Two Houses, Season 2: Veteran Edition (Week 5 - Part 1)

 Week 5: Part 1 - Second House

[Warning - the contestants seem more uncensored this episode than usual...] 

Welcome back, everyone. I'm your host, and sometimes I talk to the contestants, but most times, well, I just mumble my thoughts to you all, my lovely audience! Give it up for the audience that isn't here because I don't record this live! You guys, the ones that tune in, I like you.
Sorry...let's kick off Week 5, shall we? 

Now where did we leave off...

Grape: So there's another house...
Mysti: If what she says is true, yeah. 
Grape: I wonder who is in the other house. 
Ben: It's where Diane came from then. More veterans. 

Leroy: More people we have to compete with...yay. 
Devra: If some have come from the other house...then undoubtedly some from ours have crossed over to theirs - 
Grape: Like Carlito, or...or Marsha. 
Leroy: Marsha could be still playing! 

Grape: This is...a lot. I need to pee. 
Mysti: Peeing helps you process stuff too? 
Grape: No...I'm just busting to go...but okay, Mysti - 
Mysti: Yeah, okay, judge the dead girl, real classy. 

Grape: Ah...well this is a twist. 
Wait...why dost thy contestants not remember the first season? Just because it didn't have episodes for the human public, doesn't mean it didn't happen? 
Grape: I didn't know what show I was signing up for. 

That was a little silly of you, Grape...kidding! We purposefully didn't tell anyone what show they were signing up for, only that it was a Big Brother-style show hosted by...well, someone. Who even am I beyond a voice? 
Oh that's right. My name is Tiger...well, it isn't, but it's a cute little moniker I have. Why don't I let the contestants carry the conversations from now on? 

Grape: In all honesty, I do remember Two Houses. Where they had two houses. I never actually expected to be on it myself. I thought I was potentially signing up for a new, upcoming show, maybe it was called Unusuality, or maybe I was just redoing Sims Reality All-Stars, because they thought why not? But here I am, competing opposite another house of probable veterans and...well I'm excited to see who they have over there. 

Mysti: Come on, Benny, chop chop!
Ben: Why...why are you creeping on me like that, Mysti? 
Mysti: I'm not creeping...gosh, I'm not some zombie, you know! 
Ben: I...I know just stepped on my heel. 

Leroy: Well, I'm off to bed, Devra - 
Devra: Oh it feels fantastic to be here another week - 
Leroy: Indeed it does, though I was HoH to get here even easily...
Devra: That reminds me...I should never have flirted with you, Leroy. See that you dispose of your feelings of me, and we will continue our alliance perfectly - 
Leroy: Oh - okay. 


First House

Over in the first house, the contestants said goodbye to Marsha Marshall, a definite crowd favourite. How many cheers can I get for Marsha? Oh darn...I keep forgetting I have no live audience. Oh dang! 
Inside the house now, KT! trudges up the staircase...oh, she's not trudging? My bad. KT! heads upstairs, to bed. 

KT!: Can I say goodnight to the voice in the sky? 
Aww, ain't that sweet? 
Tiger: Hey, it's me, the voice! 
KT!: Goodnight voicey! Sleep well! Sweet dreams! 
Well...I have to stay awake while you sleep, but when I sleep next, I will! Goodnight, KT!

Adrian: I'm thinking, when I get out of here at the end, with the prize money, I'll buy the island we went to for The Mole and build a mansion for all the hot babes who will now want me for my hot abs and....well, they'll want my money too, but we can forgive them babes for that. 
Rebecca: *she chuckles* I tuned out when you said you'd have the prize money. 
Adrian: What? There's no prize? 
Rebecca: You're just not going to win it, innocent boy - 

Skye: I'm just about ready for bed myself, hehe. 
Tybalt: I was headed upstairs to change into my bed clothes but...I don't know, something stopped me, or, no...I just ended up in my normal clothes again. 
Adrian: ...Rebecca just said I won't win the money - 
Skye: *she giggles* You won't though! 

Rebecca: Goodnight, Tybalt.
Tybalt: Oh - a hug? Goodnight, Rebecca, and...uh, good one telling Adrian his dream won't come true! 
Rebecca: I told him I don't know the future afterwards...thought it would settle him down. 


The Next Morning

KT!: *in a sing-song tone* I wake up in the morning, I eat in the morning, I just love, love, love the morningssssssssss! 

It is day something in the Two Houses houses, and KT! has decided to cook for the house, a nice gesture to welcome the official start to Week 5! So far, the contestants have survived for four weeks in two identical houses, but what will be in store for the future? And will next season even be two identical houses? Who knows? What if next season was set on Mars? What if next season was only populated with the one sim, renamed fifteen times? 

KT!: Breakfast is ready! Yummy! 
Everyone else is mostly still asleep. 
KT!: Come get it before it goes cold! Then I have to feed to the fishies, or to the rats, or to...nah, I'm just kidding! We have none of that here! Not even a cat...darn. We should get a cat. I am Taiha now. 

Rebecca: Okay, out of my face now, I'm closing this door to pee...please, privacy, thanks - 
Didn't you know? We're on Zero Privacy! Oh actually are. Nah, this be Two Houses, because there are two houses, see the name is really quite genius....


KT!: Oh, I see you are trying what I made for breakfast...I hope you enjoy it. 
Skye: You''re not just standing there waiting for people to eat your food, are you? 
KT!: Of course not! 
Skye: Oh good...I go eat now. 

