Two Houses, Season 2: Veteran Edition (Week 4)

Week 4 - First House

And we're back! Hello again, you know me, and this is the second season of Two Houses...Veteran Edition! Last week, we saw Head of Households' Tybalt and Mysti knock down Ted and Carlito, with the latter returning to the game, so soon enough we shall see if Carlito can keep himself here, or be eliminated for good. This week, who will rise, and who will fall? Let's find out.

Marsha: Ahhnahtaah dee, Ahhdreen - 
Adrian: Oh yeah, whatever you said. 
 Marsha: Ahhhhnnaaahtaaaaah deee, Ahdreeen! 
Adrian: Screaming it does not help, it makes it worse - 

Adrian: - and I really don't want you bursting my ear whatevers right now, Marsha, you're annoying enough - 
Marsha: ees not - 
Adrian: My opinion shouldn't matter to you anyway, superstar - 

Marsha: Ewe...ewe theenk ahm saahpeersteer? *she shakes her head* Non, ewe sayed yah 'peenyen maateers naht, sah ooh weel. 
Adrian: Yeah, uhm...
Marsha: Shaash! 
Adrian: This conversation is going sideways - 

Marsha: Ewe deed theese! 
Adrian: Oh believe me, I take full fucking credit. 
Marsha: Lahnguidoiidge! 
Adrian: Yeah, oops, my tongue fucking slipped. 

Adrian: It did it again! 
Marsha: Ewe arrgh...ewe ees naht evan sharr - 
Adrian: My name is Adrian, nice to meet you - 
Marsha: Arrrrgh! 

KT!: Hey, Tyb - 
Tybalt: KT. I thought I would sit and play the piano for a while, considering I just moments ago sent someone home. 
KT!: Don't put grief on yourself, Tybalt - 
Tybalt: It is my fault Ted is gone. 

KT!: Someone had to go home, unfortunately - 
Tybalt: Well, I sent home the house 'I'll put a smile on your face' guy, so yay for me! 
KT!: You put too much effort into the HOH then? 
Tybalt: Guess so. 

The doors open for Carlito, who returns to the game in the first house. 
Carlito: Yo, yo, yo! *he shakes his head* No, wait, what the fuck, that was uncomfortable. I'll just say hey, I guess. 

Carlito: Is anyone even in this house?
Carlito: ...hello? 
Anyone home? 

Carlito: Suppose I'll just walk through these doors then, wow this place is pretty much the damn same...I mean, woah, this place is beautiful...oh right, literally no one is home to hear me.

Marsha: Ahhdreeen, moi hees quacksteen fah ewe! Issa 'beet Izzah.
Caaan ewe teel moi haw ewe deedint knaw shee ees Mahl? Sheh shald hiv mahhd eet SAH AHBIOUS WAHN YA LAAHVE ER! 
Adrian: Well, birdbrain, I didn't love Izzy - 
Marsha: Ewe creepo thaaan! 
Adrian: You must not understand how I work...

Carlito: Oh, hello there - 
Marsha: Ahhhdrreen, shash! Ewe hass talkeen nough! Shash! 
Adrian: Marsha, I think you need to just settle down about this - 
 Marsha: Non! Non! Non! Maaarsha wheel naht yett -

KT!: Oh hey, Carlito. 
Carlito: Oh thank god, someone can see me. 
KT!: Of course I can! Hehe, I'm not blind!
Carlito: It's good to see you, KT! 

KT!: Guys, we have a new houseguest. He was in Abnormality, I think he won his season? Yeah...sounds right. 
Tybalt: Hey dude. Welcome! 
KT!: I'm starting to think there is more to this game...hmm, maybe not.
Rebecca: It's Carlito! Woah! 

Carlito: Hello, then. I'm Carlito - 
Carlito: Skye??
Tybalt: I...I guess those two know each other...ah right. 

Skye: Hi. Hi there. It's been a while. 
Carlito: It has. Hey, Skye. 
How've you been? 
Skye: Uh, alright. I was HOH at one stage. Yeah. And how about you, dude? Trying to win again, I see...

Carlito: Ah, yep, I'll see if I can try...stupid people trying to vote me out. 
KT!: What...what was the last bit? 
Carlito: Huh? 
Skye: Carlito is here! He's a comp beast, you guys. He's gonna knock us all out, he beat me, you know, yeah, woah. 

Skye: They should not have let you back here, man. You've already won! Tryhard, am I right? 
Carlito: I'm sure I'm not the only winner - 
Rebecca: Yeah...maybe I'm winning Zero Privacy - 
Skye: won! Greedy, Carlito always was - 

Carlito: I would not call myself greedy...if anything, competitive. I am competitive. And I am again. 
Skye: Well, good to have ya, buddy! 
Carlito: Have you guys had the comp yet? 
Skye: Not yet...

Rebecca: It's not great having those two together again. 
KT!: I agree. It's...suspicious. I'm beginning to worry they know...eliminate us and make it Abnormality all over again. 
Tybalt: I doubt it. He'll be gone next week. 
Rebecca: What makes you so sure? 


Second House

In the other house, the contestants settle into the night - no surprise guests for them tonight. Devra is dancing to the beat of the music. She is chill. 

Diane: There we go, Mysti - another week down. 
Mysti: just arrived, Diane White. 
Diane: Ah, yes...I did...didn't I? 
Mysti: Yup. You did. 

Grape: I was meaning to say something to you, Ben, once the whole eviction thing happened. 
Ben: What's up? 
Grape: Oh, uh... I just wanted to say, even though...even though we weren't in danger, I'm glad you're still here...I guess that. 

Ben: Grapey! That's so sweet. 
Grape: It's the matter to me. 
Ben: matter to me too. 

Grape: Ben is...well, he's so right for me in my life right now, I guess. I didn't expect to come into this game and meet someone like him. Sure, it's sudden, and sure, I still want to win this thing, but...I'm just glad we're here another week. Hopefully longer. Gotta win the next challenge, I guess. 
God, I just want to spend more and more with him. 

Ben: It's interesting, knowing I have Grape here with me. Outside of the house, he's...he'd be different to who I would meet, really, because he's...well, Grape is purple, and I'm just your average...average Ben. It's crazy and...and yet...I don't feel crazy, or foolish, or in over my head. I feel content, being with him. Yeah. I like Grape. I don't want to leave this house without him...if that makes me sound clingy already. 


Mysti: Sneaky-sneaking past the sleepy-sleeping...should be a game, ooh a competition this season! You hear that? A competition where you sneak! And sleep! Man, I love sleep. 
[Don't we all, Mysti, don't we all.] 

Devra sits down at the piano, perhaps to tickle the keys. 

Devra: Oh, this applesauce, so good. 
Just nom on it all day.
Thank heavens for the piano here. 


The Very Next Day in the First House

KT!: Ahh! Water! Why do we have to fix these stupid sinks? 
My's all drenched. 
*she pauses, briefly* Wait...nevermind, it's fine, I'm completely dry, guess the water somehow does not affect me when I fix the sink and it splatters all over. 

Rebecca: Uh...Adrian? 
Rebecca: look like you just remembered something horrible, or...I don't know, saw a ghost...
Adrian: …I've never seen a ghost. 

Rebecca: You alright then, buddy? 
Adrian: I...I don't know. 
Rebecca: Maybe you need to air out your frustrations in the diary room? That's what it's for, you just stare into a camera and mumble off stuff to an unsuspecting audience. 

Adrian: Rebecca...
Rebecca: What? Don't like my commentary? 
Adrian: It's not that...
I sent something...something gross to...Izzy...after the season wrapped...when I found out she was the Mole, and...and tricked me. 

Rebecca: Oh my...did you send her a pic of know...down there? 
Sexual harassment, dude. 
Adrian: No, I wish! 
I...I sent her a...a mole...and probably died! 
Rebecca: Uh...that's wild, dude. 

Adrian: Ugh...I know! 
Rebecca: Like literally wild, moles are not pets, aren't they blind? 
Maybe you should've kept the mole, dude. 
Adrian: Not helping! 
Rebecca: Right...okay, sorry. 


Marsha: Gahhhed mahrnein! Maaaaaarshie Maaaaarsheel heaar! Ewe knaaaw wheet tahdee ees? WHAATE LEEGEEN PARTEEY! 
Moi haas 'er leegins ahn, aahnd wheel ackes teh faahloo 'tessteents tah jahn 'er! ...Dah ewe reemeemba teh whaate leegin parteey in Hahhnt ah Beh Hahhnteed? Sahhhh mooch fahn! Yah! Yeet! Hahe. 

Baah-baah dairy moom! Saah ewe nahzt tahm! 

Marsha: Moi thaght tah maaakh baakin eegs fah braakfeast. 
Moi rahmemes frahm hamh, maahther taaaght moi. Mahthor's nam ees Maardia, lahk preenciss, yah nooow. Maardia! 
Shhee ees prahbleh waaatcheen nahw! 

Marsha: Lahhk these, Maah! 

Marsha: Eeeee, nah, foopsheee! 
Foopshee, hehehe. 

Marsha: Moi sharr haape thees dahhshwisher dahs naht 'plaahde ahn moi! Wahd naht leek tah beh blahnd appeert! 
Blamm! Maarshie deed! 

Rebecca: I...the way I see it, you made a silly mistake. You sent...a live the ex-Mole, Izzy, and...and maybe you didn't ventilate perfectly, and...and maybe you didn't leave enough food for it. 
Rebecca: What if I told you I was just messing? 
Rebecca: I tell you you're a fucking mess, Adrian. 


