Two Houses, Season 2: Veteran Edition (Week 1)
Hello everyone.
You'd likely recognise me as Tiger. I compete in and once-hosted interactive reality shows, but coming from me today is something different - a completely for-fun reality show, entitled Two Houses. Basic rundown: two houses, consisting of eight contestants each, follow the Big Brother-style of gameplay, with the future merge on the horizon once only eight contestants total remain. The extra, bonus twist? Following every eviction prior to the merge, the eliminated contestants will battle it out for a chance to return to the game - but, in a twist, they join the opposite house, the house in which they did not exit from. Complete restart, for them at least.
Other twists may be thrown into the works as the season progresses, who knows? A surprise eviction, as happened with the unaired season one? Who can tell.
Originally I'd planned an extensive house tour with Season One winner, Ava Malone, but considering this is all fun and games and I'm lazy/procrastinate too much, I thought we'd skip all that and jump in! But, first, let's take a quick look at the house sixteen sims will be sharing - well, two versions of it. Of course, the sixteen don't know there are sixteen of them...
First House
You'd likely recognise me as Tiger. I compete in and once-hosted interactive reality shows, but coming from me today is something different - a completely for-fun reality show, entitled Two Houses. Basic rundown: two houses, consisting of eight contestants each, follow the Big Brother-style of gameplay, with the future merge on the horizon once only eight contestants total remain. The extra, bonus twist? Following every eviction prior to the merge, the eliminated contestants will battle it out for a chance to return to the game - but, in a twist, they join the opposite house, the house in which they did not exit from. Complete restart, for them at least.
Other twists may be thrown into the works as the season progresses, who knows? A surprise eviction, as happened with the unaired season one? Who can tell.
Originally I'd planned an extensive house tour with Season One winner, Ava Malone, but considering this is all fun and games and I'm lazy/procrastinate too much, I thought we'd skip all that and jump in! But, first, let's take a quick look at the house sixteen sims will be sharing - well, two versions of it. Of course, the sixteen don't know there are sixteen of them...
The Living Room, where contestants will convene for ceremonies and say goodbye to the eliminated contestants.
The Dining Room, seating for our eight veterans. Will your favourite be dining for the long term or will they be gone before the third course?
The Kitchen. Contestants cook here. Did you know that?
The Nook, where contestants can find peace from the vibrant personalities bound to be sharing the house with them. Too bad there's only three walls.
Still on the first floor, here we have the HOH Bedroom. The winner of the weekly Head of House challenge will earn the key to this stunning room, as well as the power to nominate two contestants for elimination - and with a shocking twist, no Power of Veto in this game! (I'm struggling enough to find challenge options in-game, thanks)
The Head of Household Bathroom. Fun fact: this was almost the style of the bathroom off the living room, but it was shifted when it suited the HOH Bedroom more.
Enter this door here for a few more we go!
A small seating option for contestants waiting for the Diary Room, perhaps? Behind that door is said room. Contestants can share their thoughts of the competition and their company face to camera. Do they love it here or do they hate it? Who knows.
An export from the Season One house, and a favourite of the contestants: the Foosball Room! Complete with plenty of seating and the door to the garden.
Contestants need a place to unwind and relax, and this room is the best choice in the house! Well, except for the comfort of the HOH're safe from eviction after all.
The Backyard is rather bland this season. The producers thought it would be a grand idea to limit the outside time of the contestants - make them feel truly isolated from the outside world. Get it?
Beyond this patch of concrete is Challenge Square, but it's a field of grass and dirt, so look in the reflection of those one-way windows if you're desperate to see it.
Now heading upstairs to...
The Bedroom! Eight beds, ready for the contestants to move in. Bathroom just to the side, nothing exciting to look at so I won't bore you with a picture of it. Many doors in that room. Three toilets. A shower. Etc.
And that is the house! Let's move the contestants in. Sixteen veterans, previously having competed in reality shows themselves, return tonight to prove themselves worthy of their title: veteran. Special thanks to the creators of these sims, without whom I would not be hosting this fun little season.
[Remember: this is all for fun. Enjoy it!]
First House
From Left to Right: Adrian Bensley (created by Sammi); Skye Chamberlain (Ninja); Rebecca Pierce (Yannik); Diane White (my blessed angel); Ted Pleasanton (Turner); Tybalt Poysen (Vul); KT! (Haylo); and Beau Smart (Jake).
And they enter the house...
We're experiencing a heatwave at the moment, so the contestants are donning their coolest clothes and trying to keep cool. Watch the bills rise as I keep the thermostat on cool.
Tybalt: Ouch, you stepped on my heel, dude.
Beau: That was an accident!
Tybalt: Yeah, fair enough.
The foosball table is already proving to be popular with the contestants.
KT!, Adrian and Ted are playing a game - a bit of an unfair advantage the boys have.
Rebecca starts to sing, out of the blue. Diane is reading and quite enjoying the book she discovered on the shelf.
Diane: It is odd feeling to be competing again. Of course, when you last saw me, I'd uncovered the Assassin, with the help of Connie, of course. That was Jetset, and yet, here I am for this new show. How fascinating I keep coming back. Drawn to it, perhaps. *she pauses, smirking* I am intrigued to play alongside so many favourite competitors. You simply do not know who will be your biggest target...
Tybalt: I remember you from Jetset. Fascinating show, really.
Diane: So, you watched me then? I'm afraid I missed whichever show you competed on.
Tybalt: was a little show called The Locomotive.
I'll ask you not to go snooping for it.
Rebecca: I feel so uncomfortable. I don't think it's working.
Adrian: -What?
Rebecca: It's so humid in here. The thermostat must be slow or somethin', because I feel no different.
Adrian: Oh. Right. Yeah, neither.
Skye seems quite pleased with this book. I wonder what it is...
Or, simply, that's how she walks...Likely the latter.
Rebecca: And why is there no pool then?
Adrian: Love to see those babes in their swimsuits.
Rebecca: Yeah, whatever. *she sighs* I'll stop whining and go mingle with the others, I guess.
Adrian: Aren't you supposed to be on Zero Privacy right now?
Rebecca: Hey...shush.
Second House
From left to right: Cassandra Classical (Jake); Carlito Mendez (Haylo); Devra Eden (Lo); Mysti Vermillion (Terse); Ben Schiffer (Yannik); Marsha Marshall (Vul); Leroy Jordan (Alleen); and Grape Wisteria (my purple baby)
Grape is the first to enter the house...or is he the ninth? Interesting thought...
Devra: I...I think I can live with this. Seems more livable than the Hunt or Be Hunted house...oh, I'm just kidding! Nothing compares to the castle.
Ben: Wait - did you say castle?
Devra: No, no, no, not at all.
Ben: Oh...okay.
Marsha: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ewe 'ater ees bick!
Devra: Good god, Marsha!