KT!: Omigosh, she's gonna eat my food! 
Skye: said that out loud - 
KT!: No - no, I did not. 
Blasted. Guess my voice-over feature is broken. I am Linda now. 

Skye: I will tell you what I think of it once I have finished, KT!, since you are so desperate to know my opinion - 
KT!: Me, desperate, nooooooo, nuh uh, not me! 
Skye: Okay - I think I'll eat now. Excuse me. 
KT!: Oh, am I in your way? Sorry - I'm just dancing. 

Skye: Oh - you are? Just dancing? 
KT!: Uh huh, uh huh! Look at me boogie! 
Skye: *she laughs, softly* My, you are a character. 
Linda: Playable or an NPC? 
[Sorry, I had to]

Skye: I am sure I'll like the food, KT!. I won't spit it out as soon as I taste it, you see I've grown accustomed to eat...well, anything.
KT!: Why - why are you still talking about my food? That was, like, five hours ago, get over it! 
Skye: Haha. Okay, KT!. Enjoy the dancing. 

*Rebecca is heard sobbing, audibly* 

Rebecca: What? A girl isn't allowed to have a gloomy sort of day? I'm sorry I'm not perfectly happy today, but I push through it, okay, I will. I know you had your cameras on me while I was crying in there. Anything for the views! 

But like...what the hell, you guys! I'm sad! 

KT!: You seem excitable today, Adrian - 
Adrian: I am - see, I had a dream last night - 
Carlito: A wet dream? Was I in it? 
Adrian: Not a wet dream, you, I had a dream that I won this whole thing! Ain't that exciting? 

Rebecca: Tybalt slept through that...damn he's a good sleeper. Makes sense, I guess, didn't he die in The Locomotive? I don't know...maybe I'm remembering wrong...surely he couldn't have died and then still be here! That's utterly stupid...surely. 

Rebecca: Ugh. 
Skye: Oh, morning Rebecca. 
Rebecca: Wonderful morning, ain't it, Skye...

Skye: Indeed it is. I had KT!'s breakfast this morning, and you know, it wasn't bad. wasn't the best, because that girl probably doesn't cook too often, and I also think she got distracted singing while cooking, but...yeah. 
Rebecca: Should I...should I eat it? 
Skye: If you're hungry! Saves you from eating cereal. 
Hey...are you alright? 

Rebecca: Who, me? I'm alright. 
Skye: You look a little...well, sad. So I would say, I suppose, not so alright.
Rebecca: shouldn't point out if someone looks not alright - 
Skye: I'm sorry...I'll leave you alone then, Rebecca. 

Rebecca: At least Tybalt finally woke up. Upstairs all to myself. 

Rebecca: And...that should do it for now. I feel...well, a little better now. Not as sad. Not as gloomy. Guess I'll head downstairs and have some breakfast then, I'm sure the breakfast KT! made is good, and I could do without cereal this morning. What, you producers want me back up here crying? I'll eat cereal! I'll do it! Don't threaten me, producers! 

Second House

Over in the second house, Mysti begins preparing breakfast, but only for herself. Single fruit salad, it seems, though...well, her ingredients aren't quite what I would put in a fruit salad. Maybe it's just a normal salad then...for breakfast? I'm not going to judge, Mysti...
Mysti: We need to go grocery shopping, I feel. 

At least she has an apple to cut up...that's more along the lines of fruit salad. 
Mysti: Ouch, my finger! 
Finger...what, grows back magically? 
Mysti: I need a medic! I'm bleeding! Ah, he - nope, not that word. 

Devra: Good morning, Mysti - 
Mysti: I cut my finger cutting fruit, Devra - not a good morning! 
Devra: Mysti, dear...*she shakes her head* it is a good morning when those cooking the meal have to suffer through trials and tribulations to give those eating the very best! 
Mysti: What, did you hit your head waking up and revert back to silly princess? 

Devra: Silly princess? Silly. Princess? 
Mysti: Oh, I'm sorry...did you hit your head waking up and, uh...I don't know, think you could act hoity-toity?
Devra: Mysti...yes. 
Mysti: Well, your majesty, I am no longer in the mood. 

Devra: Oh. Oh well. 
Mysti: You're acting strange today, Devra, and so...I will leave you to eat your oatmeal. I have this delicious bowl of fruit to eat myself, maybe a little blood splashed in too. 
Devra: That sounds wonderful. 
Mysti: Yeah. It does. 

Grape: Heyo, Mysti - 
Mysti: Morning. I cut my finger. It hurt. 
Grape: Oh? Are you alright? It's not still - 
Mysti: I called for the medic, and she came. I am okay. It's nice to know I bleed still, huh. 
Grape: …yep. 

Devra: Watch out, Grape, do not go flicking everyone with egg juices! 
Grape: was a mistake. I promise I won't burn down the house - 
Devra: No? 
Grape: I promise! Yeah. 

Devra: Time for oatmeal then. 
Grape: I hope you enjoy it, Devra. 
Devra: Are you joyous for the week to come, Grape? 
Grape: Uh...I don't know if joyous is the word, but we'll...we'll see what it brings, I guess. 

Ben: Good morning everyone! 
Mysti: Goooood morning, Benjamin! 
Ben: Yeah, uh...yeah, it's just Ben - 
Mysti: I know, you silly...I cut my finger, let me have some fun. 

Grape: Good morning, Benny. 
Ben: Grape, hey. Is Mysti okay? She said she cut her finger off - 
Grape: No, not off! She just cut it, barely, it bled a little, she said, but definitely didn't cut it off. 
Ben: Oh okay, good. *he smiles* How are you, Grape? 