Carlito is attempting to make a good impression on his fellow housemates by cleaning the bathroom. He found the mop, good on him. 
Carlito: Was it the sink? Was it broken? 

Skye: Yup. It's fixed, thank the Watcher. 
Carlito: Yeah, stupid sink...say, Skye? 
Skye: What's up, Carlito? 

Carlito: You can win the HoH this week, huh? 
Skye: I can certainly try, whatever they throw at me - I am Skye, I can do this, hear me...I don't know, throw down? 
Carlito: Good. 
Skye: I like the sound of 'good'. 

In the kitchen, Marsha just...pours a bowl of eggs into that frying pan...which does not look like it could hold that much, but okay. 
I just imagine it splashing so much. 
Marsha: Carfeel, carfeel…

Marsha: Parfait. 
Yep. Like the food. 
Marsha: Haaay, Rabeeka! Tahny! 
Adrian: My name is Adrian, but okay. 
Marsha: Moi ees mahkeen braackfeast! 

Marsha: Ewe ees clahneen thin, Ska. 
Skye: Yep, I am. It's so wet around here, probably because like everything is broken! Holy moly, why does no one fix things? 
Marsha: dahs nit fahxt tings, non. 

Marsha: Shee? Bacckin eegs! 
Adrian: Oh, Marsha made breakfast. 
Marsha: Moi saaah arhleeah! Ugggh, Tahnee! Stoopid. 

Rebecca: Now that Adrian has finished pranking me - really, dude, you tried again after the Mole one, trying to convince me you like, I think I would've caught on earlier if this puss-loving was all a lie. I was saying - 

Adrian: Didn't you know Tybalt and I cuddle when no one else is around, and sometimes...boy, sometimes we kiss! don't even want to know what I mean when I ask him to go downstairs...
Tybalt: Ha...wait, no, don't involve me in this!
Adrian: Sorry, dude. 
Rebecca: I give up. 

Marsha: Moi paht tah mooch paaper. 

She resurfaces! 
KT!: While everyone was just enjoying their morning, I was fixing stuff...don't know why I bother, this isn't my house, but...I could be over hosting the Mole but instead I'm fixing clogged sinks and sparking dishwashers. 
Yay. Goooooo K-T! 

Rebecca: Adrian just tried to explain to me what happened on the way to the forum, so I gave up, yet again, just gonna go outside, I think. 

Yeah this house is a mess. 


The house is without buzz, without traffic, without fuss. least this small section of it, for no one has been in the living room for an hour or so. 
Why? Because we closed it, okay. Why? 
NEW DOOR! Why? Why all the questions? What is this, an interview? 

Can't I surprise the housemates when I wanna? 
KT!: Oh my god! 
Yep, in the trash too! 
KT!: It's empty! Someone else did it! 
I kid. 

KT!: Hang on a sec...

KT!: That wasn't there before...oh my, no! There was a beautiful picture up on that wall! Ugh. Instead of some door. 
Sorry, no...I think KT! woke up in an awkward position on the bed this morning, maybe one of my legs went numb...

KT!: Woah! 
See, I can do surprises...

KT!: A sink...we already have one of those. Are you serious? 
Just a new sink...and some seating. 
Oh and more fucking cleaning supplies! Terrific! 

KT!: Are you telling me...we have to do laundry without even a washing machine? What is this, the middle ages? 
Can I call my agent? 
*she inhales - exhales* I'm sorry, sorry. I'm okay with this, I suppose. 

That's right, folks! It's laundry time! 
For this week, the contestants will suffer, I guess, through washing their clothes by hand, instead of having a...I just realised the very Australian description I was about to give probably looks really weird written out. You-beaut. Hmm. I wonder if that is correct. The you-beaut washing machine. 
It's not there, yeah. 

No dryer, either. Just this thing - two posts and some wire. I kid, I know what it is, I have one here, at home, beyond this screen and keyboard and such. Clothesline. Didn't we invent them, wait no that was the hills-hoist. We had one of those at the old house. 

Sorry, back in action! 

Adrian: Why do we not have a house-pet? 
Tybalt: I don't know, dude. We should. 
Adrian: Nothing is nipping at my feet and it feels weird. 
Tybalt: …maybe I'm the house pet. 

Marsha: Eet ees tahm, cahntesstints. Ewe hash bin wahteen fah thees fah sahh ling, lahk ahhl seesion! ees 'ere tah teel yah wheet 'boot tah happen...…………………….

Marsha: Rood. 

Today's competition is...interesting. Know what this thing does?
It makes music! 
Today, the contestants will be remixing their own tunes, and uploading out there into the real world (Sims world) to see what the public thinks - but don't worry, all will be unbiased, because it's the Sims, okay. 

Side note: rip Marsha. 

KT!: Woah, this is so cool! 
KT will be uploading a song titled KT Latey. 

Rebecca will be uploading a song titled In Two Places at Once. 
Rebecca: I've done stuff like this before, but I'm goes. 

Marsha: Moi ees een mah groouveh! 
Marsha will be uploading a song called No Dah Taigur (Remix!) 

Skye: Okay...I might be getting the hang of this...or maybe not...who knows...I'm trying, I guess. 

Skye will be uploading a song titled Skies. 

Carlito: Come on, Skye. 
God I wish I could be participating. 
Skye: Okay, I'm done! 
Up for a match of foosball, dude?  

As reigning Head of Household, Tybalt will not be competing this week - so, from the sidelines, he watches, wishing he could, no doubt. 
Tybalt: I'd name my piece...The Train

Adrian: I'd like to dedicate this to someone great...myself. Ha. 
Adrian will be uploading a song titled What Izzy Lost. 

Second House

Devra: We...we do not have this sort of thing in the...back home. I was never a tech kid, I suppose, I liked more delicate things, or if anything...things were manual, forceful. So, uh...what buttons do I press? This one? 
Devra will be uploading a song titled Princess.

Devra: Huh. Fun. 

Leroy will be uploading a song titled Locked in a Cage With Someone You Don't Want to be Locked in a Cage With. 
Leroy: This is fun! Beat. Beat. Beat. 

Ben: Come on, this to save yourself, and Grape. 
Ben will be uploading a song titled Doro. 

Diane will be uploading a song titled The Bless, The Bliss (of a Chef), because she was stumped, and a cameraman suggested it, and she said sure. 
Diane: This is...all to new for Diane, put her back in the kitchen...well, don't do it with that phrasing! Gosh. 

Grape: Last but not least. 

Grape will be uploading a song titled It's Not Easy Being Purple. 
Grape: Okay, there we go, I'm happy with that. 
And with that, the HoH challenge has been completed. The results, unlike usual, will come in momentarily. Keeps you on the edge of your seat, huh? 


First House

Skye: Watcher whyyyyyy?
Carlito: Skye? What's the matter? 
Skye: I...I can't remember what day it is. We need some system in front of our eyes that tells us the date. 
Carlito: Would be super handy. 

Skye: …Carlito? Where'd you go? 
Carlito: Push ups! 
Skye:'re doing them, right? It's not a made-up place in your head where women actually like you? 
Carlito: Oh...*he pushes himself up* that's just low, Skye. 

Rebecca: It's been going well, so far. I don't feel threatened, I suppose, if that's what you were hinting at. I, of course, want to be safe this week, and maybe I have a chance, but I don't's all a guessing game at this point...although some people I could probably cross off. 
Maybe not. They might surprise me. 

I'm gonna head out, now. It's always nice to just sit down and chill. I say I can do that in here, not just in this room. Which, by the way...what kind of theme is 'unfinished'? Weird. 

Tybalt: Hey, K - hey, what's the matter? 
KT!: Look behind me. 
Tybalt: *he makes a point to glance around her* 

KT!: The sink's broken again, and no one else has bothered to touch it. So, here I am, about to get my clothes wet-but-not-wet, and no one says anything of a 'thank you', or 'your bonus is you are safe' to me. 
Tybalt: You can take a break, you know - 
KT!: Oh! I can't! 

Tybalt: KT!...please, go sit down...let me handle it? 
KT!: You, and every other man! I don't need to be bossed around like that! 
Tybalt: I...I wasn't making this about gender! 
KT!: It's okay, Tybbs...I can fix it. 

Tybalt: Okay...but don't forget that I offered. 
KT!: Of course...*grumbles* stupid sink. 
Tybalt: I'll see you around, KT!


Later that day...
The day went by fairly uneventful. Contestants had conversations about cheese, shoes, the weather, gnomes, the new features...the like. 
KT! fixed things. 
KT!: The best shower...this week, at least. I needed that. 

KT!: Oh, the laundry needs to be done? No thanks. 

Sometime later...
Tybalt: I guess I can do the laundry. Nothing else to do. 
Plus...KT! did a lot today, mind you. She was just in here, but I can understand why she skipped out on it. It's not a hassle. 

Meanwhile, downstairs...KT! begins preparations for dinner. The bacon and eggs - or bacckin eegs - leftover from this morning begin to smell on the countertop. Someone (literally me) forgot to put them away in the fridge. 
Idiot. Waste of Marsha's hard work. 

KT!:'re doing the washing? I'm sorry, for just leaving it...any other day, I will. It's just been a lot. 
Tybalt: I know, and it's fine. It's best we all pitch in anyway. 
KT!: Speaking of...where is everyone? 
Tybalt: would I know? 

In the backyard. 
Tybalt: This is about to take forever. 

Tybalt: People are so messy, damn. 