Marsha: Noaw, ya theenk moi ees God nah? Moi ees beetah thin you, yees. But Good? Hmmm.
Devra: It's good to see you, Marsha.
Marsha: Moi gut ewe good! Ewe 'most dahhd!
Devra: You came out of nowhere, is all. I'm quite alright myself. No wounds or nothing. *she smirks* How've you been?
Marsha: Ahh mees thit seetcom!
Devra: Sitcom...oh, right. Yes, me too.
It's been a while since we saw Mysti Vermillion. I believe she was dead last time. She is, of course, alive once more. Alive and in Sims 4 form. Interesting...
Carlito: Don't react. I want to form an alliance.
Cassandra: Did we formally introduce ourselves? I am Cassandra, I competed in the first season of Abnormality -
Carlito: I know who you are. I won Abnormality, my season.
Cassandra: Then you know what happened in my season.
Carlito: You had the wrong alliance partners. Not enough strong, challenging folks that season. It seemed easy to beat them.
Cassandra: And yet I did not win. I am sorry, sir, but I must reject your offer at this moment.
Carlito: You'll regret that.
Cassandra: Ta ta, Carlito.
Grape: What a whirlwind life I've had so far. Feels like yesterday I was almost murdered on The Locomotive: Season 2, and then, like, an hour ago when I was competing as an all-star against some of the others here. It's good to see Mysti again, human this time too. *he sighs, taking it in* It's a welcome surprise to be back in the game. Different game, but still. Similar feeling.
Let's see if I can win this thing.
First House
Rebecca: Wow, my hand is so fascinating...I think I was reading a book, guess I dropped it on the stairs.
[Can this glitch not be a thing?]
Rebecca: I don't think any of the other contestants have ventured upstairs yet. Bedroom all to myself.
The challenge is simple: stay on the treadmill for as long as possible. The twist? We're in a freaking heatwave. Try not to burn and die, contestants.
[I'm a monster]
Skye: You should throw the challenge and let the real winner win.
KT!: No chance in hell, Skye. This one's mine.
Skye: Pretty please?
KT!: I'm good thank you. *she smiles, cutely*
Beau Smart drops first.
Adrian: Oh boy, what a nerd.
Beau: I- I-
Adrian: Shut up, Beau Smart!
Tybalt drops second. The heatwave begins to truly affect the contestants.
One by one, they drop. Not literally, no one dies. Thank god. Someone almost does, but she's fine, I saved her.
It was Diane. Naturally, she almost dies. Poor woman.
So who is our winner?
KT! It came down to her and Diane, but Ms White nearly passed out, so KT! is the Head of Household for the First House! Congrats!
KT!: Suck it...I mean, yay! I won?!
Diane: My golly, this weather is tragic! *she wipes her brow* Oh dear, I've began talking like I would have in the olden days.
[Can this glitch not be a thing?]
Rebecca: I don't think any of the other contestants have ventured upstairs yet. Bedroom all to myself.
The challenge is simple: stay on the treadmill for as long as possible. The twist? We're in a freaking heatwave. Try not to burn and die, contestants.
[I'm a monster]
Skye: You should throw the challenge and let the real winner win.
KT!: No chance in hell, Skye. This one's mine.
Skye: Pretty please?
KT!: I'm good thank you. *she smiles, cutely*
Beau Smart drops first.
Adrian: Oh boy, what a nerd.
Beau: I- I-
Adrian: Shut up, Beau Smart!
Tybalt drops second. The heatwave begins to truly affect the contestants.
One by one, they drop. Not literally, no one dies. Thank god. Someone almost does, but she's fine, I saved her.
It was Diane. Naturally, she almost dies. Poor woman.
So who is our winner?
KT! It came down to her and Diane, but Ms White nearly passed out, so KT! is the Head of Household for the First House! Congrats!
KT!: Suck it...I mean, yay! I won?!
Diane: My golly, this weather is tragic! *she wipes her brow* Oh dear, I've began talking like I would have in the olden days.
KT!: Are you okay over there, Diane?
Diane: Me, I am fine...I am okay -
Diane: To think I lost the competition also. Such a misery.
Ted: Diane, would you like to help me in the kitchen?
Over at the Second House, the HOH competition is underway. Considering it is now night, the contestants hopefully won't feel like burning to death. We shall see.
Leroy: Boy, it's so hot out here.
Marsha: Staap 'plaineen, Leerah.
Leroy: Oh - okay.
Marsha: Moi wheel keep ya seef if ewe geeve up nah.
Devra: I don't seem to trust that, Marsha. Not after all we went through in Hunt or Be Hunted.
Marsha: Ewe 'ere an 'ater! Ewe have cheenged, yaass?
Devra: Not enough to rely on someone else in competition.
The contestants begin to feel the pressure of not only the treadmills, but the game itself.
Cassandra: How are you coping, Mysti?
Mysti: Yeah, rather well, thanks. *she stretches* I've got this.
Grape: go girl!
Marsha is the first to drop from the competition.
Marsha: Awh bollocks.
So, seven contestants remain. Who will win the first (second?) HOH competition?
Marsha: Aihm gonna eat mah peas, damn.
Devra: My feet are killing me.
Devra drops second, following behind her former rival.
Devra: Honestly depressing. Can I try again later?
No, you cannot.
Grape is third to give up and step down. (Can we take a moment to appreciate how purple he is? Such a purple little grape. Love him.)
Grape: I'll be fine, I guess. Better than falling first.
Carlito and Leroy throw in the towel. We're down to three contestants - will it be Mysti, Cassandra or Ben who takes out the title of HOH for the first week?
Leroy: Man, I stayed on longer than you?
Carlito: Don't go spreading this or using it for yourself, but just know it's not all about winning every match - especially in Week 1.
Leroy: Oh sure, dude.
Devra: Who you think will win this thing? We can start a bet!
Grape: I, uh...I dunno, really.
And Ben gives in, leaving Mysti vs Cassandra for the title. Who has it in the bag and who is about to burn to death?
And Mysti has fallen. Which means...Cassandra is the first HOH for the second house! Congrats!
Mysti: The heatwave is intense, okay?
Cassandra: Someone help me from this infernal device, I'm burning!
Mysti: There's no sun out! I don't understand!
So our HOHs for the first week are KT! for the first house and Cassandra Classical for the second house. Who will they nominate? Who will be sent to the Halfway House at the end of the week, to compete for their safety in the game?
Day Two - First House
Start of the day, contestants are beginning to wake up.
KT! is first to rise, pondering around the almost silent house she now calls her home. So much to look at.
Diane: Morning, Katie.
KT!:'s K-T!, just two letters. That's...that's not my real name, of course.
Diane: Oh, I'm so sorry! Everyone kept saying what I thought was 'Katie', my sincerest apologies.
KT!: It's'd you sleep?