Mysti: Now that I have food in mah belly...time for the piano! 
But hey...your finger? 
Mysti: I haven't played in ages...I probably suck now. 
 I guess her finger is fine now then. 

Grape: I'm thinking of changing my hair - 
Devra: The colour, or the style? 
Grape: The...the style, obviously. I won't dye my hair.
It's not even the right shade as it is. 
Devra: Well...I say you should not. Would be unwise. 


First House

Tybalt: Oh, good to see these now. 
Indeed, the contestants now have a more functioning laundry! Out with hand washing and drying on the line, now the contestants, of both households, can use these handy dandy appliances! Hoorah! 
Tybalt: Just go and grab everything we need to wash, hope the noise isn't too loud...

Tybalt: Oh this is quite faster than handwashing - thank goodness. 
I bet. The trouble of handwashing was last week's woe. Now they can rest at ease and listen to the rumble of the washer and dryer...

Tybalt: And now we let it dry out...not on the line, oh boy! I'm glad we finally got this after all the struggle of last week...maybe I shouldn't complain, some people only have bucket and water, and maybe a fence to dry their was alright for us to live a little poorer for a week. 

The contestants continue with their daily lives, washing dishes and the like. Adrian seems nice and chill at the moment but...earthquake! Kidding! No earthquake, just thought I'd have fun while I talk to myself. Double thumbs up. 
I wish these sims noticed I was here. 
Remember how in Sims 2 sometimes they'd glare at you? Fun times. 

KT!: The snow is so cold! So cold! 
I found KT outside, after I thought I lost her. 
KT!: Oh hello cameras! I was just making a snow angel! Oh...I'm not supposed to be outside of the house? Oh...well, I hope you don't forcefully evict me from the house! Hehe. 

KT!: Oh, just a warning? That's all good then! I'll just head right back inside, yeah! Don't ruin my snow angel though! I put a lot of work into this. 
- how long were you out here for? 

KT!: Boy, it is cold! You wonder why I didn't grab my coat before I came out here, I'm freezing! This jumpsuit is super thin!
- don't freeze to death on me KT!
KT!: But I will be back inside soon enough, so I will be fine, I think. Maybe I'll just need to go sit by the fire, or go back to bed...woah. This was just a ploy to get back in bed! KT, you smart thing. 

Skye: BAP! BAP! BAP! 
You've got this, Skye.
Imagine the ball is your next target's head. 

KT!: ...she sells she - ugh, no - she sells sea shells by the sea shore! I did it! Oh, wait, no, I broke my focus, nooo! Okay - go again! 
Here we find KT! in her natural habitat - the bathroom. I'm kidding! Well...only partially. KT! does use the bathroom. 
KT!: She! Sells! Sea! Shells! By! The! Sea! Shore! Woot! 

KT!: She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She does. That's true. She sells them there. By that beautiful sea shore - sorry, I'm getting off-focus. I haven't been working on my acting recently, the game! It's kept my focus! 
Where was I...not selling shells anymore, she's done that! 

KT!: I am playing the character of Louise, but I have no co-star, so I suppose I will just read both sets of dialogue, it will help me know when to come in - okay. Let's start, shall we? 
"Harold - Harold?"
*she puts on a gruff, deep voice* "What is it, Louise?"
"I...I think I may be pregnant with Jonathan's baby..."

KT!: *Harold voice* "What?! You've been sleeping around, woman? I give you everything, a bed, a chair, a fireplace, a warm meal and everything and...well, you sleep with my best friend!"
"Harold -"
*Harold voice* "No, Louise - " 
"Listen to me, please..."

KT!: "You will listen to my words, and to my are no longer in our bedroom, you are on...what's the word...oh! you are on Analatsitai, my home planet! Hehehe, you will soon forget everything!"
*Harold voice* "I will...I will forget?"
"Indeed, my husband...forget everything!" 

KT!: "See, I can have everything! I can keep my half-human, half-alien baby, and my husband, who is infertile, because, well...humans are weak! I can...I can have everything I have ever wanted!"
*Harold voice* "You can have...everything."
"You will see, husband. My wacko baby will be the undoing of all humanity!"

Carlito: Oh, you're in here, KT! 
KT!: Y-yup. You didn't knock, Carlito! 
Carlito: I know I didn't. The door was unlocked. 
KT!:'re supposed to knock first! 

Carlito: What are you doing in here, anyway? Checking yourself out in the mirror? Found any blemishes? 
KT!: Nooo! I don't need to constantly check myself out, gosh, who am I? You? Adrian? The President? 
Carlito: No...none of those people. 
KT!: I was just...washing my hands, is all. 

Carlito: With a piece of paper in your hand? That seems...well, a little silly. 
KT!: Oh, this? Oh - it's just some work stuff...
Carlito: Work stuff? Miss KT! couldn't stand the thought of not bringing her work with her into the house - wait...what do you do again? 
KT!: I'm literally famous, Carlito! 

Carlito: Oh yeah - that's right. 
KT!: Well, I will leave you, because clearly it must be so important if you cannot even bother knocking! What if I had my breasts out, for you to see? What if I had been naked in here? What if - 
Carlito: Lock the door next time, then? 
KT!: What if I trapped myself in here?! Huh?! 

Carlito: I'm sure you won't, KT! It's not a hard lock - 
KT!: Hey...wait a just came in here for a drink of water? 
Carlito: Yup, I did. 
KT!: What the - Carlito!? Do that in the kitchen! I was...I was busy in here! 
Carlito: It's fine...

