The Soul Connection Chapter 5: Too Many Cooks

Chapter 5: Too Many Cooks

April: Those boys better be ready to go. We can't wait for them to apply their beauty masks or sleep their beauty sleep. 
Melanie: They'll be prepared. I told them we'd be leaving now. 

April: Good. I'm anxious to see what's behind that door, you know? 
Melanie: Uh, yeah, sure. It's not going to be a killer monster, April. Maybe a few old files or some broken glass. 

Justin: So, Finn, can I ask you a question? I promise it's not too personal or anything. 
Finn: Hit me. 
Justin: Okay, uh...We're being theoretical here, of course. Say, for example, you were attracted to someone close to you. How would you react to it? 

Finn: Uh, I'd react differently based on the person, man. Wait- please don't tell me you want to bang me, 'cause I'm flattered but not interested. I'm entirely straight, dude. 
Justin: No, no. It's only an example. 

Justin: I only wanted to ask your opinion, Finn. I've talked to the girls and asked them, and now I wanted to talk to my roommate and my friend. We are friends, yes? 
Finn: I guess so. 
Justin: Well, do you have any other thoughts? 

Finn: Uh, well, I don't know who this person is, so I'd love to help them, but I can't. I don't know who this theoretical person is. 
Justin: Finn, it's me. 
Finn: Well, I'm sorry you're caught in this. I'm usually straight-forward, but I guess it's harder for you since you' and all. 

Justin: I know. It's hard for me. I might like some guy in a class or on the street, but I know my chances with him are slim. I don't know what to do. 
Finn: Hey, you'll find someone perfect. 

Justin: I don't know if I feel like coming with you and the girls to that locked room. I'm not feeling so happy anymore, I suppose. 
Finn: I hope it wasn't something I said. 
Justin: No, I just want to think. 

Finn: Please, come with us. I'll weep at your bed if you don't. I'm not kidding either, Hawkin. 
Justin: I don't know. That offer is temping. 

April: Justin! Finn! Open up. It's time to go. 
Finn: I'm coming, hold on. 
Melanie: Take your time. Take your time. 

Finn: Melanie, hello. How are you? 
Melanie: I'm perfect. Is that- wow, I'm impressed Goodwin. 
Finn: You don't need to stare at it, Hale. 

April: Justin? Where is he? Finn, where is he-
Justin: I'm over here, April. 
April: You better be ready! 

Finn: He's thinking about things right now. We were talking about his-
April: Wait, he told you too? Oh. 
Finn: He wouldn't tell me who it is, though. 

Justin: This is teenage drama. I'm so sorry, I'll push this aside and I'll come. 
Finn: Maybe later you can tell me who it is? 
Justin: Maybe. *winks* 

Melanie: Okay, it's decided. Tonight, the four of us will enter that mystery room and we will do whatever we do when we enter. We can party! 
April: In a dusty attic? Fun. 

Finn: It does sound fun. But, before I give Justin an even bigger boner, I'm throwing a t-shirt on. 
Melanie: It's not just him your affecting, honey. 
Finn: Noted. 

Justin: Now that Finn thinks I'm attracted to him, how about we go? I'm ready to open a few doors, walk up a few stairs, that sort of thing. 

April: Let the boy hide his manly features or whatever and then we'll be ready to go. 
Justin: Manly features. God, that sounds terrible. 
April: Well sorry, word and phrase police. 

Finn: Okay, all good now. No one can see my bare chest. 
Melanie: You act like that's a good thing. 
Finn: Maybe you could stop flirting with me? 

Justin: Okay, we're ready. Remember this: we aren't scared of anything up there. There's nothing in this academy that can scare us.
April: There's nothing in that room that can cause us to fear. The fear is the world around us, but not here. Now, let's go. 


Viola: So this is the house of Tessa Velasco, correct? She was present when the accident occurred, right? So if she saw the man at fault, she'd know something. 
Daniel: That is why we are here, Vi. 

Viola: Their house is really quite adorable, isn't it Danny? I'd imagine myself living here or somewhere similar. 
Daniel: We didn't come to marvel over the architecture. 
Viola: I can dream, Danny. 

Daniel: Okay, you can knock now, Vi. 
Viola: Fine, I'll knock. I'll knock.
*she knocks* 

???: I'll answer it, dear. It's a bit late, isn't it? 
Viola: Hello? Can we talk to anyone? 
???: Yes, we are home. 

*he opens the door* 
 Marcos: Hello, how can I help you? 
Viola: My name is Viola Dalton, and I...I wanted to talk to you and your wife about...uh, about a car accident. 
Marcos: Please come inside. 