Diane begins preparing breakfast for the house.
Diane: I had a dream last night. I was still out on the sea, the rush of waves in my ear. It was a relaxing dream, until he showed up - the Assassin.
KT!: Someone tried to murder you?!
Diane: Oh no, not at all. That was just his title, but he was threatening.
KT!: So, somewhat like the Mole then? Hmm...
Adrian: Morning all...oh lord, I'm hungry.
Diane: I'm cooking, if you can wait -
Adrian: Nah. I want a bowl of peas.
[Why is this so common for the contestants?]
Tybalt: Me want food.
The contestants seemingly had no dinner last night, or they all awoke craving food. Their frowns are commonplace - the contestants all await Diane's cooking.
Diane: Almost ready, someone set the table?
Nobody moves.
Diane: I am serious, you know?
Nobody moves. Diane shakes her head.
Rebecca: Damn girl, that corset is killer!
Skye: Thank ya baby, it's a secret good luck charm, ya know?
Rebecca: Oh, fair enough...wanna play a game later?
Skye: You know it.
Day Two - First House
Start of the day, contestants are beginning to wake up.
KT! is first to rise, pondering around the almost silent house she now calls her home. So much to look at.
Diane: Morning, Katie.
KT!:'s K-T!, just two letters. That's...that's not my real name, of course.
Diane: Oh, I'm so sorry! Everyone kept saying what I thought was 'Katie', my sincerest apologies.
KT!: It's'd you sleep?
Diane begins preparing breakfast for the house.
Diane: I had a dream last night. I was still out on the sea, the rush of waves in my ear. It was a relaxing dream, until he showed up - the Assassin.
KT!: Someone tried to murder you?!
Diane: Oh no, not at all. That was just his title, but he was threatening.
KT!: So, somewhat like the Mole then? Hmm...
Adrian: Morning all...oh lord, I'm hungry.
Diane: I'm cooking, if you can wait -
Adrian: Nah. I want a bowl of peas.
[Why is this so common for the contestants?]
Tybalt: Me want food.
The contestants seemingly had no dinner last night, or they all awoke craving food. Their frowns are commonplace - the contestants all await Diane's cooking.
Diane: Almost ready, someone set the table?
Nobody moves.
Diane: I am serious, you know?
Nobody moves. Diane shakes her head.
Rebecca: Damn girl, that corset is killer!
Skye: Thank ya baby, it's a secret good luck charm, ya know?
Rebecca: Oh, fair enough...wanna play a game later?
Skye: You know it.
The contestants enjoy their breakfast - thanks to Diane, they're not eating bowls of peas or poor-quality scrambled eggs. Having finished his own bowl, Adrian secludes himself to playing foosball - but is he concocting his own plan for the game? And is Ted's dancing fantastic or what?
KT!: Ah. Head of House bathroom is heavenly. Soaked in the tub for what felt like an hour, ready to go about the day.
As the HOH, luxury comes with responsibility, and definite power that will shape the game. Not only will KT! enjoy the decadence of the suite, but she will have one major decision that will impact all.
Soon, she will nominate two of her fellow housemates. Who will she see as a threat, or who will she use as a pawn? Who will be her intended target, or is she searching for the easiest way to get the least blood on her hands?
KT!: Beau and Tybalt dropped first in the competition, but...maybe someone else is more of a threat to me? Hmmm...
KT!: I now call this Nomination Ceremony to order. I, as the Head of Household, have the power to nominate two contestants for eviction at the closing of this week.
Beau: Who do you think -
Tybalt: Quiet down, Beau -
Diane: This is a ceremony. There is to be no speaking.
Skye: just spoke, missus -
KT!: Ahem. *she smiles* The first nominee is...Beau. I have nominated you because you showed weakness in the competition, and you and I haven't really connected much so far. My second nominee is...
KT!: second nominee is Ted, for similar reasons. Out of all the contestants, the two of you have barely reached out to talk to me, so I've nominated you both. I'm tremendously sorry.
Ted: Oh it's alright, love.
Beau: Of course, of course.
Second House
Settling into Day Two, the contestants in the second house are going about their daily business - Grape, it seems, is hungry.
Ben: Oh, sorry...sorry, Cassandra, have a good day.
Cassandra: too, Ben, of course.
Carlito and Leroy hang out in the nook, likely hoping to not draw attention to themselves - or are they hoping so?
Carlito: Wanna form some sort of...ya know, friendship?
Leroy: An alliance, you mean?
Carlito: No need for labels, man, we're not dating.
Still dressed also in the heatwave clothes, Devra rocks out to the tunes of the hour - backyard hits. Just don't let anyone know her favourite song was a few songs ago, she's still coping from missing it.
In the Foosball room, Mysti catches up with Ben - they spoke briefly on day one, but what will they have to say one another now?
Mysti: You know what being dead feels like? First, it's like a hurricane, until you can't feel anymore. Then it's blankness. Like when your torch dies and you have no more batteries.
Ben: Oh...oh, okay.
Mysti: Think you can beat me at this?
Grape: Beep boop, buttons to turn on the microwave, beep boop.
Some of the contestants are already searching for ways to make the daily grind more enjoyable. Grape here, blessed berry, is heating up his lunch - there is always opportunity to be festive.
Marsha: Marsha ees beck weetf hewr gremmehtycullie eencrawmpriehendubbal wraaiteeng, ah meen...speecheen.
Carlito: Where'd you even go?
Marsha: Moi taahld prahdeecshion ah wahnteed tah weelceem naighbeers -
Carlito: And what, they said no? Shocking.
Devra: Marsha! Come join me, come dance!
Marsha: Oh Deebrah! Theet's sah thoodhgshtaeful of yah!
Devra: Okay, what the hell did she just say?
Marsha joins Devra in dancing to the backyard music - inside, of course. All is well for the past-rivals, so it seems. Will they emerge as friends in this competition?
Devra: Check out my moves, Marsha!
Marsha: Moi ees waahtcheen, moi ees waahtcheen.
Devra: I am, as they would all say, killing it!
Marsha: Ah...yees, yeet. *she shakes her head* Wheatevear.
As the Head of Household, luxury comes with responsibility, and definite power that will shape the game. Not only will Cassandra enjoy the decadence of the suite, but she will have one major decision that will impact all.
And, really, is the HOH Suite to her standards?
Cassandra: *inner monologue* I cleaned myself up after the tragedy that was Season 1 of Abnormality. Of course, Cassandra Classical had to clean herself up - she has an image to protect. I simply could not indulge myself in the insanity that overcame me in that house, and should not overtake me in this house. I have improved on myself. I will win this competition. Plum is rolling in her grave.
Cassandra: Oh - no, Plum isn't dead. Someone thought allowing this Grape fellow to compete would be a funny joke - yet again I am competing against a purple person. *she smirks* I have found myself talking aloud again. Oh bother, let's find out who I shall nominate.