He continues to scrub, finally washing one t-shirt. 
Tybalt: Yep...I'm going to be here all night. 

*Carlito hums to himself*
KT!: Carlito! There's a someone! 
Carlito: Oh, hey there, Katie. 
KT!: It''s KT!...but sure. 

Rebecca: Hey...why don't we try to do something tomorrow night, for the whole house? 
KT!: Like what? You all fix things and clean while I just sit back with a drink in my hand, sipping away my woes. 
Rebecca: Huh? 
Adrian: Maybe like a movie night or something? 

Tybalt: Okay....I've only got this left, a pair of...oh...underwear. 
Men's…I should respect privacy. 
He finishes washing the clothes, after what for him probably felt like an eternity. Poor buddy. 

He begins to hang out the washing. 
Tybalt: You know, it was probably Adrian's, the looks old, a pair he's just worn a lot...spare pair, I hope. 

Tybalt: Goddamn this is boring. 
But...I'm almost done entirely. 
A lot better than witnessing murder. 

Tybalt: You know, I might've complained during, because after a while doing all the work is so tiring, but...well, people can thank me now for doing something. I'm about to head to bed, after I take a shower, so that'll be nice - to just sleep off the suds. No dreams of suds, thank you. 

 The Next Day

The contestants begin to rise for the new day - who knows how long they have been here for? It could have been decades...nah! It could not have been, silly. 
Marsha: Eees pahfait dae fah whaat leegin partee. 

KT!: Good morning, Adrian - 
Adrian: Yeah, morning to you too. 
It's the day I found out I'm HoH, huh? 
KT!: You can't be so sure it'll be you...

Adrian: Oh it will be me. 
KT!: I don't might be me. 
Adrian: Whatever you think...that's your mind. I need to pee. 
KT!: I need to pee more. 

Skye: It's not gonna be either them. 
It's gonna be me. 

Downstairs, Marsha, dressed in her sleepwear reminiscent of every randomly generated outerwear in the Sims 3 lately - I swear, a sim can't not wear bright red gloves when it's snowing - enjoys her oatmeal. 

Adrian: Man, I wish I had laser eyes, or something. 
Carlito: What for? To blast away your unmade breakfast? 
Adrian: One use for it, yeah. 
Carlito: Are you gonna stop daydreaming and cook, or - 

Marsha: Moi weeshes moi heed lahseer aahs tah blisst 'aters! Teey nahnd tah bee pahhhneeeshed! Blahnk, blooonk! 
Adrian: What...what if you accidentally hit a non-hater? 
Marsha: Owwie...wahll, ohh 'ell, sharrcks.

Adrian: Oh - oh well, shucks? Oh damn, Marsha. 
Marsha: Thaay mahst eeve ben een da waigh? 
Adrian: I'm gonna get back to making this breakfast. 
Damn. They must have been in the way. 

Carlito: You almost done over there? 
Adrian: Me? I just walked over - 
Carlito: Ah, right. 
Adrian: Shame you'll have to be patient. 

Rebecca: Yo - 
Adrian: Sup, Rebecca. 
Rebecca: laundry is already a mess, and we need to sort it out. The basket upstairs is getting filled too quickly, and, well...let's take a look outside. 

Rebecca: There is clothes still drying on the line, so how exactly can we start washing more clothes to dry out? I...I just don't want the bathroom to start to smell, you guys. 
Marsha: Yahhh…thit ees doosgahsteen! 
Rebecca: I wish we had a dryer. 
Adrian: I didn't even realise we were supposed to do washing now. 

Carlito: Why ain't the clothes on the line dry yet...well, really, when did someone put them out there? 
Rebecca: I don't know. But I want the dirty stuff off the floor, if we can. 
KT!: One step ahead of you. 

KT!: Probably useless, considering the clothes on the line are still drying, but...but I will figure out somewhere to put these clothes while we wait. 
Least I can do is wash them. 

Carlito: Who were you most aligned with, before I came into the house? 
Skye: Uh...well, I guess I didn't have a strong alliance. Waiting on you, sir. 
Carlito: Now will be your chance. 

Someone makes their way to the diary room. 










Rebecca, with her song titled 'In Two Places at Once' won the Head of Household competition. She has just been informed now. 
Rebecca: Oh, hell yeah! 

Rebecca: My first win of the season. The ball is in my court. 
This is exciting stuff, coming right off the whole laundry debacle...which reminds me, can we have a dryer? Can I declare that as Head of House? No...damn. Well, this is my week. Let's rock this place. 

KT!: Well, I finished washing. The clothes on the line are almost dry, well, they are pretty much dry, so I took them down, and put up the newly-washed clothes. Yep. I'm off to shower and get dressed. 

Rebecca: Good news. 
KT!: I...I guess it is? 
Rebecca: No...I have good news. 
KT!: Ohh...good news, then. 

In the downstairs bathroom, Carlito can be found looking at himself in the mirror. Casually. Nothing to see here, really. He's casual. 
Carlito: How you doing? 

Carlito: No! Ugh. That looks so bad. You look ugly. Pathetic. 
Why am I even in here? I'm a god. I look like a god. 
External monologue, shut up. Dammit. 

Carlito: I will win next week, and I will take down the threats, and I will make friends with everyone to keep me safe, so I can knock them down, one by one. This competition will be mine. 

Nah, I'm just messing! …or am I? 


Second House

The Head of Household has yet to be announced in the second house, and I also think it's yesterday - I do believe I rearranged things for the sake of nicer flow into the challenge, and then it just...well, something happened. 

It doesn't really affect how you enjoy it, however. You'll still enjoy it. 
Look! It's Devra! 

Devra: Hehehehehe. 
Devra, ladies and gentlemen. 
The faces she gives sometimes could fill a book. 

Devra: I'm going to go find something to do, sitting here is boring. 
And with that, Devra stands up for herself. 
Just like any regular human would. 

Devra: I will admit sometimes it can get quite...well, depressing...if I am to be honest. Some days, sure, it is the greatest thrill ride, and two guys are fighting over you, but then...then there is a great lethargy, and no one does much other than eat and sleep. Eat, sleep, and complain, because we all love to complain. No, it is not so boring all time...just sometimes. 

Grape: Oooh, chocolate cake. 
Ben: Cut me a slice, if you - wait...why is there chocolate cake? 
Grape: I...don't know, no one baked it. 
Ben: Maybe it's not even real then...poke it. 

Mysti: Yeah...that is a fake cake. Almost took a bite myself, and then...nope. Fake cake. Fake stooped cake. 
Grape: Oh well. 
Ben: No other leftovers then? 
Mysti: Yeah, I bet we're all out of food. 
Who even stocks these fridges? 

Ben sits down to eat food, perhaps the last of the leftovers. 
Grape: I think I'm just gonna snack. 
Ben: Okay, Grapey!

In the kitchen, Diane cleans the floor, while Mysti begins cooking something, perhaps cookies, and Leroy aims to get in the way of the two women. 
Leroy: Good - 
Diane: Step back, Leroy. It's already crowded in here without you coming in to be in the way of us. 
Leroy: Okay, ladies, I'll come back later. 

Ben: Just washing my plate, don't attack me too, Diane - 
Diane: …washing your plate? Where is it? 
Ben: In my inventory, I think. 
Diane: Ah. Well, be quick. Wait...never mind that, take all you need, it's practically empty in the kitchen all the sudden. 


Devra: Hi, Grape. 
Grape: Devra. Hey. How are you? 
Devra: I am doing well, I think. 

Grape: Yeah, alright. Better when I know the HoH, hopefully. 
Devra: Yeah. That's understandable. 
Speaking of...I was not lying when I said I no idea what I was doing. I bet I flopped in the challenge. So...I guess you can count me out on winning, one less hurdle, huh. 

Grape: We'll have to wait and see, maybe you'll surprise us. 
Devra: I don't know, Grape...I am not much of a technology whiz, truly...
Grape: I...I suppose I'm just too supportive of everyone, then. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, no...I just want people to succeed, a hard bargain in this game. 

Devra: That it is. 
Grape: Say, Devra - if you ever need someone to help you with the technology sides of things, let me know. I can try my best. 
Devra: Oh, Grape! Thank you! 
Say...I think there is something you could help me with, then...

Mysti: Diane. Hello, earth to Diane...
Diane: *snapping out of it* Oh my! I'm terribly sorry, Mysti, I think I was daydreaming of something that happened some time ago, onboard the Jetsetter...
Mysti: It wasn't someone getting murdered, was it? That didn't happen? 
Diane: …why would I be smiling about that? 

Mysti: heard me -
Diane: Of course I heard you. I have exceptional hearing. 
Mysti: …why have I not heard of this until now? 
Diane: I never mention it, darling. 

Mysti: Could I...I don't know, could I use that to my advantage? 
Diane: Diane White is not a spy, Mysti - 
Mysti: No, no...not for game purposes. 
Diane: I'm intrigued. 

Ben: Night, ladies - I'm off to bed. 
Mysti: The fuck, it's bedtime already? 
Diane: I suppose it is - and language, darling. 
Ben: Yep...night! 


The Next Day

Time is beginning to align once more, as a new day is welcomed in the second house. Devra, the first to wake up, heads for the bathroom, and then downstairs to the kitchen, for breakfast. 

Grape: It's a la-di-da-di-day, isn't it? 
Good morning, all. 
No one responds. 
Grape: Shower time!