Carlito: You weren't, you said so, just 'washing your hands'. I was thirsty, and someone was washing dishes at the sink, see, so I thought I could just come here and have a drink - 
KT!: That's so so silly, Carlito! Drinking bathroom water! 
Carlito: I ain't drinking from the toilet bowl - 
KT!: Pretty much! 

Second House

Leroy: Right so, you were kidding last night, hey? 
Devra: No. Not at all, Leroy - 
Leroy: No, no, it's just one big prank...well, you got me! Hahah. 
Devra: I need to go get dressed. You should not see me in my sleepwear. 

Devra: Ah, better, and he's gone too - 
Mysti: Who, Leroy? Yeah, he went to the bathroom. You avoiding him now? 
Devra: Perhaps. 
Mysti: But you remain blushing? Well, I am not one to step into other's love life, but I will say...people are a lot more experimental in the down there...

Here is the laundry, of course, for the second house. It looks essentially identical, but perhaps someone watching was worried I wouldn't properly introduce it for this house, so rest at ease! Here it is! All is okay. 
Gone with the bucket outside, of course. 

Devra: Oh, Mysti - 
Mysti: Yes, hi, Devra. 
Devra: I have a question. 
Mysti: Hit me. 
Devra: When you say 'down there', you are talking about, well....that place...yes? 

Mysti: Indeed. The lava-spurting, demon-infested place 'down there'. I wasn't talking about Australia, no, but who knows, maybe they are more experimental in Australia too? Good...good watcher knows that they change prime ministers every second month! exaggeration on my part, but close enough. 
Devra: were dead? 
Mysti: I was murdered. It was not fun. But I made my way back. 
It was not easy. 

Where is Mysti off to now, headed for the diary room? Or for Leroy, to confess something super secret? Or to admire the weirdly suspicious garden...oh my! No one has done that in a while! Has the glitch been fixed! Oh my! 
Anyway...let us to follow behind Mysti like we always do when something exciting is about to happen! 

Mysti: Hey there, Leroy - watch out, I might just boop your butt. 
Leroy: Hi, Mysti - wait, what? 
Mysti: It's popping out so much as you bend, perfect booping position. Now...out of the way, Leroy! I have important business! 
Leroy: Oh...okay. 

Mysti: Gasp! 
What? What is it? 
Mysti: I'm just messing! There's nothing here, except for this door - woah, is this the door to the next Head of Household competition? Could it be...we do this one by ourselves? Hmm...interesting. 

We shall see, won't we, Mysti - 
Mysti: Oh my goodness! 

Mysti: Lol, the room is pretty empty. I think I was duped here. Ha, you got me, producers! Time for the producers to play a little prank on Mysti, haha! Wait....hmm, was I blind mere moments ago? It seems so...

Mysti: How had I not noticed the things? Got you, audience! You thought I was being pranked, but in reality, I was pranking you! Ha! I got you good. 
You got them good...
Mysti: What do we have here, anyway? Is that...interesting. I believe so. 

Mysti: It is time for chess, then. 
That's right folks! It is chess! Chess, however, is not a surprise competition this season - we previously saw chess make an appearance in the Cassandra vs Diane battle, but because there are limited options for this game, chess it is again! At least none of our current contestants have competed in a chess challenge previously in the show. 

Mysti: Woah! Didn't I just see you, Devra? 
Devra: Oh - well, yes. 
Mysti: Seems like you're my chess partner! 
Devra: Oh terrific! 

Mysti: You get to - 
Devra: I get to move first, I know this. White is the symbol of power in this game, and therefore will be the winner - it is mere coincidence that I wore this white top today.
Mysti: Oh right, I have to deal with your weird bull- today. 
Devra: Now where should I go? 
Mysti: Hmm, yes, ask the enemy. 

Devra: It was more of a hypothetical! 
Mysti: I know! G- jeez, some people! 
Devra: Some people? What is that supposed to mean? 
Mysti: Some people. Like...some people like hats, some don't. Some people have roast beef, some people don't. That sort of thing. 

Mysti My turn? Hmm...
Devra: Yes, your turn. I think if you move this one here, I can move this one here, and then - 
Mysti: Trying to defeat me? Try harder. 
Devra: Thought perhaps teamwork would help. 

Mysti: Okay, that should be fine...
Devra: Ha. Fine is never good enough. 
Mysti: Oh really? 
Devra: Quite so. Fine will get you thrown out of the household and straight into the mud pit for the pigs. Happened to Gwyneth, the old maid. 

Mysti: Sometimes she opens her mouth and I get a whole spray of her privilege. Whether she is a princess, or she's just extremely wealthy, who knows, but...well, she brags about her life, and I Look at you. Crazy person. Why are you here? You know? She's insane. 

Devra: And you know what I did? This. Wow. I almost have you. 
Mysti: Hmm...I'm not so certain. 
Devra: Are you a princess, Mysti? 
Mysti: I...I am not, not in your sense. 
Devra: Princesses win. 

Mysti: Try to win after this, Princess Devra. 
Devra: Oh, hmm...I shall see. 
Mysti: Princesses don't always win. Remember Anastasia? She actually died. Woah. I bet you thought she escaped all them bullets, or magic, whatever happened. 
Devra: Oh? 

Devra: How can Mysti try to compare me to...whoever this Anastasia this? And suggest that princesses lose sometimes? I know, I know, I sound like I have my...what do they say, head up my butt, but...well, I am still in the game, am I not? Sure, I have not won the Head of House every week, but true losing...true losing is going home. And that is something I have not done in a very long time. 