Soon, she will nominate two of her fellow housemates. Who will she see as a threat, and who will she use as a pawn? Who will be her intended target, or is she searching for the easiest way to get the least blood on her hands?
Cassandra: I could...oh no, I shouldn't target him for his complexion... how about...she did almost beat me. Hmmm....what about this...
Cassandra: I call upon you all for the Nomination Ceremony. It commences now. Thank you all for coming.
Mysti: My pleasure, girl.
Cassandra: Thank you, Mysti. *she pauses, exhaling* I have the opportunity to nominate two of you for eviction at the end of the week.
Cassandra: I first nominate Marsha, because you showed yourself to be unwilling to completely commit yourself to the challenge when you dropped first in the Head of House competition -
Marsha: Ya meesahndeestahrd -
Cassandra: This is not personal, Marsha. Please, you can talk to me afterwards.
Cassandra: The second nominee is Devra, who I believe has some past affiliation with Marsha, and who I have yet to connect with, and who also dropped early in the competition. Again, this is not a personal attack, as the younger generations term it.
Devra: I do understand.
Cassandra: This Nomination Ceremony is now adjourned.
Thank you all for coming.
Devra: You and me, as usual, Marsha.
With that, the nominations are set.
Marsha: Moi weel see ya ahn beetlefield.
Devra: Of course.
Marsha: Ah wourthea aahdvahsiri...
Nominations for both houses are in place. KT! nominates Beau and Ted; Cassandra nominated Marsha and Devra. Who will be sent to the Halfway, and who will be saved? Who will see their fate tempted with the second chance twist? Find out soon, folks. Enjoy this advertisement break.
Contestants settle in after the nomination ceremony.
Grape: So thankful I'm not on the block though...
Mysti: Oh my god, me too! I was so nervous -
Leroy: Nah, you were surely safe, Mysti. Cassandra knew how well you did in the challenge, she wants to keep you around.
Mysti: You really think though?
Leroy: Absolutely, dude! You were killer in that challenge.
Mysti: I mean...all I did was run for longer than you and mostly everyone else. You must just be weak...probably 'cause none of ya'll have been dead before.
Leroy: Oh, yeah...uh, what was that last bit?
Mysti: Nothing, hehe...just said I wish the heatwave wasn't so bad yesterday.
KT!: Ah. Head of House bathroom is heavenly. Soaked in the tub for what felt like an hour, ready to go about the day.
As the HOH, luxury comes with responsibility, and definite power that will shape the game. Not only will KT! enjoy the decadence of the suite, but she will have one major decision that will impact all.
Soon, she will nominate two of her fellow housemates. Who will she see as a threat, or who will she use as a pawn? Who will be her intended target, or is she searching for the easiest way to get the least blood on her hands?
KT!: Beau and Tybalt dropped first in the competition, but...maybe someone else is more of a threat to me? Hmmm...
KT!: I now call this Nomination Ceremony to order. I, as the Head of Household, have the power to nominate two contestants for eviction at the closing of this week.
Beau: Who do you think -
Tybalt: Quiet down, Beau -
Diane: This is a ceremony. There is to be no speaking.
Skye: just spoke, missus -
KT!: Ahem. *she smiles* The first nominee is...Beau. I have nominated you because you showed weakness in the competition, and you and I haven't really connected much so far. My second nominee is...
KT!: second nominee is Ted, for similar reasons. Out of all the contestants, the two of you have barely reached out to talk to me, so I've nominated you both. I'm tremendously sorry.
Ted: Oh it's alright, love.
Beau: Of course, of course.
Second House
Settling into Day Two, the contestants in the second house are going about their daily business - Grape, it seems, is hungry.
Ben: Oh, sorry...sorry, Cassandra, have a good day.
Cassandra: too, Ben, of course.
Carlito and Leroy hang out in the nook, likely hoping to not draw attention to themselves - or are they hoping so?
Carlito: Wanna form some sort of...ya know, friendship?
Leroy: An alliance, you mean?
Carlito: No need for labels, man, we're not dating.
Still dressed also in the heatwave clothes, Devra rocks out to the tunes of the hour - backyard hits. Just don't let anyone know her favourite song was a few songs ago, she's still coping from missing it.
In the Foosball room, Mysti catches up with Ben - they spoke briefly on day one, but what will they have to say one another now?
Mysti: You know what being dead feels like? First, it's like a hurricane, until you can't feel anymore. Then it's blankness. Like when your torch dies and you have no more batteries.
Ben: Oh...oh, okay.
Mysti: Think you can beat me at this?
Grape: Beep boop, buttons to turn on the microwave, beep boop.
Some of the contestants are already searching for ways to make the daily grind more enjoyable. Grape here, blessed berry, is heating up his lunch - there is always opportunity to be festive.
Marsha: Marsha ees beck weetf hewr gremmehtycullie eencrawmpriehendubbal wraaiteeng, ah meen...speecheen.
Carlito: Where'd you even go?
Marsha: Moi taahld prahdeecshion ah wahnteed tah weelceem naighbeers -
Carlito: And what, they said no? Shocking.
Devra: Marsha! Come join me, come dance!
Marsha: Oh Deebrah! Theet's sah thoodhgshtaeful of yah!
Devra: Okay, what the hell did she just say?
Marsha joins Devra in dancing to the backyard music - inside, of course. All is well for the past-rivals, so it seems. Will they emerge as friends in this competition?
Devra: Check out my moves, Marsha!
Marsha: Moi ees waahtcheen, moi ees waahtcheen.
Devra: I am, as they would all say, killing it!
Marsha: Ah...yees, yeet. *she shakes her head* Wheatevear.
As the Head of Household, luxury comes with responsibility, and definite power that will shape the game. Not only will Cassandra enjoy the decadence of the suite, but she will have one major decision that will impact all.
And, really, is the HOH Suite to her standards?
Cassandra: *inner monologue* I cleaned myself up after the tragedy that was Season 1 of Abnormality. Of course, Cassandra Classical had to clean herself up - she has an image to protect. I simply could not indulge myself in the insanity that overcame me in that house, and should not overtake me in this house. I have improved on myself. I will win this competition. Plum is rolling in her grave.
Cassandra: Oh - no, Plum isn't dead. Someone thought allowing this Grape fellow to compete would be a funny joke - yet again I am competing against a purple person. *she smirks* I have found myself talking aloud again. Oh bother, let's find out who I shall nominate.
Soon, she will nominate two of her fellow housemates. Who will she see as a threat, and who will she use as a pawn? Who will be her intended target, or is she searching for the easiest way to get the least blood on her hands?
Cassandra: I could...oh no, I shouldn't target him for his complexion... how about...she did almost beat me. Hmmm....what about this...