Leroy is next to wake, after Devra, Grape, Ben and others, and soon everyone is heading downstairs for their morning routine - wake, eat, dress, or any other revised alternative. Eat, wake, dress? Dress, eat, wake? Hmm...probably not. 
Waking comes first, it would be. 
Leroy: *coughs* Not sick today, Leroy. 

[Sorry, this picture is mostly to comment on how cute Devra is with her rosy-red cheeks. I believe they came with a mod - she's super flirty at the moment.] 
Devra: Man, I am hungry today. 

Diane: I think I might make us all something for lunch today - maybe a platter, if I can find enough in the refrigerator. Do you think we have much cheese? 
Ben: You can always ask for some. 
Diane: Yes, potentially, I could...
Devra: I will be right back.

Devra, having used the bathroom, is feeling flushed. 
Perhaps a shower, she thinks, and slips off her over-sized t-shirt. 
None of that imagining, you sickos. Cameras - cut away. 

Devra: Feeling a little better, I think. 
Still as cute as ever. Devra heads back downstairs to eat her breakfast, in peace, I would hope. 

Oh wait we have cameras on her. 

[Him too! Two cute, flirty contestants! Such a cutie.] 
Devra: Mind if I sit down beside you, Leroy...I think we should talk. 
Leroy: Oh yeah...sure thing. 
Devra: Perfect. 

[Some of the contestants ate fish for breakfast. I won't judge, but at the same that really the best thing you could find? You do you, I suppose.] 
Ben: It was good, huh? 
Leroy: The fish? Oh yeah, man. It was great. 
Ben: You can thank Diane, as usual. She sure knows her way around the kitchen, and I mean that as the greatest compliment possible. 

Diane: Hello, Leroy - 
Leroy: Thank you for the meal, Diane. I wonder if I say thank you enough, sometimes I forgot to say it to my mum, you know...
Diane: Of course. You're welcome, it was my pleasure. 

Leroy: I...I'll leave you, then, seeing as you're in the bathroom - 
Diane: Oh yes - well, I had just finished in here, actually. 
Leroy: Well, I'm headed downstairs, are you? 
Diane: I will accompany you. 

Mysti: Just the man I wanted to bump into! 
Grape: I missed bumping into you, when you were...well, not in the same area as me. It's been great having you back. 
Mysti: I'm thinking...Locomotive reunion! 
Grape: …I'm up for heading to the underworld then. 

Someone makes their way to the diary room. 










Leroy, with his song titled 'Locked in a Cage with Someone You Don't Want to be Locked in a Cage With' won the Head of Household competition. He has just been informed now. 
Leroy: Oh yeah! Score! 
This is amazing news, you guys. 

Leroy: Attention, houseguests! …I really need a pot or something, like a gong maybe, to bang on, to get their attention...Houseguests! It's time for the nomination ceremony! Head to the dining table, would you please? 

Leroy: Thank you all for coming, cause yeah, I'm the Head of Household for the week! Yay! Yay I get it, you all wanted to be Head of Household yourselves, but...well, that just does not happen, it's only ever one! 
Ben: Stupid rule. 
Leroy: Two of you will be going up on the block, and at the end of the week, one will be eliminated. 

Leroy: My first nominee, and the first person up on the block for this week is....







Leroy: Diane. I'm terribly sorry, Diane, but we haven't connected as much as I would've hoped, and your...well, your cooking doesn't match to the future of my game. 
Diane: Well...have fun eating messy slop when I am gone...oh, I am kidding, of course! I understand, Leroy. 

Leroy: And I nominate you, Grape, for a similar reason. I'm again, terribly sorry, but this game forces us to make tough decisions, and one of the two of you will be leaving us at the end of the week. 
Grape: I understand, dude. The life of the HoH is riddled with tough choices. 

Leroy: That it is, my man. 
With that, the nomination ceremony is adjourned. 
Grape, Diane - feel free to come up and talk to me now if you want, and we can chat in my HoH room too! 

Ben: Grape - 
Grape: I'm not gone yet. Don't fret. 
Ben: I'm not, not yet...I just don't want you gone, and I'm...I don't know, like maybe we enough to keep you, but then - 
Grape: Diane. I don't wish to see her gone either. 

Ben: I'm just glad it's not time to say goodbye yet. 
Grape: Me too, Ben. 

Diane: I understand why you did this, Leroy...I am a relative newcomer, and you had much more time to get to know the others...I suppose I am just worried for myself, and there is nothing to that that you can do, even as the Head of the Household. I am sorry, Leroy, I will stop talking now...

Leroy: I know what you are rambling on about - 
Diane: I am not rambling - 
Leroy: No...I understand where you come from. You are worried it will be you, who leaves this week. I get that. There is, as you said, nothing more I can do - I nominated you, now it is your turn in this game. 

Diane: I know...I couldn't not know this, Leroy. 
Leroy: I know you don't want to sound disrespectful, Diane - disrespect isn't something you know how to do. I...I think it would help you to go and think, somewhere private and alone. 
Diane: You see where I am coming from, Leroy? 

Leroy: I do...and I am sorry, Diane. 
Diane: I know you are. 
Mysti: It's not the end of the world, Diane. You are not dead. You have chances, like campaigning, seeing how you can keep yourself in the game. 
Devra: Never give in, Diane White. 


First House

Carlito: Where'd she go? Is this common for her? 
KT!: For Rebecca...uh, I don't think so, she'll be here any minute now! 
Marsha: Shay, aarh, beetah! 
Tybalt: Don't fret, fellow houseguests. 

KT!: I'm sure she's just, like, figuring out who she wants nominate - like, giving it the final touches, to make sure she doesn't say Blue instead of...yeah. 
Carlito: Leaving it to the last minute? What a HoH. 
KT!: You can't hurry perfection! 

Marsha: Yaaash, sahmteems ewe cin! Lahk moi, lewk eet moi! Moi wash ahrlee babbeh, rashed, ehnd lewk eet moi! Parfaitshion! 
Adrian: I would not call you perfection...
Tybalt: can talk. 
Marsha: Moi ees spahtleeight 'zampel ahf parfaitshion. 
Whaate leegin parteey laatah? 

Skye: Hey, I hear a door opening - 
Adrian: Prolly just the wind, love. 
Skye: Yeah, 'bout to be me knocking it out of you, love
Tybalt: Okay - settle down, Skye, Adrian. 

Rebecca rushes inside, cold. 
Rebecca: Damn, it's freezing out there. 
Why the heck was I outside? 
[Yeah, we have no clue. She was so far away from home.] 
[Rebecca: Far From Home.] 

Adrian: She could be hours, or more - 
Marsha: Moi wheel pah moiseelfah wahteen fah Reebahkiee - 
KT!: You three! Sit yourselves back down! 
Tybalt: …I just need to stretch my legs. 

Rebecca: You all heard KT!, sit down, now, or else I auto-nominate those who want to complain about me taking my time, no matter if you're my closest friend or not. Sit. Back. Down. 
Marsha: Oohkah, seeteen bahk dahmn. 
Adrian: Yep, rather not go home this week. 

Rebecca: Now that we are all present, I can officially begin the Nomination Ceremony. As Head of Household, I will nominate two contestants for eviction at the end of the week. Carlito, as intruder, cannot be nominated, as he could not compete in the Head of Household competition either. 

Rebecca: I am nominating…
Marsha: Maash, moi harp eet naght moi…
Tybalt: Oh please, not me. 
Adrian: It won't be me, for sure. 












Rebecca: I have chosen to nominate you, Skye, because you are a past threat to the game, and you and I have connected less as people, and more as game power moves, and you, Marsha, because in your time in this house, you have not proved yourself to be someone I can work with, so unfortunately I will be nominating you. 

Rebecca: That concludes today's nomination ceremony. 

Marsha: Moi ees nahmeentaighted...aahgin. 
Skye: I understand why you have nominated me, Rebecca. I think, still, however, I'd like to talk to you in private about something you said - 
Rebecca: If you want to...I'm going to go have a warm shower first though. 

And with that, the nominations are locked. 
For the first house - Rebecca has nominated Skye and Marsha, so who will be evicted at the end of the week? Will we see one contestant with no more chances? 
For the second house - Leroy has nominated Diane and Grape, so who will face up against the other side to attempt to stay in the game? Will we see one contestant with no more chances? 

Find out soon. Thank you for watching. 



First House 

Carlito: Well, ain't this fun? 

Carlito heads back inside, and I welcome you all back to Two Houses! How's everyone been? I hope good, I hope not bad. I hope you are all ready for more of these wonderful contestants, coming at you right now!
Let's do this thing, shall we? 

Adrian: Hahaha, you should've seen your face! 
Tybalt: Yeah, uh...what the - Adrian? 
Adrian: I'm...I'm so damn good - hahahaha! 
Tybalt: Yeah, still waiting on an explanation...

Adrian: I got you so good! 
Tybalt: Yeah...okay, then, Adrian.
Adrian: didn't see that coming! Oh man! 

Tybalt: You - 
Adrian: Got you soo good, dude! Hahaha! 
Tybalt: You only flicked my nose, but, uh, okay then - 
Adrian: You thought your shirt was stained! Hahaha! 

Skye: Good day, Carlito. 
Carlito: ...good day to you too, Skye. Everything alright? 
Skye: Indeedy-do. 
Carlito: Yeah, okay, good. 

Rebecca: Oh hey, Adrian. 

Adrian: Good day, Rebecca, and how you doing today? 
Rebecca: Yeah, I'm alright. Just laid down the law, put some nominees up, that sort of thing, doing my bidding one day at a time. Life's decent. 
Adrian: Life's good. I'm safe again. 
Rebecca: You're welcome. 