Devra: I have never met this Princess Anastasia, but I'm sure chess is very different compared to death. One is just a game - 
Mysti: Nope. Both are games. 
Devra: Oh? 
Mysti: I assume you have never died, Devra. It is not as simple as you may think. Truly. 

Devra: I...I never have died, I am quite pleased with that - 
Mysti: As you should be. 
Devra: May I ask you a question? 
Mysti: Hit me, baby, one more time. 
Devra: I do not know how to handle Leroy. 

Mysti: Not really a question, but, uh...I think that is something you must come to on your own. Your feelings for him are complicated, yes? 
Devra: Yes. 
Mysti: Well...clear your head. Sit yourself down and ponder. Talk to Leroy, if you can, level with him. Otherwise...oh look. I won. 

Devra: What? How? 
Mysti: Simple, really. I distracted you enough that you lost focus on the game, and your moves were weaker. I'm not the best at chess, but I can tell when someone is slipping up. I know weaknesses. 
Devra: Oh my...good work there, Mysti. 

Mysti: Booyah! 

Mysti: I am quite proud of myself too. 
Devra: I will say it is deserved, then. I will root for you to win this competition, not solely because you beat me, but...because it is somewhat of a thank you for the advice you gave. 
Mysti: I try to help as best as I can, Devra. 

Devra: I suppose I will head out then, not sure to where, but that is life, is it not? A winding journey...
Mysti: Go get a man, or don't, you do you. 
Devra: Ah, yes. I may talk to him. 
Mysti: Keep me posted.  

So Mysti is the first to win in the chess tournament. Who will compete against her, however, for the Head of Household title? And...well, there is a secret twist lined up to revealed very very shortly...what will that be? For now, Mysti awaits to see the next duel to enter the backyard HoH arena.


First House 

Over in the first house, the contestants await the announcement of the Head of Household competition...but it's more than that, isn't it? 
Of course it is. 
I will now announce the surprise twist for the Head of Household competition is.....surprise elimination! This means that the ending loser of this HoH will be eliminated - not merely evicted from the house. 

First up for the first house is Rebecca vs Tybalt. They will head out to the backyard arena for their chess match! Note: all pairings were randomised. 
Tybalt: Oh man...
That, of course, means Rebecca (and Leroy) must compete in the competition, lest they not escape elimination that easily. It is anyone's game this week. 

Rebecca: Ready to lose? 
Tybalt: snuck up on me. 
Rebecca: Well, I shouldn't even be here...but they want to potentially knock me out, so...I guess I have to come. 
Tybalt: on, then. 

Rebecca: Hi, Tybalt. It's so good to see you again. 
Tybalt: It's been forever! 
Rebecca: Fancy a game of chess, huh? Why not? 
Tybalt: I think it is time for me to win again. 

Rebecca: Your move first, then. 
Tybalt: Ah, oh yeah. 
Rebecca: You know, Tybalt, if I win this thing...well, two weeks in a row folks! God, I'd be unstoppable. 
Tybalt: What if...what if you get eliminated? 

Tybalt: I could happen.
Rebecca: It could...but it won't, I hope not. 
Tybalt: I'm not going easy on you either way, Rebecca - 
Rebecca: I wouldn't count on it. I win by myself. 

Tybalt: Your turn. 
Rebecca: I know. I'm psyching you out. 
Tybalt: By staring at me? I can look away, Rebecca - 
Rebecca: You could. But my eyes would not leave you. 

Tybalt: You are strange, Rebecca...
Rebecca: Woah! Look at that bug! 
Tybalt: What...a bug? Where? 
Rebecca: In the corner...over there! 

Tybalt: that it over there? Hmm....maybe that is it? Where did you say it was exactly, in the corner? 

Rebecca: Yeah, I can see it right now...cause I had to take my eyes off you, I'm sorry, I lied. 
Tybalt: That...that's fine...where is this bug? 
Rebecca: I think...I think I saw it crawl away, somewhere...
Tybalt: Hmm...have you stopped staring at me? 
[He would notice that switch, no?] 

Rebecca: I thought about switching...cheating...but I knew it wouldn't be right. I have to win this fairly. So I left the pieces where they were. No, I'm not a cheater. would not have been fair for either of us. 

Rebecca: This building is strange. 
Tybalt: It seems that way, huh. 
Rebecca: Now, back to the game, hey? Why we get distracted by a bug anyway? So strange. 
Tybalt: turn? 

Rebecca: It indeed is.
Tybalt: Okay...I think I'll move this one to there. 
Rebecca: Hmm? You could do that...
Tybalt: I just did. 

Rebecca: Well, it lined me up perfectly for this. 
Tybalt: Oh man. 
Rebecca: Gotcha. Not quite completely, but almost. 
Who says you need to cheat to win? 
Tybalt: ...I never have, that's for sure. 

Tybalt: You thought about cheating, didn't you? When I had my back to you? 
Rebecca: What, no - 
Tybalt: It's alright. I don't hate you for it, or think poorly of you. We've all had the thought every now and then. 
Rebecca: I lost focus...

Rebecca: I was never actually gonna cheat! 
Tybalt: I believe you. 
Rebecca: I...I just don't think it would feel great to be eliminated in a HoH I shouldn't even be competing in...
Tybalt: I know...but it's best to not think of it like that. 