Cassandra: I call upon you all for the Nomination Ceremony. It commences now. Thank you all for coming.
Mysti: My pleasure, girl.
Cassandra: Thank you, Mysti. *she pauses, exhaling* I have the opportunity to nominate two of you for eviction at the end of the week.
Cassandra: I first nominate Marsha, because you showed yourself to be unwilling to completely commit yourself to the challenge when you dropped first in the Head of House competition -
Marsha: Ya meesahndeestahrd -
Cassandra: This is not personal, Marsha. Please, you can talk to me afterwards.
Cassandra: The second nominee is Devra, who I believe has some past affiliation with Marsha, and who I have yet to connect with, and who also dropped early in the competition. Again, this is not a personal attack, as the younger generations term it.
Devra: I do understand.
Cassandra: This Nomination Ceremony is now adjourned.
Thank you all for coming.
Devra: You and me, as usual, Marsha.
With that, the nominations are set.
Marsha: Moi weel see ya ahn beetlefield.
Devra: Of course.
Marsha: Ah wourthea aahdvahsiri...
Nominations for both houses are in place. KT! nominates Beau and Ted; Cassandra nominated Marsha and Devra. Who will be sent to the Halfway, and who will be saved? Who will see their fate tempted with the second chance twist? Find out soon, folks. Enjoy this advertisement break.
Contestants settle in after the nomination ceremony.
Grape: So thankful I'm not on the block though...
Mysti: Oh my god, me too! I was so nervous -
Leroy: Nah, you were surely safe, Mysti. Cassandra knew how well you did in the challenge, she wants to keep you around.
Mysti: You really think though?
Leroy: Absolutely, dude! You were killer in that challenge.
Mysti: I mean...all I did was run for longer than you and mostly everyone else. You must just be weak...probably 'cause none of ya'll have been dead before.
Leroy: Oh, yeah...uh, what was that last bit?
Mysti: Nothing, hehe...just said I wish the heatwave wasn't so bad yesterday.
Leroy: Oh right...yeah.
Ben: Heya! I, uh, don't think we've...we've, uh, talked much.
Grape: I...I guess not, then. *he smiles* I love the beanie, dude.
Ben: Hey, thanks...don't you have a similar one?
Grape: Yeah...I do, yeah.
Ben: Glad we have, uh, great taste in beanies then.
Grape: I feel like we're gonna get along, you know?
Ben: Yeah, I think so too.
First House
Rebecca: Oi, Adrian -
Adrian: Sup, Rebecca. How's it doing?
Rebecca: Good to know you recognise my voice.
Shame you got kicked off The Mole when you did, but when you do the you-know-what on the beach with Izzy, guess you see it coming.
Adrian: I'd do it again, you know.
KT! walks outside, into the breathless cool air. Caved in wall and looming trees surround her, but she can see forward, beyond the horizon and beyond the tiny blank dot on this earth that is the competition. She exhales. What a vast world we live in, she whispers to herself.
And what exactly is KT! doing outside anyway?
KT!: The feeling of forgetting what you're doing is comforting.
KT!: Hey, Diane, wouldn't you agree the weather is simply heavenly?
Diane: Oh yes, indeed - hold on...
KT!: What is it, my dear friend? Please, do not hesitate to continue dancing to the tune of this angelical stereo -
Diane: If I wasn't mistaken, you are speaking differently, KT!
Perhaps now you are...Katie!
KT!: What ever do you mean?
Diane: You are speaking like me, the caricature of me, and...quite frankly I love it. Oh, I couldn't be mad with you!
KT!: And why would you need to be mad with the reigning Head of Household?
It is all going smoothly for us, Diane.
Diane: there an 'us' now? Fascinating.
KT!: Of course, you are a fellow contestant! Taking one from your book, of course.
Diane: Say, would you perform for us one day, Miss KT!?
KT!: I would...but I'm not sure how my agent would feel. He doesn't love when I perform on the reality shows I compete in -
Diane: Oh, that is fair. I, of course, understand agents completely, having once had one myself.
Skye: What...what is happening?
Left stunned, Skye continues dancing to her own beat, shunning out the tunes blasting from the speaker. Life in the first house is calm and swell, as long as nobody strays too far outside. And how could they?
Ted: Boy, what a nap. You know, you can never forget a nap so everlasting and cozy. It is a blessing when one can rest at ease and even more so with company.
Tybalt and Beau discuss something in the corner of the room, maybe about the corner of the room? One can dream.
Close to dinnertime. In the kitchen, Rebecca prepares Mac & Cheese for the house. Diane offered her the chance when a few housemates were worried Diane would be cooking for most of the season.
Rebecca: It's hand is magic! Haha, nah, I'm kidding...who thought asking me to cook dinner over Diane was a great idea? Like, sure, give her a rest but...she's so good!
KT!: I'll see you around...Tybbs.
Tybalt: Of course, KT!
Second House
Nighttime in the second house. It's late, but most of the contestants are still wide awake. Sleep is for the weak, it seems.
Carlito: *snoring*
You think I'm implying Carlito is weak? Not at all. He's just tired, is all. Carlito is allowed to be tired. And plus, look, he's stirring - it's time for Carlito to wake up. What will he do with himself now?
Devra: Hey, Grape. How are things?
Grape: Good thank you, Devra. And how are you?
Devra: Well, thanks.
*Grape leaves*
Devra: Well...okay, bye then.
Grape: See ya, Devra!
For some terribly odd reason, Grape forgot he has a bed upstairs. So, time to nap on the sofa, I guess. Surely that sofa can't be comfortable...sorry, narrator voice activated again. Must not try to initiate conversation with contestants.
Day Three, or Four - Second House
Goooooood morning, contestants! I'm Tiger, and today's forecast is...cold in the summer again! Climate change works wonders in the Sims 4. But enough about that, I have some splendid news - it is yet another day in this reality show house. And you are not evicted, at least not yet. So smile and hold your head high - let's welcome the day with cheerfulness, contestants.
Carlito: Damn, what a fantastic shower. Why'd it have to end though?
[Side note: why'd no one tell me Ben is wearing white underwear as his sleepwear? Boy is cute and unafraid to show off his body, boy is dangerous. Boy is also pixels.]
Ben: Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm....what, I'm humming?
Carlito: I'm not judging, boy. Might wanna put some clothes on though before some of the ladies see you.
Ben: Oh, uh...thanks, Carlito.
Breakfast. Cassandra whipped up fruit salad - more realistically, she cut up fruit and tossed it into a bowl. But fruit salad is fruit salad - and the contestants like it better than fruit cake. Of course, HOH Cassandra remains glued to her head-of-the-table seat. Royalty.
Cassandra: Oh, lovely day. Tragedy I have to be stuck in this house, of course, but what to do about it? Cassandra, stop talking to yourself.
Devra: Move this guy up to meet with your guy and steal the ball.
