The Soul Connection Chapter 10: Butterfly

Chapter 10: Butterfly

Viola: You wanted to talk to me, sir? When will treatment begin? 
Cole: I'll ask the questions, miss. 
Viola: Sure, go ahead. 

Cole: I've heard many stories about kind like your own. I asked you to chat with me today before you speak with our 'leader', as you called it. 
Viola: What are they then? 
Cole: She is our governess. 

Cole: Her position is irrelevant to this conversation, Viola. I'd like to discuss the souls you claim are attacking you. Do you know them? 
Viola: Huh. I don't know them. 
Cole: Let me be frank. Have you seen them in dreams or in nightmares? 

Viola: Uh...I, uh...yes, I have. 
Cole: If you wouldn't mind, can you explain them? 
Viola: Explain them? Oh. 

Viola: There are...there are four of them. All dead. 
Cole: I need the specifics, Viola. Please. 
Viola: Oh. Sorry. There are...two women; two men. This one girl has brown hair and looks like she is from the 1920s. Uh...another is blonde, male. He...did save me, once. Another blonde...a woman. I think...maybe she is obsessed with hanging. The last one...he's a scientist. Black hair.

Cole: That's interesting. It's strange, really. The different personalities.
Viola: I...I suppose so. 
Cole: The different time periods. It's rather strange. 

Viola: They...they may have mentioned my...he is my grandfather. They mentioned him the dream. 
Cole: This dream. It only occured once? 
 Viola: Last night. Yes. Never before.

Cole: Well, there is always brilliant news! You can be cured, Viola. Our treatment is extensive, but nevertheless, it can be done. 
Viola: How long will it take, sir? 
Cole: We guarantee you will be perfectly normal in no time. 

Viola: No time? You could be done with me by tomorrow morning? 
Cole: Not exactly, but soon enough. In good time, I suppose. 
Viola: I want to be free. You don't understand that. 

Cole: Don't doubt what I understand, Viola. I've experienced many things in my life besides the normal daily occurences.
Viola: I didn't question that, sir. I'm...I just hurt with the souls dragging around behind me. 

Cole: We can help you. I promise that much. 
Viola: Save me. Please. 
Cole: I will. 

*the door opens* 
Viola: I do bet everyone is searching for me, but my own personal struggles come first. I wouldn't be bothered waiting to tell them.
Cole: You'd only confuse them, Viola. It's best that they do not know. 

Viola: That is wise, sir. I have a question-
Cole: Nurse! Wonderful news, really. 
Viola: Sir? 

Nurse: No good news from me, I'm afraid. I must request you follow me, promptly. 
Cole: If I must. 
Viola: Sir, may I ask-

Cole: Viola, wait here. The governess will be here shortly. 
Viola: Sir, I have one last question. 
Cole: Ask her.

Nurse: Right this way, Cole. Please, be hasty. 
Cole: I'm coming. Goodbye, Viola. I'll see you after your transformation. 
Nurse: It's very important, sir. Hurry. 

Cole: What is the problem, Nurse? 
Viola: My transformation? I'm not a caterpillar, sir. 
Cole: I suppose that is correct. 

*the nurse and Cole leave* 

Viola: *voice over* This is the time, Vi. Free from the souls haunting your body. Free from the torture. Why does it feel so right yet so wrong? Why? 
Victoria: Don't do this to us, Viola. 
Sean: You are better than this. 
Derrick: Trust us. 

Viola: I don't think I can. 
*she enters* 
The Governess: Viola Dalton? You must be waiting for me. My name is Cassandra. 

Viola: *turning around* I am...wait...I know who you are. 
Cassandra: I seriously doubt that, dear. I do not leave this institute. 
Viola: No, I've seen you before. You....

Cassandra: You wouldn't remember me, darling. I've never left this building. 
Viola: You have. I remember you. 


Mr Quinlan: Sir? I've been meaning to talk with you since yesterday. 
I do apologize.

Roscoe: Do not worry about it, Jacob. We did catch who was trying to break into the science lab, so nothing to complain about. 
Mr Quinlan: That's great to hear, sir. 
Roscoe: Why did you need to speak to me? 

Mr Quinlan: In order to find our missing student, I need to be excused to visit someone. My ex wife, to be precise. 
Roscoe: Isn't she here today? 
 Mr Quinlan: The other one, sir.

Roscoe: Oh, okay sir. If that will help find Viola Dalton, please go ahead. Classes will continue without you. 
Mr Quinlan: Thank you, sir. 

Mr Quinlan: I will be back soon, sir. Hopefully with some useful information. 
Roscoe: Okay. Good luck. 
Mr Quinlan: I won't disappoint you again, sir. 

Roscoe: If you say so.

Mr Quinlan: Kyra! Hey! Can we please talk? It's important. 
Kyra: Is it? Hmm.
Mr Quinlan: Hey, someone is missing. 

Kyra: It isn't some new wife of yours is it? Because if so, I'm busy. 
Mr Quinlan: No! It's a student! Her name is Viola!