Viola: Thank you for inviting us inside. As I said before, my name is Viola Dalton and this is my...boyfriend, Daniel Peyton. 
Daniel: Good evening. 

Marcos: This is my wife, Tessa. Please, join us. 
Tessa: Wait- I know were in that car accident. 
Viola: I was. 

Tessa: Please sit down. This is my son, Keith. He'll be heading off to bed in a moment. 
Keith: Brummm. Brrrrrr. Mmmm. 
Tessa: Keith? 

Keith: Yes mother? Brr. Mmm. 
Tessa: Keith? 
Keith: Yes, do you want me to stop playing? 

Tessa: Yes, Keith. Could you go to your room right now and do not come out until the morning? Please, Keith, head to bed. 
Marcos: Is that necessary, Tess? 
Tess: It is. 

Keith: Okay, mother. I'll be in my room. 
Tessa: Thank you, Keith. Say goodnight to your father. 
Keith: Goodnight, daddy.  

Viola: Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home, Mr and Mrs Velasco. 
Tessa: Please, call us by our first names. Marcos and Tessa. 
Viola: Okay. 

Daniel: Do you think you had to be that strict with the boy? He's only a child-
Viola: Daniel, don't. They have the right to treat him how they see fit.
Daniel: Vi-

Tessa: I understand you may be confused, but Keith is not an ordinary child. From birth, we've seen him act so...curiously to certain things and events, so we watch him carefully. We wouldn't want him to act out with visitors around, is all.

Keith: I'm not wrong. I'm not wrong. I'm right. I am right. 

Tessa: We only want the best for him, you know. He's just a boy.

Daniel: I know it's not my place, Tessa, but I cannot help but wonder what he did. He didn't...injure someone, did he? 

Marcos: No, he didn't, and he is none of your concern. You came to us to talk about the accident, did you not? 
Tessa: Please do not worry about Keith. He had no involvement with your accident. 

Viola: I'm sorry, Danny's just curious. We came here to talk about my accident, and we'll stay to talk about it. We don't need to talk about Keith.
Daniel: Okay, we won't. 

Marcos: Thank you, Viola. Now, I'm surprised to see you recovered from the accident. It was only some time ago, and yes time can heal but-
Viola: I don't know...I don't know how I healed so quickly, Marcos. It happened in my sleep. 
Marcos: Well, I am glad you are okay. We feared for the worst after that day, you see.  

Viola: I'm entirely grateful for everyone who helped me throughout the tough time. I'm thankful for everyone who supports me, really. The accident was truly terrible. Ugh- it hurt so much.

Tessa: We are very happy to see you here, in such a stunning dress. 
Viola: Aw, thank you so much! 
Tessa: I'm trying to recall that day, but my memory is blurry. I remember seeing....I remember you, Viola. I remember the collision. 

Viola: It...hurts to remember that collision. It hurts to even think about it, but I'm searching for whoever was in that other car.
Daniel: The police say they never caught any sight of whoever it was, and that they drove away without helping Viola. 

Viola: You don't happen to remember anything about him? Any specific facial details, or even the brand of car or his license plate? Anything to help me? 
Daniel: Anything? 

Tessa: I'd tell you if I'd remember, but I'm afraid I didn't glance in his direction, dear. I was too focused on you to even notice him drive away.  
Viola: Oh, it's okay. 

Keith: Brmmm. Mmmm. Brrrm. 

Tessa: I wish I could remember something about him for you, maybe his hair wasn't blonde, if I remember correctly. It was darker, or he didn't have any hair. He, he didn't. I don't know. 
Viola: Thank you for trying to remember, Tessa. I appreciate it. 

Daniel: Do you remember what you were doing at the time, Mr and Mrs Velasco? Maybe that could help. 
Viola: Daniel, they may not remember. Don't force them to answer anything. 

Tessa: No, it's fine. We were...we were taking Keith to see his cousins. He was especially rowdy that day, you see, and we thought some time with family might calm him down.

Tessa: Luckily, he did calm down, and luckily, he didn't witness the crash. He was busy...playing on his electronic device. He didn't see any of the collision, and we drove away before he could 
Marcos: He didn't see anything that day, you see. 

Daniel: Thank you for answering my question, Tessa. It's been a pleasure meeting the two of you.
Viola: Thank you again for inviting us inside. If you ever remember anything, please don't hesitate to call me. *she hands them her details*

Tessa: We will if we remember, Viola. Thank you for stopping by, both of you. 
Marcos: We'll see you out. 