Adrian: Our alliance continues then. Goodie. 
Rebecca: As long as you don't fuck around, I think it will. 
Adrian: Good days to do business with you, Rebecca. 

Rebecca: Haha, got him! 
Adrian: *shocked, literally* Arrroooogggghhhh. 
Rebecca: We play pranks just like you, Adrian! Hah! Thought you could trick Tyb and get away with it! Booyah! 

Adrian: Oh, you did not just say "booyah"...
Rebecca: ...yeah, little cringe, huh? 
Adrian: Dog move, Rebecca. 
Rebecca: Boy, you really hate the word booyah then - 

Adrian: Not what I meant - 
Rebecca: Oh, I know! I got you again!
Damn, this is fun. I've gotta prank you more often. 
Adrian: I hope you anticipate my revenge then...
Rebecca: I'm sorry...what was that? Haha....

Carlito: So you see, that's how I made sure no one knew I stole a cookie from the cookie jar...
KT!: I wanna learn that! Man, stealing cookies must come so naturally to you then...
Carlito: It takes time, KT, I must admit. 
KT!: I have all the time in the world in here! 

As the housemates settle into their daily routines, Marsha has an announcement to make...
Marsha: Haaahllooo eeevraween! Ees tahm fah what leeginn - 
We now cut to the second house. 


Second House

Diane takes another sip from the glass of water - it is refreshing, it tastes like waterfalls and rainbows and unicorns - wait, no, it does not taste like unicorns, it the sensation of seeing a unicorn? The sensation of tasting a! Not the taste! I will shush. 

I hope I amuse you with my weirdness. 

Mysti: It'll be okay, in the end. We'll keep you safe. 
Grape: I know, but - 
Mysti: You're not going anywhere, Grapey. 
Ben: *he smiles* I'll be sure of it! 

Grape: It's tough. I do think I'm in with a chance to be safe, that I have Mysti and Ben to keep me safe this week but...that means Diane will be going. I love Diane, she's been a close friend ever since we met at one of those...well, they're just a mess of a group outing to meet up with people who share...something in common, beats me if I remember. Diane should stay in the game as much as me, but...well, what do you do? It's tough. 

Ben: Laundry time! Hah, have fun! 
Grape: When are we gonna get an actual machine, huh? 
Ben: Neverrrr! 
Grape: I might be gone this week anyway, what good would a machine do then? Damn. 

Ben: Don't say that...
Grape: Expect the unexpected! I could be gone, come this eviction, which is on a what day, by the way? Like it really feels like the eviction just happens when it's been long enough between the last one? Hmm...
Ben: Nah...I think the producers have it mapped out. 
Grape: You'd hope so. 

Ben: Well, enjoy the laundry, Grapey! 
Grape: Oh yeah, I will - 
Ben: Moppy, moppy, mop the puddlies! 

Sometime later...
Leroy slaps someone. 
??: What the - Leroy?? 
Leroy: Looked like you needed one! 

Ben: Oh...yep, I needed a slap...boy, sure did! 
Leroy: Hahahah, got him! 
Ben: You, hurt my cheek, Leroy - 
Leroy: It's Prank Day! The producers said so! 

Indeed it is. Welcome, all, to this year's Prank Day! That, then, is why Adrian was poking is a day for the mischief to be considered normal, and pure fun! Let loose and be free, pranksters! This is your chance to be cheeky! 
But not that kind of cheeky...
Ben: Imma get you back, when you least expect it - 

Leroy: Well I'll always expect it now! Mwahahaha!
Ben: Maybe not always, Leroy - 
Leroy: Well...even if you do get me, and it's good, you probably don't want to...maybe I'll just have to nominate you if you do - 
Ben: I...I don't think you can change your nominations - 

Leroy: Well, I've got a secret for you...
Ben: What...what is it? 
Leroy: Well...let me just say... 


Ben: Ow, ow....I think I'll be deaf by the time I go home. Might just need to buy a hearing aid in case, who knows what'll happen to my hearing in this world we live in - ow. 
Leroy: Try pranking me now, nerdboy! 
Ben: I...I need to not stand so close to you right now - 
Leroy: Understandable. 

Calming himself down, Ben snuggles up to read a book, or does his best attempt at snuggling to read a book, because the Sims isn't advanced enough to have more interesting sitting positions on couches, because apparently people sit stiff as a board when they read a book, yeah whatever - Ben enjoys his book, in peace. 

Ben: grumble grumble

Ben: He will pay. Leroy will not see this coming. When he is pranked, he will be stunned to silence, he will want to be auto-evicted from the house - oh I hope so, will that mean Grape will be less on the edge this week? He's so tied up in his thoughts, he doesn't want this week to end - he knows something sad will happen. Okay, back to Leroy! He will paaaaayyyyyyyy! 

Ben: Hello, Leroy. 
Leroy. Ben. Good day. 
Ben: And how are you, then, this fine day? 
Leroy: Rather splendid, myself. Yourself? 
Ben: Rather splendid too. 

Leroy: Come here to prank me, then? 
Ben: Definitely not. 
Leroy: Aw, no? Darn. I was getting excited! 
Ben: You won't see it coming. 

Ben: Trust me. 
Leroy: Oh, I trust you...why I didn't nominate you, friend! I knew you wouldn't prank me, even if you had the chance! 
Ben: Now you think I'm chicken? Wow. That is...unwise. 
Leroy: Oh, is it? 

Diane: Hello, boys, what are we up to over here? 
Ben: Leroy was just telling me he wants to play poker later tonight, if anyone is interested - I think we have a deck of cards hidden in the bookcase over there. 
Leroy: Oh - uh, yeah, I was. I...I think it'd be pretty fun, to get everyone together, not thinking about the game - this bigger game, that is. 
Diane: Sounds interesting, Leroy...

Leroy: Why does she have to play so hard to get? 
Ben: Leroy! Hey, mind teaching me - wait, what's that there? 
Leroy: Mind teaching you what - 
Ben: You have something on your shirt - 
Leroy: I do - 

Ben: Yeah, right there - 

Ben: Oh, guess it was nothing. 
Leroy: Ben - 
Ben: Oh, I need to go to the toilet, I'll be right back, yeah? Hold that thought for one second? 
Leroy: *rubbing his nose* Yup - 

Mysti: Leroy! 
Leroy: Hey there, Mysti, how are you going? 
Mysti: I'm doing great, thanks, yeah, how about you? 
Leroy: I'm - 
Mysti: Shake my hand, will you? 
Leroy: Uh - okay...

Mysti: Thank you for shaking. 
Leroy: Agaaggsagsasahhashaah! 
Mysti: Being dead is almost like this. But worse. I am not killing you, Leroy. 
This is just a prank. Ben asked me to do it. 
You've been pranked. Justice has been served. 
Goodbye, Leroy. Have a great day! 


Diane: You do know how wild a reality show such as Jetset can be, then. It is...wild! Murder is a possibility, even if they suggest no one post-Season 1 will be murdered! I was fearful for my life most of the time, what with someone called the Assassin after me. You don't name someone such a name and then...what, expect them to not be murderous? 
Mysti: I was...I was actually murdered. 
Devra: A rock nearly fell from the sky and killed me! Isn't that how Jamie died? Or...what was that other lady's name? Cruella? 

Ben: Why hello there, Grapey. 
Grape: are things? 
Ben: A whole lot better now...hehe. 
Grape: It's pretty adorable we both wear beanies in this universe. 

Ben: I want you to know you're safe this week, okay? 
Grape: You know how that makes me feel - 
Ben: I had an idea...we'll invite Diane over after all this and host a game night, or something like that...what do you think? 
Grape: Hosting together...I'd love that. 

Ben drifts off, likely daydreaming of the day he and Grape co-host a reality show...make it happen, people, or I will - 
Grape: Ben...hey, Ben? 

Ben: Yeah, Grape...oh, hello...hehe
Grape: I was trying to get your're just so cute. 
Ben: Hey! You're so cute! You're the cute one!
Grape: There doesn't have to only be one, Benny...

Ben: See...I think coming on this show was the best idea I've had...
Grape: Oh, definitely. 
Ben: You're cute. 
Grape: Yep. And you are too! 

Leroy: Heyyy, Devra. 
In the laundry room, perhaps these two have finally found some time talk, of course, nothing more. This is a broadcast show. 
I would not air anything that inappropriate, jeez. 

Devra: Hi, Leroy. 
Fancy seeing you here.
Leroy: Are we going to just avoid the elephant in the room? 
Devra: That this place has no washing machine? I know, how mundane. You would think with someone like me in the house they would avoid such tedious labour and reward me already! 
Leroy: Oh - 

Devra: I mean...I am glad we can wash our clothes, at least, and I am glad that so far others have been selfless enough to wash my clothes for me...I promise I am not the worst human, Leroy. 
Leroy: I never thought you were - 
Devra: I am sorry, Leroy. I'm not myself today...

Leroy: You seem like yourself to me...the Devra I like...
Devra: Are...are you back to flirting with me then, Leroy? 
Leroy: Yeah...yeah, I am, babe - 
Devra: You're quite sexy when you do - 

Grape: Hello, ladies and gents. 
Leroy: Grape. Hey. 
Grape: Just came to check the hamper for dirty clothes - nope, nothing, guess I'll just sit and have a chat with you two then? Unless I'm intruding - 
Leroy: Uh - 

Devra: You are not interrupting, do not stress, Grape. 
Leroy: Uhhh...yeah, no, take a load off, dude. 
Devra: Was there anything you wanted to talk about? 