Tybalt: No one in the position today of competing will deserve to be eliminated when they do, no matter what. It is the game. You want to stay as long as you can, but it is tricky staying forever. turn.
Rebecca:'re right. My turn! 
Tybalt: Hmm...what about...? 

*A few turns later...* 
Tybalt: Wow...I did not see that coming...good job. 
Rebecca: I found a way in. 
Tybalt: You did. I completely missed that. 

Tybalt: It was right in front of my nose. Oh boy. I goofed this challenge already, haven't I? 

Tybalt: Good work, good work...I'll just be over here regretting everything. 
Rebecca:'re not out of the game just yet, Tybalt. 
Tybalt: I don't have too many chances left! 
Rebecca: Have hope. I believe you can stay this week. 

Rebecca: Now, on with the next match-up! 
Rebecca is correct! We have more matches to spectate! Come on then, let's go, follow me! We're going back to the other house! 

Second House

Grape: Mysti! We're playing chess today? 
Mysti: Oh Grapey! We are least not yet! I just finished my match with Devra, and I won, of course, but must be up against Ben or Leroy...oooh, someone is behind you! 
Grape: Woah...who is it? 
Mysti: Take a peek! 

Leroy: Oh boy, you guys, they said one of us is gone today - 
Grape: Yeah, I's a surprise. But...if we truly are on Two Houses, makes sense. They had one last season, you know, got out Brandon and Trent, they had been getting cute with each other, then...I think Trent moved house? Then he was gone, just like that, because he lost out...

Leroy: I didn't watch Two Houses...I hadn't even heard of it. 
Grape: Fair. It flew under the radar. 
Leroy: I bet now it has popularity, huh? What with here? 
Grape: I'd think so. How about we play a little chess? 

Leroy: Where are you planning on putting that, dude? 
Grape: ...somewhere. Hmm...
Leroy: I'm glad, in a way, that today's challenge is less aggressive - 
Grape: What do you mean, chess is aggressive - 

Leroy: True, but...I just mean, it's more one on one, you know. We get to just face our opponent and have a chat. 
Grape: I don't get to chat with you very often. 
Leroy: Exactly! *he pauses* Ooh, I can do this! 
Grape: It's my turn, Leroy. 

Leroy: Oh right, sorry, dude. 
Grape: It's alright...I'll move this there, and then you can go...go, Leroy! 
Leroy: Okay, settle your horses, jeez. 
Grape: I'm good...I don't know what you're on about. 

Grape: I haven't played chess in a while. Granted, I have been in this house for a few weeks, and before that I was getting ready, and before that...I guess I just didn't have a chess table. I used to play with my sister...yeah. 

Leroy: I got one of your things! 
Grape: got one of my knights. 
Leroy: Yeah...sorry, I wanted to call it a horse but...not a horse. 
Mysti: Come on Grape, come on Grape, you have this, win this, Grape, you can do it...

Leroy: Oh my god! A bug! 
Grape: What? A bug...over there? Nice. 
Leroy: Looooook at it! 
Grape: I'm good, thanks, I have a game to focus on. 

Leroy:'s a pretty bug! 
Grape: Well...hopefully it sticks around to watch me win so I can say hello to little buggy afterwards! 
Leroy: You're sneaky...good one. 
Grape: Just trying to win, Leroy. 

Leroy: See, the bug was on my side, trying to help me win - 
Grape: I'm sure. 
Leroy: Let's continue with the game, then? Get to the end quickly? 
Grape: But slow and steady wins the race... 

Leroy: Are you a tortoise now, Grape? 
Grape: Hehe, yep. 
Leroy: We need to hang out more, you and I. 
Grape: Yeah! Yes, Leroy! As long as you don't nominate me again, hehe.

Mysti: I believe in you, Grape. 
Leroy: Huh, did you say something, Mysti? 
Grape: I believe she said I'm gonna win. 
Mysti: That I did. That I did. 

Grape: Because I just did. Checkmate. 
Leroy: Wait...
Grape: Maybe I haven't played in a while, but I remember how to play. I got you now, Leroy! 
Leroy: Dang, Grape - 

Leroy: You really got me. Nooooo! 
Grape: Hey, Leroy...don't worry. You're not gone yet. 
Leroy: I...I know. I'll try my hardest. 
Grape: I look forward to hanging out more with you, is all. 

And with that, Grape will join Mysti on the couch. However...there is still one contestant yet to compete - Ben. He will be up soon. 
Grape: Good luck, Leroy. 
Leroy: You too, dude. I hope you win. 
Grape: I'll try my hardest, for you. 

Mysti: Congrats, Grape! You made it to the big leagues! 
Grape: We'll have control this week, Myst. 
Mysti: I know! We can get rid of...someone! Literally we like everyone though...this sucks. 
Grape: We'll...we'll have to get rid of Leroy or Devra. 

Mysti: Dang. 
Grape: There really is no fun to this week, is there? 
Mysti: Not anymore. Someone will go today. Then we'll be left with four. Then someone else is gone by the end of the week. We're getting low. 
Grape: Yeah. It sucks. 

Leroy: Hey, Devra - 
Devra: You have lost too? Interesting. 
Leroy: I did. Grape's in there with Mysti now. Hey - 
Devra: I want to talk to you. Sit, please. 


First House

Over in the first house, it's time for the second match up. And look who comes now...
Skye: Woah, chess! Score! Checkmate! 
Skye is up next, but who is her rival for the game? 

KT!: Yaaay, challenge time! 
Skye: Come join me then, KT! I'll let you go first? 
KT!: Omigosh! Really?! I get to win?! 
Skye: That's not really what I suggested...