Mr Quinlan: Another drink, please. 
*the bartender sighs* 
Bartender: Coming right up, sir.  

Bartender: Tough day at work, huh? You're sitting in here alone and drinking yourself away so it must be something. 
Mr Quinlan: Yeah, you could say that. Tough boss. 
Bartender: Your drink'll be ready in a moment. 

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* I can't believe I managed to screw up and land in this bar once again. My mind is a mess right now, and I don't feel so great, but I'm managing. The blaring music kinda calms, really. 
Bartender: Sir? You okay? 

 Mr Quinlan: Yeah, I'm fine. Really, just waiting on that drink. 
Bartender: I'm getting there, sir. 
Mr Quinlan: Thanks.
Mr Quinlan: *voice over* To be honest, I'm not fine. I've had a truly horrible afternoon and now here I am, drinking away my sorrows at this stupid bar like a freaking alcoholic. I'm falling. I'm falling further. 


Roscoe: Jacob Quinlan, you need to tighten your grip on those students or else so be it. If one of them finds their way to stir trouble in this academy, you will be to blame. 
Mr Quinlan: Sir, it isn't my fault one of the students attempted to break into the science facility. 

Roscoe: One of your students must have been involved. Your class had class there only the period beforehand. 
 Mr Quinlan: Sir, I promise my students wouldn't dream to break in there. Why not question the teacher whose duty it is to teach in that class the period after? 
Roscoe: He had nothing to do with this. 

Mr Quinlan: And you know this how? Sir, if I may ask, why are there no security cameras in that wing of the academy? Are you hiding something down there?

Roscoe: That is none of your business, Mr Quinlan. The science facility is protected by our janitor, Ms Lowe. We don't see the need to waste money on an area usually protected by a human.

Mr Quinlan: Sir, I-
Roscoe: You will tell me who was involved or you'll lose your job, Jacob. 


Bartender: Sir? The drinks are ready. Please do not drink them all, I have other paying customers you know. 
Mr Quinlan: Thank you, thank you. 

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* I either throw someone's name under the bus or I take one for the team and dive under myself. It hurts to think that he blames me for all of this, but my relationship with Roscoe isn't healthy. There's a burning grudge in that man's heart.

Mr Quinlan: Well, drink up.
Bartender: Don't drink too much, sir. That stuff's strong. 

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* This week is already just a bad as any other, really. It's the start of a new year, and yet I don't feel new or fresh. I feel worn out. It doesn't help that Justin is here now and his presence only reminds me of the past.

Bartender: How's your drink, sir? 
Mr Quinlan: Jesus, it's strong. Are you sure you know how to mix drinks? 
Bartender: It's my job, man. Move along. 

Mr Quinlan: *dancing* So, you come here often? 
???: Uh, yeah, sure. Are you trying to flirt with me? 
Mr Quinlan: Oh, no, of course not. I'm straight, man! 

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* I knew I'd gone too far by whatever drink number I'm up to now. I work tomorrow and here I am drinking. Dancing with random strangers. Losing my mind with these people. I should go home soon.

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* Yet the darkness and the music and the stench of alcohol is dragging me deeper and I only want to stay here. I only want to continue dancing and drinking and...I should be leaving. 

 Mr Quinlan: *voice over* I took a photo with a girl I just met, and I can't even remember her name. I'm off my face. I just need to go home, but I...I can't because the alcohol is dragging me deeper.

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* I shouldn't have taken a second sip of this god-forsaken drink made for the devil. Christ it tastes so bad; so horrible. Something in this drink spins your head around and you cannot pull out. 
Bartender: You doing okay there, sir? 

Mr Quinlan: I'll be fine. Yeah. 
Bartender: That's good. 
Mr Quinlan: *voice over* In all honesty, I don't know if I will. I'm struggling to see things straight and I feel so sick. I don't want to teach tomorrow. The taste of alcohol haunts me. 

Mr Quinlan: *voice over* Is that a vampire? No, it cannot be. They aren't real. Anything could be real right now. My eyes aren't seeing the reality. My mind isn't thinking in truths. I think I need to leave.

Bartender: Hello, sir? You okay down there? You need some help? 
Mr Quinlan: I'll be fine. One day. 


April: *walking into the room* Here we are. That mystery locked room at the landing of the stairs. What do we have here? 
Melanie: Any scary monsters, April? Any broken glass? 
April: Neither, actually. 

Justin: It's actually nothing like I expected. Well, there's boxes and old stuff, but no restricted files or stationary. 
Finn: So I can come in now? Great. 