Grape: Not the eviction, that's for sure! I think I've stressed out enough about it! Better just stick to acting normal and having normal conversations, like how's the weather, or what did you have for breakfast, or are you two enjoying each other's company? That sort of thing. 
Devra: The weather seems fine, last I checked, and I ate oatmeal for breakfast, thank you. 

 Leroy: Uh, yeah...same. 
Grape: ...okay. Fair enough. Good to know. 
Leroy: Yeah, dude. 
Devra: Well, you'll have to excuse me, I must use the lavatory, I will see you at a later time, gentlemen. Good day. 

Leroy: See you around, Devra. 
Devra: See you. 

Diane: Devra, hello! Thought at all about our proposed deal? 
Devra: I...I need to use the restroom, but I will talk later! 
Diane: Of course, take your time. 
Devra: Thank you, Diane. 

Diane: Do you think I have any chance of staying this week, Mysti? 
Mysti: Can I be truthful with you? 
Diane: I fear it is the only way I will feel less unsure.
Mysti: You were an intruder. The chance of you surviving this week...I don't think you can convince enough of us. 

A few of the contestants begin heading to bed after a tiresome day. What will tomorrow give them...or take from them? What will their future hold? 
The moment is them. 

Meanwhile, however, Devra and Leroy eat dinner together downstairs - alone. At opposite ends of the dining table. 
I did not set this up. 
It worked out perfectly. 
Oh, how wondrous Sims can be sometimes. 

Devra: Enjoying your meal, Leroy, sir? 
Leroy: Uh...yeah, I am...but you don't, and probably shouldn't, call me sir...
Devra: Oh, sorry...force of habit. 
Leroy: I assumed so. 

Leroy: Are you...are you enjoying your meal?
Devra: For some reason, I decided on chicken nuggets, so...not quite, frankly. It is...well, greasy. And oily. And bland. 
Leroy: Oh...yeah, right. 
Devra: Yes. An average meal. 

Devra: that we are alone...I must tell you how handsome you look today, even more so if you styled your hair more - 
No, sorry, I should not tell you how to look. 
Leroy: It''s fine, Devra. 
Devra: You do look handsome. 

Leroy: Do I? Oh yeah. 
Devra: Like a farm boy, or stable boy, that level of handsome. 
Leroy: You into the stable boy types? 
Devra: I...I may, perhaps...


First House - 
The Morning After
[a song by Maureen McGovern]

It's a new day in the first house. The contestants are rising, unaware of what today will bring. is eviction day! It's been plenty of time since the last eviction! Yep!
I genuinely don't know. I've lost my concept of time. 
KT!: grumble grumble....I need food. 

Carlito: Hangry too then? 
KT!: Oh yeah. I need food. Fast. Fast food. Haven't had that in a long time, stinking diet, keep me thin for performances, stinking salads. 
Carlito: Rush and have food, KT, you're not yourself when you're hangry. 
KT: grumble grumble

KT!: How are we going on food anyway? Anything good in the fridge? 
Carlito: We're at the end of the week, so no, not really - 
KT!: Fruit! There's fruit! 
Carlito: I don't know if I'd call that good - 

KT!: Fruit salad, yummy yummy. 
Carlito: KT not hangry anymore? What, you stole a slice of apple? 
KT!: Steal?! These are our apples, so I'm not stealing nothing! 
Carlito: No, I meant...nevermind. 

Skye: They put Skye on laundry duty...yuck. The clothes are still on the line, this is stupid. Whatever...I want them to keep me this week, hey? Better do their bidding. 

Adrian: Rebecca! 
Rebecca: Adrian, hey! 
Adrian: I would...I would just like to apologize for yesterday, when I did the pranks. It was for a holiday thing the producers said I should do. 
Rebecca: Hey, didn't I prank you? 
Adrian: Oh yeah. 

Adrian: Well...hugs anyway! 
Tybalt: Are you going to apologize to me then? Probably not...
Rebecca: *whispering* Apologize to Tybalt, please. 

Adrian: Selfie with this random phone I found in the diary room! Say...darn, I can't think of anything funny. 
Rebecca: Cheese! 
Tybalt: Thanks for the apology, Adrian. 
Adrian: Of course, dude. 

Carlito: These people are weird. 
KT!: I'll say! 
Carlito: I don't know what else to say...bunch of loons...but not you, KT, of course not. We...we share something in common, don't we?
KT!: Boy, I sure hope it's the sanity thing! 

Marsha: Moi wasshees thit ewe gnaw whet eet wish leek tah beh traaahshparteeed bahk een tahm - maaageecil! Ahm meenaght ewe ees een Hant argh Beh Harnteed 'oushe, thaen ewe ees een Heedahn Spreeengsh! 
Tybalt: I...I have never been to Hidden Springs - 
Marsha: Ewe wahld leek 'et. 

Tybalt: What is there in Hidden Springs, really? 
Marsha: Moi! Wheeel...naht et mahmeent, moi ees 'ere, baht soon! 
[No joke, soon, a new episode of Outside the Target is being prepared!] 
Tybalt: You...that's good. Anything else? 
Marsha: Teh spaaah!! 

Marsha: Kay-teeh ees heeveen fahn! 
Tybalt: Yeah, I'd say so. about a game of foosball? 
Marsha: Ahfteh moi eets? Moi ees hangreeh! 
Tybalt: Of course. Sounds good. 

I don't know if this was meant to serve a purpose, I think I just saw Adrian blushing and thought it would be good for anyone out there who finds this sim of pixels cute. So yeah, Adrian everyone. 
Adrian: Morning ladies. 

KT!: What do you have to be nervous about? I'm sure everyone will keep you around, no one even likes Skye! 
Marsha: R- relly? 
KT!: Yeah! She has, like, too much power as it is! Remember when she won Head of Household! That's powerful! 
Marsha: Wash moi 'ere fahr thees? 

Rebecca: I remember when Aaron read this story to me, and I thought he was bull - making things up - but no, it's real, wow! And they have it here, conveniently. Huh, cool. 
Adrian: I think they have the weirdest collection of books here. 
Rebecca: Hmm...yeah, kinda. 
Adrian: Why am I eating applesauce? 
Yeah that was my fault. He was dangerously hungry. 

Skye: I wonder if I...just scooch over a little, then I'll blend in with the family portrait...wait, no...we're not a family! Silly! 

Skye does not scooch over. 
Skye: If someone were to come in here, they might not even notice me. I probably blend right in...oh wait. I'm too tall. Watcher, nooooo. Darn. 
Oh well. 

Rebecca: What's happening here? Are you all lining up to be Head of Household or something? 
Marsha: Eeesactleh thit! 
Tybalt: KT and Adrian are just having a conversation here. Ask them why we all lined up, it's their fault. 
Adrian: Wow, blame me. 
KT!: You started talking to me! 

Rebecca: Well, if you don't mind - hey, guys...can I just get to my, you know, my room! Guys? 
Adrian: So, as I was saying - 
Rebecca: No 'as I was saying'! I need to use the bathroom! 
Tybalt: Out of the way, Adrian. 

Hello. It is time for the Eviction Ceremony. 
Tonight, Skye and Marsha are nominated, with the threat of eviction looming for one of them. As per usual, neither nominee can vote, nor the head of household, Rebecca. And, as per usual...the potential to return to the game for a second time is possible, but only for Skye this week. 

Rebecca: Okay. Is everyone here? 
KT!: I am! 
Adrian: Yeah, indeed you are. I am too. Are we taking a roll call now then? 
Rebecca: I...I just want to make it easier for us to's not a roll call. 

Carlito: Yeah, the nominees aren't here. 
Rebecca: That...that does not surprise me, but it was my next agenda. I like being Head of Household! It's get to be bossy. 
Carlito: Well then, boss, where are the nominees? 
Rebecca: I, uh - 

KT!: I know where they are! It's okay...
Carlito: And?
KT!: Oh right. We gave them a little help getting ready, and they were just putting the final touches together before heading down here. All good. 
Rebecca: Wait, we? 

KT!: Adrian was helping me! 
Tybalt: Were you, pretty boy? 
Adrian: I...I was trying to help. There's a difference. I probably did the worst job, but...well, doesn't hurt to give it a go. 
Tybalt: Aw, that was sweet of you, Adrian. 

Carlito: Yeah, real sweet
Adrian: You wanna call me gay, don't ya, Carlito? Come on...say it! Say it to my face. Come on. 
Carlito: I think I'm alright, thanks. 
Adrian: Yeah, good. Good. 

As silence falls, Skye enters the eviction ceremony room. 
Skye: Settle down, I'm here! 
Rebecca: Don't worry, guys, Marsha is right behind her. 
Skye: Yeah, she's slower than I am. 

Marsha: Waahweh, weighh tah rooin sahprees! 
Rebecca: Oh...I'm sorry? 
Marsha: Leetahl beet battier. Moi ees 'ere, sah ees tahm tah veet oof. 
Rebecca: Indeed it is. Please take a seat, Marsha. 
Marsha: Ooh mee, frah seetsh! 

Rebecca: Now that everyone is here...everyone is here, yeah? Okay, yeah, I'm not forgetting about anyone...we can now begin the eviction ceremony. 
Marsha: Funsh. 
Skye: I look forward to hearing how the other contestants will vote. 
Marsha: Yash, thit. 

KT! is first to vote. She previously voted to keep Marsha safe, but has not had the chance to vote against Skye. Who will she vote for, and what will it mean for the contestants facing the chopping block? 