Grape: This isn't like chess, Devra -
Devra: I know that! Usually, I can watch games in peace and let the servants play the game.
Grape: Let the who play the game? Your parents?
Marsha: Haiii dere, Leerah. Wheat ees hahpeeneen?
Leroy: Gonna read this book maybe. Make it look like I can be just as smart as everyone else, so they think I'm a big threat.
Marsha: Ewe ween Laahhrcokted, yah? Ya threet.
Leroy: But...but that was some time ago. Maybe...maybe I've changed.
Ben: Heya, Grape!
Grape: Hey, Ben. How're you going?
Ben: Literally...literally so good.
Grape: Wanna actually play foosball? Devra just sips water and...well, I think she's hoping the ball moves magically.
Oh...she's gone.
Marsha: Eend thit ees hah Maaarsha Maarshahll sahngh 'Ello bah 'Deele whahn beast freend Ermah deespearted. Sahng laahk theese, see?
*Marsha belts the high note*
Leroy: Wow, you seem like a genuine friend, Marsha.
Marsha: Moi meesed 'er, Leerah. Ah laahve Irma.
Mysti: Ouch, you stepped on my toe. *frowny face*
Devra: Oh. I, uh, am sorry, you shouldn't have turned so quickly though.
Mysti: I know, sometimes people don't hear me.
Devra: Yeah. Probably.
First House
It it time for the first Eviction ceremony. The nominees, Beau and Ted, will not be voting tonight - instead, their fellow contestants will decide which of them will be evicted from the house. Little do they know, however, that they will not be immediately eliminated from the game. More on that later.
KT! too will not be voting tonight, unless in the event of a tie, which is not possible this week.
Who will be evicted tonight?
Skye: Heya! I'm sorry, but I vote to evict Beau from the house. You're just so...I don't know, boring. Yeah. So booooring.
Adrian: Sup, everybody. Heya, Izzy, if you're watching this - remember the good times we had. Yep. *he winks, then sighs* Sorry, I vote to evict Beau, because better you than anyone else. See ya.
Tybalt: I unfortunately vote to evict Ted from the house. Nothing personal, buddy, but you haven't spoken much to me anyway. Thank you.
Diane: Hey all. *smiles politely to camera* I vote to evict Ted tonight, with a heavy heart of course. Week 1 voting is so sorrowful. Oh, darling.
The vote is 2-2, a split tie. The decision is now down to Rebecca - who will she side with, who will she vote to stay or go? Who will be saying goodbye based on this last, final vote?
Rebecca: Hey guys! Shout out to, well, everyone, special mention to Tristan, and my other fellow contestants from Zero Privacy, without whom I would not be competing on two shows at once...wait, I said that out loud, sorry.
I vote to evict Beau. This was such a hard decision, because I have barely connected with either of them. Sorry, guys.
It's final. With a vote of 3-2, Beau Smart has been evicted from the house. Let's inform the houseguests now.
CONTESTANTS: With a vote of 3-2, Beau, you have been evicted from the house.
Ted: Oh my.
Beau: Guess this was coming. Oh well.
Beau is the first contestant from the First House to be evicted. But will he be eliminated from the game, or will he be given a second chance in the other house? Keep watching to find out.
Tybalt: Oh boy, it's been good while it lasted. Guess I'll see you on the outside sometime, Beau.
Beau: Yeah, thanks for helping me in this game. See you soon, okay?
Tybalt: Wait a while, dude. I've gotta win this.
Beau: You better.
And with that, Beau Smart exits the house.
Will he return to the game? Soon, the very first Halfway Battle will occur. But first, who will he be competing against? The eviction in the Second House is about to commence.
Second House
It it time for the first Eviction ceremony. The nominees, Devra and Marsha, will not be voting tonight - instead, their fellow contestants will decide which of them will be evicted from the house. Little do they know, however, that they will not be immediately eliminated from the game.
Cassandra too will not be voting tonight, unless in the event of a tie, which is not possible this week.
Who will be evicted tonight?
First to vote is Ben. Who will he wish to keep in the house, and who will he wish to be evicted and expelled? Time to find out.
Ben: I sadly vote to evict Marsha. It was hard to decide, but in the end I've connected more with Devra, and I had to choose someone.
Grape: Hey everyone! Shout-out quickly to my sister, Violet, and to all my friends and family back home. Love you guys! Now...I vote to evict Marsha from the house. Thank you.
Carlito: G'day, everyone. Pulling out a bit of Australian for ya.
I vote to evict Marsha, sorry, but she's an odd one, that girl. I can't understand her half the time and then when I can, she's blabbering on about things like sitcoms and dancing on the internet. Weird girl.
Mysti's formed a close friendship with Grape inside and outside the house. Will she vote with him or vote against him?
Mysti: Hey all! Time to cast this vote thingy! I vote to evict Marsha, unfortunately. You both came to me with interesting deals but I unfortunately had to send one home. At least you're not dead, am I right?
While it is official, Marsha is evicted from the house, let's see who Leroy votes for. Will he side with the majority of the house, or will he vote differently?
Leroy: Hey guys! Hi to my family, everyone I love back home. Hope you're all doing well! Now, to the stuff of the hour. I vote to evict Devra from the house, to show my support for Marsha. I know not many people want to keep her, but she's...she isn't all that bad.
It's final. With a vote of 4-1, Marsha Marshall has been evicted from the house. Let's inform the housemates now.
CONTESTANTS: With a vote of 4-1, Marsha, you have been evicted from the house.
Leroy: Oh no.
Devra: Marsha...
Marsha: Eeet ees fahne. Maarshaa wahnght bee craheen tahnit, no, no, no. Laahk moi ahlweeze sid, be taaiger naht pussehcat, or whaahteever eet wash.
Devra: Marsha -
Marsha: Non, dahnt crahh for meh, Arrjhenteenaah!
Devra: No...I wanted to say goodbye, and good luck. I will miss you in this house, unfortunately, so thank you for...for coming back into my life.
Marsha: Ahhhve cahrse! Mees ya too, Deevraa.
Devra: See you on the other side, old frenemy.
Marsha: Brahhvou! Brahhhvah!
Devra: You aren't too bad, Marsha.
Marsha: Ewe...ewe ainnt ahn 'ater, moi theenks.
Marsha: Laterr, 'oosers.
Ahhm juhst keedeen! Moi laahrves ya ahell!
Devra: Goodbye, Marsha.
I'll see you again soon.
Halfway House - Competition Time
Following an eviction prior to the Merge, the eliminated contestants will face one another for a chance to return to the game. The competition, ranging from the previous challenge to a spanner in the works, will pose as the last hope for these contestants - the winner will return to the game, but to the house they did not begin in. The contestants are only granted this second chance once.
Beau: Ouch. Who put that...that puddle there?'s been raining.
