not blind. I promise you that.
She dodged the bullet-
Daniel: You cannot be sure of that. 
Dana: Yes I can. If you still want me to kill Justin, I will. 

Jeana: I'm free! Take that, blonde witch! 
Daniel: Stop her! She's my prisoner! 
Jeana: You can't stop me. I will tell Viola. 

Daniel: Stop her, sister. 
Dana: There is no need. My guard is waiting downstairs.
He will fetch her. He will return her to us, brother.

 Daniel: You are always in control, my sister. I'm glad I can trust you with this. 
Report back to our mother once you've murdered Justin Hawkin. 
Dana: Then....
Daniel: Then we will kill Viola Dalton. Together. 


 Next time on The Soul Connection: Mr Quinlan discovers something shocking in regards to Viola's accident and confronts Daniel. Justin is determined to forget about his ex-step-father by dating someone


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