KT!: Heyo! Hey to all my fans, and friends, and to everyone watching tonight! You are my people, thank you for supporting! Okay, right, vote time...
I sadly vote to evict Skye tonight, because I just...well, she's a competition threat, and I just don't like her that much! I said it! I think she should go home. Okay, toodles. 

Tybalt has connections with the other contestants not on the chopping block this week, so he will likely side with their decision - or will he have something else on his mind? Let's find out now. 
KT!: Good luck, Tybs! 

Tybalt: I vote to evict Marsha tonight, unfortunately. It was...well, a tough decision, that I wish I didn't have to make but...I just feel stronger towards Skye. Marsha and I may have bonded a little this past week but...I just don't think I could get enough votes to keep her in the game anyhow. I'm sorry. 

Adrian: Hey all! 
I unfortunately have to vote to evict Marsha tonight. Sorry, we had to choose someone. You were an intruder, too. Your shaky safety came with the territory. I'm sorry, Marsha, but this won't come as much of a shock - you'd likely expected we'd keep Skye around. 

Carlito is new to the house, but will his past allegiances account for his vote tonight, or will his new interaction with Marsha change his mind on the game? Let's join him in the diary room and find out. 

Carlito: Oh, it feels weird to be in this room again, but know it isn't the same room, it just looks...and feels, really...the exact same. But it's different, it means something a little different to this house. It's where I vote for different people, people I've come to know this last week. 

It is sad to say, but I vote to evict Marsha tonight. 
But hey, you got your second chance. Just not enough chances to prove yourself, Marsha. Sorry, love. 

With that, it is official - with a vote of 3-1, Marsha Marshall will be leaving the house tonight, and leaving the game for good, no more chances left. 
Skye is therefore safe, and that will end the week in the first house, ending Rebecca's reign as Head of Household. 

Rebecca: I have the, uh...the responsibility of announcing the evictee tonight. 
Yay me. 
KT!: You've got this, Rebecca! 
Rebecca: Thanks...yeah. The nominee going home tonight, with 3 votes to 1, is....

Rebecca: It's you, Marsha, unfortunately. 
Marsha: Deemaht. 
Rebecca: You have a little time to say your goodbyes, and then you will be escorted out of the house...but know we will miss you, Marsha. 
Some certainly more than others. 
Marsha: Vut ees tat baahlsheet? 

Marsha: Moi weeld lahk tah theenk ewe ahl fah beein 'ere fah thees cahmpeetahteeon, eet hash ben ah weeld reed. Moi weel see gahdbees ind dahpeet, lahk moi shield. Think ewe, think ewe. 
KT!: Goodbye, Marsha. I'll see you on the outside.
Tybalt: We all will. 

Skye: You were an...interesting person to face on the chopping block. 
Enjoy life without a camera up close in your everywhere, they can probably see if I have a booger or something...I don't, yeah? 
Marsha: Yah doont, wahdeerdo. 
Skye: Thank god! 
Goodbye, Marsha. 

Carlito: Goodbye, Marsha...and good riddance. 
Rebecca: Did you have something to say, Carlito? That's surprising…
Carlito: No, no, no, I have nothing to say. 
Rebecca: Ah, okay...fair enough. 

Marsha: Wahhl, moi beest bah oof thin - 
Marsha: Argh noot. Okah. 
Rebecca: I wonder what this could be about. 

There is a surprise looming...
The contestants have no clue what will happen. 
What will it be? 


Second House

Before we reveal whatever is happening over in the first house, why not stop by to the second house and host their eviction ceremony? Sounds fair. 
Sorry, where are my host manners. Hello again, it's time for the eviction ceremony to commence. The game is the same - our nominees, Grape and Diane, cannot vote, nor can the Head of Household, Leroy. 

Leroy: Here we go. 
Devra: You have to be smiling, Leroy? 
Leroy: Oh, sorry...I was looking at you, smiling at you - 
Devra: Oh...well, someone is going home tonight! More respect for them. 

Leroy: But - well, you look stunning, Devra - 
Devra: I know...thank you, Leroy. 
Leroy: Of course. 
Devra: Here everyone else comes - the collective. 

Grape: Good luck, Diane. 
Diane: Oh - yes, thank you, Grape. And good luck to you too. 
Grape: Thank you. This is stressful. 
Diane: Oh, you and I both know there is worse - 

Mysti: May I just say we all look totally smoking tonight? 
Ben: I couldn't agree more! 
Grape: Thought I'd look nice if I'm to leave tonight...
Mysti: I love getting to dress up for eviction night! Not so much the night itself...

Grape: Yeah, no one likes getting evicted. 
Diane: But boy is it worth it to see someone we dislike sent packing - 
Ben: Diane! How horrible! 
Diane: Just telling the truth, is all. I will not deny that we have people we dislike...perhaps even in this room. 

Leroy: How about we get things...get things started, then? 
Devra: Unfortunately, I think we must. 
Leroy: It is time to vote, fellow contestants. 
Ben, you are up first. 

Ben has a cutesy relationship developing with our purple friend, Grape, so it is almost safe to assume that is where his allegiance will lie, but will Ben surprise us by switching his vote at the last minute? Let's cross now to find out. 

Ben: Hey all! I'll say a quick hello to my family, everyone, I miss you all, but you can probably tell I'm doing well....I can't wait for you all to meet Grape. Sorry, okay, back on topic...I vote to evict Diane tonight, for obvious reasons. I couldn't dare even think of sending Grape home. I'm sorry, Diane. 

Devra: Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well, the fans of Devra Eden, everyone I worked with while on Hunt or Be Hunted, and Outside the Target (again, coming soon!) 

I vote to evict, unfortunately, Diane because I have formed a stronger friendship with Grape these past few weeks, and I know...unfortunately I expect the majority will vote for you, Diane, nevertheless. I wish you the best of luck, but perhaps...perhaps there can only be one posh lady in the house. 

As majority is two votes this week, it is official who will be headed home this week - and without any second chance, using it up. But first - let's see how Mysti is about to vote. Will she side with longtime friend Grape, from their days together getting murdered or avoiding it, or will she surprise us? Doubtful, but possible...

Mysti: Hey! How've you been? Great? Great.  
I am, sadly, so sadly, voting to evict Diane from the house. It's been a pleasure to meet you, Miss White, but, uh, well...I'm with Grape. Not like with with him, but with him as...alliance buddies? Yeah. I can't see him go home this week, not when I have plans for next week...those plans are best for another diary entry, I'll come back later. 

I'm so sorry, Diane. 

The votes are final. The news must now be broken to the houseguests. 
Again, I will ask the reigning Head of Household, Leroy, to announce which of our nominees will be departing tonight. Over to you, Leroy. 

Diane: Best of luck, Grape. 
Grape: I'm holding myself together the best I can. Either way, I see tonight as a loss. A great loss. I'm gone...or you are, my friend. 
Diane: It will be alright, my friend. We will survive this. 
Grape: I know...I come back strong. 

Leroy: It is time to announce the evictee for tonight's ceremony. Thank you both, Grape and Diane, for being in the house with us so far - it's been a great time, and I'm sure you both can agree. Unfortunately, one must say goodbye - 
Mysti: Get on with it already! 
Ben: Mysti! Jeez...
Mysti: I'm sorry...I'm terse. 

Leroy: Diane White, you have been evicted from the house. 
Diane: I could see it coming, unfortunately. 
Well, it has been swell. 
Leroy: I'm sorry, Diane - 
Diane: I know that, unfortunately, you are not quite - 

Grape: Diane. 
Diane: This is not a goodbye, old friend. This is just me saying goodnight, that I will see you in the morning, when we catch up for brunch. I'll cook. 
Grape: *he smiles, laughing* Of course. 
Diane: It's been a pleasure spending time with you, trapped in the same house together. I never imagined being nominated alongside you, but alas...things will happen. 

Grape: I look forward to more of our adventures in the future, Diane. 
Diane: Oh of course! White and Grape! White and Purple! My, we are the dream team, at least for the colours we associate with. 
Grape: Want to spinoff our own show then? 
Diane: I thought you would never ask. 

Diane: Thank you, Grape. 
Grape: For what? 
Diane: For everything, silly. You are a great friend, and I was thankful to have such a friend in this game. I will see you on the outside, then. 
Grape: Of course...and you're infinitely welcome! 

Grape: And hey, it's not the worst thing to be evicted! 
Diane: is now. I have no more chances. 
Grape: No - no more chances? What do you mean? 
Diane: Well...I was asked to break this somehow before I left. There are two houses. This one, and another, the one I came from first. They had voted me off, silly, and so I came here for a second chance. 

Grape: A-another house? Why? 
Diane: I don't know the why...but I must be off. Everyone that lost in the afterwards challenge is waiting for me in the evicted house place, so I must go hang around with them, as the kids would say. 
Grape: Oh okay - goodbye, Diane. 

Diane: Goodbye, Grape. And others. 
Ben: Another house? Oh man - our competitors? 
Mysti: We must probably merge at some point then...
Devra: What a bombshell to drop as you leave...
Diane: I know right. 

We return now to the first house, after the reveal in the second house shocks our contestants. First house will...they have another surprise awaiting. A different slice. The same pizza? Not quite. Marsha has been instructed to head to the backyard, to the newly-built building awaiting her. Hey, we're in a game - building things is easy-peasy! 

Marsha: Holayy-mahhleeey! 
Welcome to another slice of another pizza. 
A party. 
But what kind of party, you ask? 