Kyra: Fine, I'm coming. Ugh. Close, stupid door. 
Mr Quinlan: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear that last bit. 
Kyra: I said, 'That front door is stupid'. 

*she opens the door* 
Mr Quinlan: Nice place you have here. You moved here when? 
Kyra: Two years ago. December 8th. 

Mr Quinlan: It's lovely. Definitely you. 
Kyra: 'Cause you know who I am. I 'changed', remember? 
Mr Quinlan: I didn't come here to discuss why we split. 

Kyra: You don't want to? How disappointing. That's why I let you inside. 
Mr Quinlan: Kyra, have you talked with Naomi since last week? 
Kyra: No, I haven't. She's your daughter too, Jacob. 

Mr Quinlan: I know, I know. I've been busy, is all. 
Kyra: Call her. She misses her father.
Mr Quinlan: I know. 

Kyra: So, can we discuss this Viola girl? Why is she missing? 
Did you scare her? 
Mr Quinlan: No, nothing like that. She completely disappeared. 
Kyra: She did. Kidnapped? 

 Mr Quinlan: Possibly, but not in the academy. Maybe she left for a walk and...
Kyra: They kidnapped her. Whoever. 
Mr Quinlan: Or maybe not. 

Kyra: You don't think she's off on some walk in the forest-
Mr Quinlan: She would have told someone. 
Kyra: Maybe she didn't. 

Mr Quinlan: I don't know. She would have left a note. 
Kyra: Jacob, I have an idea. Teenage girls are troublesome.
Mr Quinlan: How is that an idea? 

Kyra: Let me finish. Years ago, when I was studying at that exact academy, I was a troublesome teenage girl. I met...I met this woman. Dark hair. 
Mr Quinlan: I don't see-
Kyra: Let me finish. This woman told me about this underground series of caves not too far from the academy. Something about power, too. 

Mr Quinlan: You think Viola found these caves? Maybe she's searching for them? 
Kyra: She would find them. They are real. 
Mr Quinlan: You would know. 

Kyra: I do know. I visited them. Wonderful, really. 
Mr Quinlan: If you say so. 
Kyra: You ask for my help and then belittle me because you do not understand my ideas? You're a fool, Jacob. 

Mr Quinlan: I don't think I need your help anymore. 
Kyra: Oh really. Search for kidnappers, but this Viola Dalton is different. 
Mr Quinlan: I never told you her last name. 

Kyra: You didn't need to tell me, Jacob! I know who she is!
Mr Quinlan: How? Have you been...following her? 
Kyra: No. It is job. 

Mr Quinlan: What is your job now, Kyra? Stalking. 
Kyra: I told you; I don't follow her! 
You doubt me too often, Jacob. 

Mr Quinlan: Do I? I rarely see you. 
Kyra: Do not use that as an excuse! 
Mr Quinlan: You're a downward spiral, Kyra. 

Kyra: I suppose you should be leaving now. 
I don't think you're welcome here. 
 Mr Quinlan: I'm on my out. I'll see you in hell.


Melanie: *voice over* I'm meeting with these two students. They're new, much like me, but I suppose what stands out the most for them is that they requested for someone like them to help.

Melanie: *voice over* While most students arrived on day one, these two were latecomers and are a bit confused. Mostly with the size of this academy and all. I'll help them out, I suppose. I can help.

Ali: *singing* There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby. 
Seth: You play the uke, huh? That's cool.
Ali: It is. *singing* Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. 

Melanie: You're a wonderful singer, Alison. 
Ali: Ah! You scared me. 
Melanie: I'm so sorry. I thought you were great, is all. Hey, Seth. 

Seth: You must be Melanie Hale, huh? 
I guess that's how you know our names. 
Melanie: Yeah, you can call me Mel though. I don't mind. 

Ali: Don't call me Alison. I'd prefer Ali. 
Melanie: Got it. 
Seth: Seth is fine with me. Not much you can really do with my name anyway. 

Melanie: So how do you like this academy so far?
Ali: From what I've seen, it's nice. Not as nice as the people.

Melanie: Well, you can expect to be treated well here. 
Ali: I'm glad. 
Melanie: You haven't even met the nicest of them all. April Landon.  


Seth: That's sweet! You must show me the cemetery later today! 
Melanie: You're in luck! It's part of our tour. 
Seth: It's weird to think an academy has a graveyard. 

Melanie: Yeah,, you don't need to know that. 
Seth: Know what? 
Melanie: I'll tell you later. 

Melanie: Who's ready for this tour? I know I am. 
Ali: Yeah! Let's go! 
Seth: No need to scream. Unless we see some ghosts! Oooh. 

Melanie: April, you've got to help me. 
April: What? I thought the tour is going well.
Melanie: It isn't the tour. I think...I think I like both of them. 

April: Like? As think you could be friends with them? 
Melanie: No...I mean, I could, but...
April: You're attracted to both of them. 