Skye: I reckon I can take her, easy. I can beat KT!, then we move onto whoever comes next, maybe Carlito, who knows, and I beat them, to take out the Head of Household title. I can do this, watch me. 

KT!: My turn first! I'll move this one! 
Skye: Interesting. 
KT!: What, you didn't like that move? Should! You're trying to psych me out! Well, it won't work, I'm not stupid! 
Skye: I never said you were...

KT!: Hmm...say, Skyeee, what's 80 times 234? 
Skye: Huh? What? Why? 
KT!: Just curious...
Skye: Uh...I'm trying to focus on chess, I don't want your games. 

KT!: But seriously, I wanna know now, what is 80 times 234? Someone tell me! 
I just opened the handy calculator app on my phone, and I can tell you it is 18,720. There we are, for anyone curious at home. 
Skye: It's your turn, KT!
KT!: I know that! I'm pondering...

KT!: I really was pondering. I wanted to make sure my move was perfect. You know, I want to win this challenge. KT! is not giving up. 

Skye: Hmm...
KT!: Whatcha thinking about, Skye? 
Skye: ...the game, of course. Trying to be cautious now. 
KT!: Oh, of course, sorry, silly me. 

KT!: Hmm...what about - no, this...
Skye: Say, KT! would you feel about a cup of tea after your loss? 
KT!: My loss...hmm...I'm not sure I feel like tea - 
Skye: Not feel like tea? Have you gone insane? 

KT!: Not at all, Skye! I just haven't lost. 
Skye: Huh? Oh...oh, bother, you checkmated me. 
KT!: Hehe. I did. So...guess I don't have time for tea? 
Skye: Oh - guess not! 

KT!: She didn't see that coming, did she? I played good. Hehe. 

KT!: I liked playing with you. It was fun, and challenging, and I didn't feel like I was winning easy. Or losing easy, some moments I thought I almost lost it all! But, I did not, and now...oh, I guess I go wait with Rebecca! 
Skye: I guess you do. 
KT!: I wonder what you could have done to beat me instead...

Skye: I...I have a few ideas, but the point is moot have won, so I will go, but good job, friend. I will go have tea by myself. 
KT!: Aw no, Skye! That's so sad, Skye! 
Skye: It is alright. 
KT!: Okay. Well, I will see you later, Skye. Good luck. 


Our next match is almost ready to begin. We shall remain in the first house, because...well, why not? I call a break in the pattern! Also, there are more pairings to be done in this house, as there are more people. make sense, no? Well, it does. Adrian is up, but against who? 

Adrian: Carlito. Ready for this? 
Carlito: To whoop your ass, yah huh. 
Adrian: I'm in no mood to be beaten, dude. 
Carlito: Neither am I. But you already know that. 

Adrian: Wait...ah...ah...
Carlito: You about to sneeze over there, buddy? Cover your face. 
Adrian: I...nah, I'm fine, felt like I was about to. 
Carlito: Dang. I hate that. 

Adrian: Chess is fun, huh? 
Carlito: It can be, if you win. With a move like that...I'd be worried for you. 
Adrian: This move?'ll be good for me. You'll see. 
Carlito: No doubt I will see...good or bad. 

Carlito: You can see on his face that he's trying his best, but failing. He's not game enough for chess with me, I bet. No one faces the horns of Carlito and comes out very strong, not in this game! I'll win. Just watch. 

Adrian: What's the matter, bro, think you could lose? 
Carlito: moved a piece the way I didn't expect, man, that's all. I ain't losing, no, just surprised, but that wears off. 
Adrian: Yeah? Sure. 
Carlito: I promise you. I swear it. 

Adrian: Okay...move this, there...yeah. 
Carlito: Oh boy. 
Adrian: What? You jealous? Think you'll lose? 
Carlito: You keep coming back to this loose thread. Tugging away at it, hoping it will come free and you will be the victor, but, hmm, it's a bugger of a thread, ain't it? 

Carlito: And now, after some time, the thread has bit back. You lose. 
Adrian: Wait...what? How? 
Carlito: Call it the Carlito Thread Effect. Or don't, see if I care. What matters is that you lost. Fair and square. Sorry, bud. 
Adrian: You sure this was fair? 

Carlito: I'm no cheater, dude, no matter the cost. 
Adrian: Let me check...
Carlito: Want me to call the chess expert team too? Bring out the rulebook, guys, we have a worried loser! 
Adrian: I ain't worried, no loser here - 

Carlito: I won, dude. 
Adrian: Argh! I know. I was...I was hoping to call your bluff for a rematch, but...well, that's not this game, is it? We get no second chance - 
Carlito: Well actually, we do. 
Adrian: I accept my defeat then, pray whoever I play next is weaker. 

Carlito: Best them, dude, knock them down. 
Adrian: Oh you know I will! There is no way Adrian is letting himself go because some chess challenge said so! 
Carlito: That's the stuff, that's my b- my man. 
Adrian: You're making me blush, homie. 

Carlito: Hey ladies, the winners three! 
Rebecca: Ready to lose, Carlito? 
Carlito: Is that a threat from your lips, Rebecca? 
And with that, another match down. 


Second House

Ben: Mysti! Grape! Oh...I have to beat him in chess, do I? Oh boy. 
Mysti: Here comes Ben. 
Grape: Can we...can we share the win? 
Mysti: Two of you against little [dead] me? Nope! 