As seen previously, Beau was evicted from the First House.
And who is he competing against? Do you remember?
Marsha: Hehehehe, hee faalh een de mood! Hehehehe.
Marsha Marshall. Ex-contestant of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. I hosted that, you know? Fun fact.
[I've been writing Marsha for a while but Vul is still superior in writing her. Bless him.]
Marsha: Ahhhh oopsies!
Beau: Can you...can you, please, get off me?
Marsha: Ahhh, soooreeh!
Beau: I...I'm sorry I was in your way, too.
Welcome to the Halfway Challenge, contestants. It's a real blast-from-the-past tonight, isn't it? Remember this challenge?
Marsha: Ughhh, yees. Non.
Beau: Treadmills, again. We just did these?!
Marsha: theeenks dat ees da peent.
Face-off: Beau vs Marsha, on the treadmills. Who will last the longest?
And what is the twist, beyond all those little mirrors? I'll be blasting obnoxious remixes of Disney tunes, mashed together horribly and if I was there myself, I'd probably be crying. I don't think a megamix of Let it Go, Can You Feel the Love Tonight and Reflection would be appealing.
Beau: What...what are we listening to now?
Marsha: Shashhhhh! Eets...ah cahhn't theenk weeth ewe paahnteen lahk a madmeen. Shaah!
Beau: Was that...was that a bit of that song from Tangled?
Marsha: Yesh. Marsha knahs beast.
The contestants spend an eternity on the treadmills. Jesus. They just keep pushing themselves. Until one falls. Who is it?
Beau: Oh boy.
Beau Smart has fallen for the second time. Therefore, he is permanently eliminated from the game. Bye bye.
It's been nice to have you, Beau.
Marsha: Yeeee-haw!
- Which means that Marsha Marshall will be returning to the game. She will join the first house in Week 2, and will be immune for the week. How will the first house react to the new intruder? Will they question where she comes from? And who will be here next week, after the second eviction?
This has been the first week of Two Houses: Veteran Edition.
Who will be crowned HOH in the second week? Who will be nominated? Who will be enjoying a special treat, to be revealed soon?
Find out all this and more when we return soon.
I'm Tiger, and thank you all for watching. I'm hoping you're enjoying this as much as I am. Goodbye for now.
Close to dinnertime. In the kitchen, Rebecca prepares Mac & Cheese for the house. Diane offered her the chance when a few housemates were worried Diane would be cooking for most of the season.
Rebecca: It's hand is magic! Haha, nah, I'm kidding...who thought asking me to cook dinner over Diane was a great idea? Like, sure, give her a rest but...she's so good!
KT!: I'll see you around...Tybbs.
Tybalt: Of course, KT!
Second House
Nighttime in the second house. It's late, but most of the contestants are still wide awake. Sleep is for the weak, it seems.
Carlito: *snoring*
You think I'm implying Carlito is weak? Not at all. He's just tired, is all. Carlito is allowed to be tired. And plus, look, he's stirring - it's time for Carlito to wake up. What will he do with himself now?
Devra: Hey, Grape. How are things?
Grape: Good thank you, Devra. And how are you?
Devra: Well, thanks.
*Grape leaves*
Devra: Well...okay, bye then.
Grape: See ya, Devra!
For some terribly odd reason, Grape forgot he has a bed upstairs. So, time to nap on the sofa, I guess. Surely that sofa can't be comfortable...sorry, narrator voice activated again. Must not try to initiate conversation with contestants.
Day Three, or Four - Second House
Goooooood morning, contestants! I'm Tiger, and today's forecast is...cold in the summer again! Climate change works wonders in the Sims 4. But enough about that, I have some splendid news - it is yet another day in this reality show house. And you are not evicted, at least not yet. So smile and hold your head high - let's welcome the day with cheerfulness, contestants.
Carlito: Damn, what a fantastic shower. Why'd it have to end though?
[Side note: why'd no one tell me Ben is wearing white underwear as his sleepwear? Boy is cute and unafraid to show off his body, boy is dangerous. Boy is also pixels.]
Ben: Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm....what, I'm humming?
Carlito: I'm not judging, boy. Might wanna put some clothes on though before some of the ladies see you.
Ben: Oh, uh...thanks, Carlito.
Breakfast. Cassandra whipped up fruit salad - more realistically, she cut up fruit and tossed it into a bowl. But fruit salad is fruit salad - and the contestants like it better than fruit cake. Of course, HOH Cassandra remains glued to her head-of-the-table seat. Royalty.
Cassandra: Oh, lovely day. Tragedy I have to be stuck in this house, of course, but what to do about it? Cassandra, stop talking to yourself.
Devra: Move this guy up to meet with your guy and steal the ball.
Grape: This isn't like chess, Devra -
Devra: I know that! Usually, I can watch games in peace and let the servants play the game.
Grape: Let the who play the game? Your parents?
Marsha: Haiii dere, Leerah. Wheat ees hahpeeneen?
Leroy: Gonna read this book maybe. Make it look like I can be just as smart as everyone else, so they think I'm a big threat.
Marsha: Ewe ween Laahhrcokted, yah? Ya threet.
Leroy: But...but that was some time ago. Maybe...maybe I've changed.
Ben: Heya, Grape!
Grape: Hey, Ben. How're you going?
Ben: Literally...literally so good.
Grape: Wanna actually play foosball? Devra just sips water and...well, I think she's hoping the ball moves magically.
Oh...she's gone.
Marsha: Eend thit ees hah Maaarsha Maarshahll sahngh 'Ello bah 'Deele whahn beast freend Ermah deespearted. Sahng laahk theese, see?
*Marsha belts the high note*
Leroy: Wow, you seem like a genuine friend, Marsha.
Marsha: Moi meesed 'er, Leerah. Ah laahve Irma.
Mysti: Ouch, you stepped on my toe. *frowny face*
Devra: Oh. I, uh, am sorry, you shouldn't have turned so quickly though.
Mysti: I know, sometimes people don't hear me.
Devra: Yeah. Probably.
First House
It it time for the first Eviction ceremony. The nominees, Beau and Ted, will not be voting tonight - instead, their fellow contestants will decide which of them will be evicted from the house. Little do they know, however, that they will not be immediately eliminated from the game. More on that later.
KT! too will not be voting tonight, unless in the event of a tie, which is not possible this week.
Who will be evicted tonight?
Skye: Heya! I'm sorry, but I vote to evict Beau from the house. You're just so...I don't know, boring. Yeah. So booooring.
Adrian: Sup, everybody. Heya, Izzy, if you're watching this - remember the good times we had. Yep. *he winks, then sighs* Sorry, I vote to evict Beau, because better you than anyone else. See ya.
Tybalt: I unfortunately vote to evict Ted from the house. Nothing personal, buddy, but you haven't spoken much to me anyway. Thank you.