Melanie: Yeah. That. 
April: You only just met them. Maybe it'll change once you know them better.
Melanie: What if it doesn't? What if I like them both forever? 

April: Uh...I don't know. Surely you'll think of something. 
Melanie: If I don't? I'm suppose to forget about them because I can't choose. 
April: No. Don't do that. We'll think of something. 

April: I have an idea. 
Melanie: Why do I have to lean in like this? Nobody can hear us. 
April: I don't care. Anyway, my idea is this: Talk to them. Get to know them. 

Melanie: I suppose if I continue to understand who they are, maybe my mind will change. I'm glad you understand, April. 
April: Hey, I won't judge you for who you are. 
Melanie: Thank you. 

April: You're my friend, Mel. Maybe we're different but we're friends because we are. I will help you whenever you need me. 
Melanie: What did I do to deserve to be friends with April Landon? 
April: I'm not that special. 

Melanie: No, you are. You're helping me and that makes you important to me. 
April: I always want to help, Mel. 
Melanie: I need to return to this tour. 
Those two are waiting for me outside. 

April: Okay, I'll see you soon.


Cassandra: This is your new home while you stay with us. 
Welcome home, Viola. 
Viola: Can I freshen up soon? My make-up is a mess. 
Cassandra: Our guests aren't allowed to wear make-up. 

 Viola: This place is...nice, I suppose. It's quaint and cosy. Not much room.
Cassandra: You don't need a master bed in here. This isn't a hotel.

Viola: A chairs. They operate in here? 
Cassandra: When we first built this facility, we didn't intend to operate. No room for operating anywhere else. Here would do. 
Viola: Oh. 

Viola: This facility is rather white and blue. Calming colours, I assume.
You wanted to calm the patients? 
Cassandra: Our guests. We wanted to calm them, yes. 
Viola: You don't like the word 'patient' then? 

Cassandra: It is demeaning. Calling them a name other than guests can seem too isolated. 
Viola: So you prefer to be close? 
Cassandra: Yes. 

Viola: There aren't cameras in this room, are there? You won't spy on me. 
Cassandra: We protect our guests and we do that by carefully guarding them. Maybe we can be over-controlling, but it is for a cause. 

*the sound of footsteps can be heard* 

Melissa: You won't catch me! 
Viola: Who is that? 
Melissa: I'll be safe in here. 

Cassandra: I can deal with her myself. 
Please, be comfortable with this room. 
 Melissa: Someone is here! Oh no! Ah!

Cassandra: Melissa, what are you doing out here? If I am not wrong, this is your treatment time. Please head back. 
Melissa: No, I couldn't. 
Cassandra: If I must then. 

Melissa: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! 
Cassandra: I'm sorry if this upsets you, Viola, but our guests tend to experience...unusual tendencies. Such as screaming at inanimate objects and running away.

Viola: What are you doing to her? Stop it! 
Melissa: ...
Viola: Did you...kill her? 

Cassandra: She isn't dead, no. She's merely sleeping.
You would believe that I would kill someone? 
Viola: I don't know what to believe. 

Dorothy: Leave this place. Run. 
Viola: Ah! There... there she is. 
Sean: Listen to her. This place is not safe. 

Casssandra: The voices. They are there, aren't they? Convincing you to leave. 
Viola: They do not control me. 
Cassandra: So you will stay? 
Viola: No. 

Viola: *running away* I couldn't stay here! This is who I am.
Cassandra: We can help you. 
Viola: No, you can't. Stay away from me and my friends. 


Viola: I need to run. 
Derrick: Yes. 
Viola: Where are you? Show yourself, Derrick. 

Derrick: I am right here, Viola. I'm so sorry for your nightmare. 
They threatened me. They told me I'd be obliterated. 

Viola: It's fine, Derrick. I'm happy to see you. To think I might have considered changing who I am. To what? Stay sane. 
Derrick: Stay sane? 
Viola: I don't care if people think I'm insane. I trust you. 

Derrick: I trust you. Now run. They will be coming for you.
Viola: Why? 
Derrick: You know too much. 

Viola: I know too much. This little facility won't be forever. 
Victoria: No, you are right. You are always right. 
Viola: You. I should blame you. 

Victoria: Yes, I will understand if you do. This is mainly my fault. I nearly forced you to change yourself. For what? Society? 
Viola: For myself. I was selfish. 

Victoria: I wouldn't have cared if you destroyed us, but I care that you didn't. Thank you. 
Viola: I guess I can accept that. Thank you for appearing to me.
You woke me up. 

Viola: *running* Now I must leave. 
This place will burn with sin.

Dorothy: Well done, kiddo. I'm very proud of you. You woke up. 
Sean: Sometimes we can be too selfish. We do apologise for attempting to escape through your body. 
Viola: Don't attempt that again. 

Victoria: We won't. 


Next time on The Soul Connection: Melanie, Finn, Justin and April find themselves in contact with the deceased after the discovery of something new. Daniel plots to murder someone closeby. 


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