April: Welcome to the hole in the roof. Welcome to the one room in this academy they wanted to keep a secret from us. 
Melanie: It's...old and it smells off. 
Finn: Why keep a few old things locked up? There's got to be some secrets in here. 

Justin: Ooh, a director's chair! I want it! 
Melanie: What the hell? Is that a bed? 
April: Looks like it. God, imagine sleeping up here. 

Finn: Someone hates their reflection. Jesus, that thing could seriously injure someone. 
April: Because a whole group of people will be very eager to look at their reflection in an old mirror. 

Melanie: You think someone is actually living up here? You think that's the secret? One of the teachers or some kidnapped soul is living up here without anyone noticing. 
April: That would be really bizarre. They'd have to leave earlier in the morning, so no-one would notice them. 

Justin: I can't see anything would ever grow up here. What's the use in having this pot of soil? 
Finn: You don't know. Maybe they need food, and what's better than fresh soil. 
Justin: Literally most things. 

April: This chair is actually super comfy. I bet this room would be wonderful if it had a TV and free WiFi. 
Melanie: Well, it has free accommodation. That's a plus. 

April: Oh wow, look. Someone's using the blocked mirror. See anything you like, Finn? 
Finn: Oh shut up. I was testing it. It works. I'm still just as attractive as ever. 
*he and Melanie drag a chair to form a circle around April* 

Justin: Now that we're here and we don't want to leave until we have to, what do you say we do? 
Finn: Something that requires me to stand up and toss this stupid metal chair. 
April: I have an idea. 

Justin: Go ahead, April. Tell us your idea.

April: Okay, so I know it's weak, but let me finish before you cut me off-
Finn: Okay. 
April: Ugh. Finn, stop it. As I was saying, I think we should tell scary stories. 

Melanie: I have one! Once upon a time, a psycho murderer caught four teenagers hanging out in his psycho murderer's attic and he chopped and he sliced them all. 
Justin: Real nice, Melanie. What a perfect story to tell. 

Finn: I'll go next. Once upon a time, when the night was pitch black and the world didn't care about humans, there was a boy. His name was Finn Goodwin. Now, Finn Goodwin loved to steal, but one day, when Finn Goodwin broke into the house of his rich neighbour- BANG! 

April: What the hell type of story was that? Did you get shot? Is that what you were trying to tell us? 
Finn: No, I just wanted to scare you. 
April: Jesus Christ, Finn. 

Justin: Don't worry about him, April. I've only been his roommate for what, one night, and he already has tried to scare me like one million times. It's his thing. 
April: Yeah, that's reassuring. Thanks. 

Finn: Who's side are you even on, Justin? Did the bro-pact go over your head or something? 
Justin: Did I say I hated you? No, you're good. 

Melanie: Hold up....Bro-pact? Oh okay. 
Finn: I'm good. 
Justin: What the hell was that?  

Melanie: Oh, probably just whoever lives up here coming to murder us. 
Finn: That ain't funny. 
Melanie: So even Finn's scared now? Look, we won't be murdered. 

Justin: Good to know. Hey, Finn? Did you hear about the break-in at the science lab? 
April: Oh, I heard about that. They think it was one of us, because apparently we're just that rebellious. 

Finn: Hmm, did I hear about the break-in at the science labs? Hmm, do I have ears? Yes, I do, and yes I heard. It wasn't me. 
Justin: We aren't blaming you, Finn. We're just asking. 

Finn: You don't think it's a clue, do you? Either that or whoever lives up here likes to make crazy science. 
Melanie: I like to make crazy science. *wink* 

April: What do you think about all of this, Melanie? Your only comment was only flirting. 
Finn: Which I didn't like, by the way. 
Melanie: Well, I say we forget about all this for now. We're alone in an attic. 

Melanie: Dance party! Woo!
April: What do you guys thinks? Yes or no? 
Justin: Hell yes. 

April: This is actually really fun. 
I don't care about sleeping if this is all we do. 

Finn: We don't even need music. We're just dancing. 
Justin: You want me to sing, 'cause I will.
Melanie: Please don't. If anyone will sing, it should be April. She's the internet sensation. 

Justin: You sure? Some people call my singing beautiful-
Finn: Was that your mother? Because that doesn't...*the lights turn off*... count. 

Finn: Who turned out the lights?! 
April: Don't yell. We don't want people to know we're up here, you idiot. 
Melanie: Do these lights just turn off after a while or nah? 

 ???: Shhh. You shouldn't be in here. 


Next time on The Soul Connection: A visit from the dead provides some new information, and one of the souls accidentally causes Viola to faint. 


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