Diane: Hey all. *smiles politely to camera* I vote to evict Ted tonight, with a heavy heart of course. Week 1 voting is so sorrowful. Oh, darling.
The vote is 2-2, a split tie. The decision is now down to Rebecca - who will she side with, who will she vote to stay or go? Who will be saying goodbye based on this last, final vote?
Rebecca: Hey guys! Shout out to, well, everyone, special mention to Tristan, and my other fellow contestants from Zero Privacy, without whom I would not be competing on two shows at once...wait, I said that out loud, sorry.
I vote to evict Beau. This was such a hard decision, because I have barely connected with either of them. Sorry, guys.
It's final. With a vote of 3-2, Beau Smart has been evicted from the house. Let's inform the houseguests now.
CONTESTANTS: With a vote of 3-2, Beau, you have been evicted from the house.
Ted: Oh my.
Beau: Guess this was coming. Oh well.
Beau is the first contestant from the First House to be evicted. But will he be eliminated from the game, or will he be given a second chance in the other house? Keep watching to find out.
Tybalt: Oh boy, it's been good while it lasted. Guess I'll see you on the outside sometime, Beau.
Beau: Yeah, thanks for helping me in this game. See you soon, okay?
Tybalt: Wait a while, dude. I've gotta win this.
Beau: You better.
And with that, Beau Smart exits the house.
Will he return to the game? Soon, the very first Halfway Battle will occur. But first, who will he be competing against? The eviction in the Second House is about to commence.

It it time for the first Eviction ceremony. The nominees, Devra and Marsha, will not be voting tonight - instead, their fellow contestants will decide which of them will be evicted from the house. Little do they know, however, that they will not be immediately eliminated from the game.
Cassandra too will not be voting tonight, unless in the event of a tie, which is not possible this week.
Who will be evicted tonight?
First to vote is Ben. Who will he wish to keep in the house, and who will he wish to be evicted and expelled? Time to find out.
Ben: I sadly vote to evict Marsha. It was hard to decide, but in the end I've connected more with Devra, and I had to choose someone.
Grape: Hey everyone! Shout-out quickly to my sister, Violet, and to all my friends and family back home. Love you guys! Now...I vote to evict Marsha from the house. Thank you.
Carlito: G'day, everyone. Pulling out a bit of Australian for ya.
I vote to evict Marsha, sorry, but she's an odd one, that girl. I can't understand her half the time and then when I can, she's blabbering on about things like sitcoms and dancing on the internet. Weird girl.
Mysti's formed a close friendship with Grape inside and outside the house. Will she vote with him or vote against him?
Mysti: Hey all! Time to cast this vote thingy! I vote to evict Marsha, unfortunately. You both came to me with interesting deals but I unfortunately had to send one home. At least you're not dead, am I right?
While it is official, Marsha is evicted from the house, let's see who Leroy votes for. Will he side with the majority of the house, or will he vote differently?
Leroy: Hey guys! Hi to my family, everyone I love back home. Hope you're all doing well! Now, to the stuff of the hour. I vote to evict Devra from the house, to show my support for Marsha. I know not many people want to keep her, but she's...she isn't all that bad.

It's final. With a vote of 4-1, Marsha Marshall has been evicted from the house. Let's inform the housemates now.
CONTESTANTS: With a vote of 4-1, Marsha, you have been evicted from the house.
Leroy: Oh no.
Devra: Marsha...
Marsha: Eeet ees fahne. Maarshaa wahnght bee craheen tahnit, no, no, no. Laahk moi ahlweeze sid, be taaiger naht pussehcat, or whaahteever eet wash.
Devra: Marsha -
Marsha: Non, dahnt crahh for meh, Arrjhenteenaah!
Devra: No...I wanted to say goodbye, and good luck. I will miss you in this house, unfortunately, so thank you for...for coming back into my life.
Marsha: Ahhhve cahrse! Mees ya too, Deevraa.
Devra: See you on the other side, old frenemy.
Marsha: Brahhvou! Brahhhvah!
Devra: You aren't too bad, Marsha.
Marsha: Ewe...ewe ainnt ahn 'ater, moi theenks.
Marsha: Laterr, 'oosers.
Ahhm juhst keedeen! Moi laahrves ya ahell!
Devra: Goodbye, Marsha.
I'll see you again soon.
Halfway House - Competition Time
Following an eviction prior to the Merge, the eliminated contestants will face one another for a chance to return to the game. The competition, ranging from the previous challenge to a spanner in the works, will pose as the last hope for these contestants - the winner will return to the game, but to the house they did not begin in. The contestants are only granted this second chance once.
Beau: Ouch. Who put that...that puddle there?'s been raining.
As seen previously, Beau was evicted from the First House.
And who is he competing against? Do you remember?
Marsha: Hehehehe, hee faalh een de mood! Hehehehe.
Marsha Marshall. Ex-contestant of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. I hosted that, you know? Fun fact.
[I've been writing Marsha for a while but Vul is still superior in writing her. Bless him.]
Marsha: Ahhhh oopsies!
Beau: Can you...can you, please, get off me?
Marsha: Ahhh, soooreeh!
Beau: I...I'm sorry I was in your way, too.
Welcome to the Halfway Challenge, contestants. It's a real blast-from-the-past tonight, isn't it? Remember this challenge?
Marsha: Ughhh, yees. Non.
Beau: Treadmills, again. We just did these?!
Marsha: theeenks dat ees da peent.
Face-off: Beau vs Marsha, on the treadmills. Who will last the longest?
And what is the twist, beyond all those little mirrors? I'll be blasting obnoxious remixes of Disney tunes, mashed together horribly and if I was there myself, I'd probably be crying. I don't think a megamix of Let it Go, Can You Feel the Love Tonight and Reflection would be appealing.
Beau: What...what are we listening to now?
Marsha: Shashhhhh! Eets...ah cahhn't theenk weeth ewe paahnteen lahk a madmeen. Shaah!
Beau: Was that...was that a bit of that song from Tangled?
Marsha: Yesh. Marsha knahs beast.
The contestants spend an eternity on the treadmills. Jesus. They just keep pushing themselves. Until one falls. Who is it?
Beau Smart has fallen for the second time. Therefore, he is permanently eliminated from the game. Bye bye.
It's been nice to have you, Beau.
Marsha: Yeeee-haw!
- Which means that Marsha Marshall will be returning to the game. She will join the first house in Week 2, and will be immune for the week. How will the first house react to the new intruder? Will they question where she comes from? And who will be here next week, after the second eviction?
This has been the first week of Two Houses: Veteran Edition.
Who will be crowned HOH in the second week? Who will be nominated? Who will be enjoying a special treat, to be revealed soon?
Find out all this and more when we return soon.
I'm Tiger, and thank you all for watching. I'm hoping you're enjoying this as much as I am. Goodbye for now.
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