Our team quickly sorted this out today, telling the houseguests the backyard was too slippery and all that, so they had no reason to suspect anything...yep, that's the story we have to tell. 
Marsha: Cahll eeevrahween! 
Isss partee! Iss parteeee! 

Marsha: Oooh, ees moi ahtfeet! Moi sheel trah eet ahn, ahf ceeeerse! 
OOOOOH! Eeestarteeen! 

Marsha: Moi loooves eet - baht...ees naht parfait fah tees parteeyee! Non, hees barteeer ahdeea! 

Marsha: Mmm...parfaieect! 
Moi's parteey wheel bah parfaeitect! 

Marsha: Cahhm ahn een, ahvereeyween! Wahlceem tah moi parteey! Oh...nahn aff ewe ees wahreeen whaht leeghinn - ah weeel, moi well leevah. 
Skye: What is happening? 
Carlito: Oh I have no party, though, I guess. 
Rebecca: This place is rad, for their probable budget. 

Marsha: Tah ees waahvvs flahteen 'rind mah feece! 
Skye: Omg, bubbles! 
KT!: I wanna dance! Hell yes! 
Rebecca: Woah, KT, calm down - KT! Don't aim for the ceiling! 
KT!: I'm not!! 

Carlito: Is this not drugs? 
Skye: No, it's...well, kinda like how in that movie, the kid and the old man floated to the ceiling after inhaling something, I think, it's been forever since I've watched that movie...but like, this isn't drugs. 
Carlito: That sure sounds like a trip - 
Skye: Well, they visited the ceiling! So, yeah. 

Rebecca: She's really going for it. 
KT!: I think it's great she got to have a party before she leaves - 
Rebecca: It was you, yeah, who voted to keep her? 
KT!: Accusations? At a party? Rebecca! That's no way to be a guest - 

KT!: Tybalt! Where have you been? 
Tybalt: I was in the bathroom - 
Rebecca: I know it was you, KT! I just want you to's okay you tried to save her, as best as you could. 
KT!: I don't want Skye still around, Rebecca. 

Carlito: Congrats on your safety, Skye. 
Skye: Thank you, Carlito. One step closer to winning this game - 
Carlito: You want your chance to overthrow me, then? 
Skye: Your Abnormality win was a fluke. I am better, Carlito. 

Marsha: Ahkie, ahkie...harsh deen, eevrayween! Ees tahm fah moi tah parhfeem ahneetha sahng shay looooooves! Eees ah leetlahl deeetay cahlld 'Bahleeeve' bah Chair...okeee, 'ere gahhs! 
Adrian: Huh? 
Marsha: Shahhhhhhhhssh! 'Ater! Shaaat uuppppp! 
Adrian: Okay, damn. 

Marsha: Nah meetah harh heerd ah treeh, ewe keap pahhsheeen moi aseed, end moi keent brack throoough. Tha eess nah tahlkeen tah ewe! Ees sah seed ewe is leaveen, eet tacks teem tah 'leeve eet, baht aahftah ahl ees sid en dahn, ewe ees gahnaa beh lahnley unn…

KT!: Go Marsha! 

Marsha: Duh ewe bahleaf eeen lahf ahfteer kinn fell sahmtheen eensahd moi see "Moi reeleh dahnt theenk ewe string 'nuff"


At the so-called halfway house, it is no more a halfway for these ladies. It is an end. An end house. For these two, their game has ended. No more chances. We mourn, then, that we tonight say goodbye to Diane and Marsha. Perhaps we will see them in the end, at the finale, but for now, we say our goodbyes. 

Marsha: "duh ewe bahleaf een laff eefteh loooovveh…"
Diane: Oh, you are singing, Marsha. 
Marsha: Ees staaahk een moi heed, thit sahng. Ees ahmayseem sang! 
Diane: I think I have heard it...Cher, yes. 

Diane: I suppose we better head inside, then. I can see my breath, and boy, I am cold in this dress. I hope they have the heating on inside, it is winter after all, and they just dumped us out here with nothing, no coats! 
Marsha: Yis. Ewe ees cahreect. 
Diane: Let us head inside then - after you, Marsha. 
Marsha: Whaat ah geentellmin, ewe is. 

Ted yawns, waking from a nap. He is warm, the heating is on, but the windows are hard to see through now, with the snow. He sits upright, contemplating everything, unaware of what will spring inside the room in a matter of moments....

Ted: What a refreshing nap. I feel quite blessed - as the kids would say. 
Kids say the darndest things. 
Ted: I think I may go for a glass of orange juice, perhaps - 

Marsha: Moi cahld ahlsee gah fah gliss aff oohreenge jass, Tedday!
Ted: Oh my - 
Marsha: Ees moi een flash. Yesh, Tedday. 
Ted: Marsha - why are you here? Oh no - you were eliminated too. Oh no, what a shame. It is good to see you, old friend. 

Marsha: Ees fintisstic tah seh ewe, Tedday! 
Ted: Certainly! I have missed you, of course...I just wished you could last longer than I, so that you may win the competition and...what was it? Prove it all to the haters? 
Marsha: Eeesacktleh! Baht...ahh weel. 
Ted: There is always another time. 

Marsha: Moi heed quat eh tahm, baht ees ahveer nah. 
Ted: I'm glad you enjoyed the ride, Marsha - 
Marsha: Eeenjahweed?! Moi loooooooooovehd eet! 
Ted: I'm very glad then, Marsha. 

Marsha: Ewe shadda bin dere fah thee parteey, Tedday! 
Ted: There was a party? Oh my, what an exciting time!
Marsha: Eet wash macksheeft whaht leggeen parteey! Moi seeennng! Eet wash ah wheeld tahm, Tedday! 

Ted: Oh, it sounds it. 
Well, I am glad you are here, in a way. We have plenty to catch up on, and I have missed our brunches and our discussions. It...has not been the same since I came here without you, Marsha Marshall. 
Marsha: Teh parteey wash waaaaald! Yesh, Tedday! 

Diane: Oh my, it is indeed warm in here. Thank the lord. The watcher, if you will. Thank production for paying for the warmth, yes. 
I'll go check out the house, did not get much of a chance to when I was here last. 

She stumbles upon Beau and Cassandra watching a film. Diane observes for a moment, then steps inside the room and says her first hello. 
Diane: Good evening to you both...hello, Cassandra. 

Cassandra: Diane. Oh, it must mean they got rid of you again. Ha. Pity. Nobody in either house likes you then. 
Diane: You are mistaken, Cassandra. I was well-liked in the second house - 
Cassandra: Oh? And yet they voted you out? 
Diane: It was between a lovely purple man and myself. I was the intruder, it was a tough but understandable decision. 

Beau: I don't mean to interrupt...but how do you two know each other? 
Diane: I destroyed Cassandra in a game of chess, returning to the game, and she whines because I was more successful than her - 
Cassandra: Oh, I would have lasted longer - 
Diane: Perhaps, but likely, not. You are old. 

Cassandra: Oh, I am old? Because I have hair that is not dyed? 
Diane: There is not a grey hair on my body, thank you. 
Cassandra: My hair is a style choice - 
Diane: You look seemingly the same age as my grandmother, may she rest in peace - she was 112, you know. 

Diane: People were surprised she lasted as long as she did. 
Cassandra: Oh, bother, yet another unfortunate wants to call me old and like a grandmother - ha! 
Diane: It is disgraceful you try to insult me, Cassandra. 
Cassandra: Oh, is it? 

Cassandra: I think you best request to return home to your parents then, Miss Diane White. 
Diane: I am afraid you are not getting rid of me so easily. 
Cassandra: Staying here for the drama then, Miss White? 
Diane: I do like the look of this house so far. 

Diane: It has a has a charm to it, even if it is more modern than what I would have hoped for. 
Cassandra: Go and complain to the manager then, Miss White - 
Diane: You have the better haircut for that, Miss Classical. 

Cassandra: Do you have no manners, anyhow, interrupting when two people are watching a film? 
Diane: Oh, my, I am so sorry - I will go wait in the living room until you have the decency to lift your eyes from a television screen - one question: is it a rerun of a film, after all? 
Cassandra: How am I to know? 

Diane: My, I have bad manners - how have you been, Beau! Evicted in week one, yes? 
Beau: Yes...I've been goo -
Cassandra: Shut up, Beau!
Diane: Why, that was awful rude of her! 

Beau: It''s fine, everyone tells me to shut up. And...and Cassandra, well, she's had a little bit of a rough time in here. She...she went insane a little while ago, and we finally got her sorted out...I worry for her. 
Cassandra: Shut...shut up! Beau Smart! 
Diane: See, that is impolite - but I suppose we are watching a film. 

Beau: It's nice to see you again, Diane. 
Diane: And you too. 
Beau: We'll have to chat a bit more, now that there is no cause of panic with evictions and the such. 

Diane: Oh, of course! I am excited now to simply relax and interact with my fellow past contestants, but perhaps...I may need more time to warm up to some of them, Marsha, for instance - 
Beau: Marsha? 
Diane: Yes, she arrived tonight too - 
Cassandra: Oh, how depressingly terrific! 

And with that, we close on the fourth week of Two Houses: Veteran Edition! Thank you for watching, and I hope to see you again soon, for the fifth week of this thrilling adventure we embark on with our veteran reality show contestants! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will myself say goodnight, as I am finishing this at about eight o'clock, excited to collapse into bed and watch something of my own. 

I hope you enjoyed. I'll see you next time. 
What crazy stuff will happen then? 
I have a surprise up my sleeve....


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