Grape: I just want you to know...nothing changes between us today - 
Ben: Oh? 
Grape: I...I still care for you, even if it seems like I want to roast you on a spit over the fire by the end - 
Ben: Ooh, feisty Grape! Somehow...somehow I doubt you'll want to roast me. 

Grape: No, no, I'll never want to actually roast you! It's may seem, from my tone of voice, that I'll have it out for you - 
Ben: Ah...haha, sure, Grapey. 
Grape: You just think I'm a softie! 
Ben: You are, cutie. A big teddy bear. 

Grape: Well, prepare for world war berry. 
Ben: …lame. 
Grape: Oh really? Wowwww. Okay. 
Ben: *he chuckles* You're a big lame teddy bear! Not always lame though...only moments, like that. 

Grape: You don't have to call me lame so much...hurt a purple man's feelings. 
Ben: was only a joke. Sorry. 
Grape: It's fine! This's just a game, after all. If...if I beat you, and then...well, you could go home, and then what? Just...

Ben: Get your game face on, Grape! This is serious! 
Grape: I'm being serious! 
Ben: Not serious enough, it seems. Leave worry at the door, come on! Do you want to win this Head of Household or not? 
Grape: I...I do, yeah. 

Grape: I...I just want to say, in case...I really do like you, a lot. Ben, it's been...well, perfectly wonderful getting to know you. 
Ben: Aw, Grapey...that's so sweet. 
Grape: Do you feel the same? 
Ben: Of course I do! You know how I feel. 

Grape: I'm glad...ooh, I could move that...yeah. 
Ben: Hmm? 
Grape: Just wait and see. 
Ben: Okay. I will 'wait and see'. 

Grape: Chess is fun. 
Ben: is. We should play sometimes when we're out of here. 
Grape: Yeah...I'd like that. 
Ben: Sounds like a date then, Grapey. 

Grape: I think I got you beat, I think I got -
Ben: Woah, really? 
Grape: I think I got you beat! 
Ben:, not quite. Actually...

Ben: I think I got you beat! I know I got you beat! 
Grape:, no, I didn't see that there! 
Ben: Sorry, Grapey, but you lose! 
Grape: Really? Dang. 

Ben: It hurts to beat him, but I want to win this week, so he's...well, he's gotta go! Sorry, Grapey...not like go go, because...he can't, can he? He already won once...yeah, he's fine. At least this way I'm safe. I don't have to worry about going. a way, everything works out for us. We'll be safe this week. 

Grape: Dang. I have fallen! 
Mysti sits like a robot, without motion or emotion. Sims are weird sometimes. Most times. Sims are just odd beings. 
Ben: It's alright, Grapey - 
Grape: I wanna be dramatic! Let meeeeee! 

Grape: Okay...time for me to go - no, just inside, not home! I'm fine, yeah? 
Grape is not going anywhere. He won against Leroy, so he is fine. 
Grape: Good luck you two. 
Mysti: Oh, goodbye Grape. Have funsies! 

Ben: It's down to Mysti and I for the win. Who will win, who knows? I...I just know Grape is safe, either way. That matters. If Mysti wins, well...I should be fine anyway, but...I want to prove myself in this game. I want to prove I can win something, and what better than chess? I should have this. It's time to get my game face on. You can do this, Ben. You can. 

Mysti: Do I think I will ever die again? Was that your question? 

Maybe I might. Is there a murderer this season? There isn't? Good. I'm fine then. I'll live. 

Ben: Okay...I'm back and ready to go - 
Mysti: You had to use the diary room too? 
Ben: Yep. And the toilet. 
Mysti: Ah. I have a strong bladder myself. I'm fine. 

Ben: Ready to play some chess, Mysti? 
Mysti: I, uh...oh, just staring at the's so pretty, ain't it? I could dive right into it....sorry, chess! 
Ben: It's pretty, yeah. Chess? 
Mysti: I'll give myself more time to smell the roses after I win. 

Ben: I thought I was starting -
Mysti: Oh right, sorry. 
Ben: It's fine. I thought I had moved, but it was all in my head. 
Mysti: Speaking of...can I ask something of you? 

Ben: Of course, anything.
Mysti: Well...what are your intentions with Grape...beyond the game?
Ben: Mysti...can't you trust me? I don't want to hurt him. 
Mysti: A [dead] girl will always be suspicious. 

Ben: I promise you...I don't want to hurt him. Oooh! Good move! 
Mysti: Yeah, good one. And...I know. I just want to be protective of Grape. 
Ben: You're a good friend to him, then. 
Mysti: I like to think so. I care about him. 

Mysti: I also care about winning. I want this to be my second win. 
Ben: Oh, come on, give a Ben a chance! 
Mysti: This is anyone's game to win, you know that. 
Ben: I do. I really do. 

Ben: I'm moving in on you, Mysti. 
Mysti: Dang, woah! 
Ben: I know I don't have you yet...but I can get there. 
Mysti: And so can I. This is anyone's game. 

Ben: Our moves will decide the winner. 
Mysti: That they will. The 
Ben: You? Ha. 
Mysti: Oh? You want to insult me now? I don't think you want to...

Ben: Insult you? Never...
Mysti: Need I remind you who my friends are...
Ben: Hmm...maybe I call bluff on all that? 
Mysti: Do you want to lose more than this game of chess? 

Ben: Not long before one of us wins. 


First House

KT!: I wonder when we have to compete again...
Rebecca: The voice in the sky is busy, apparently - 
KT!: You can't expect him to be free all the time! 
Rebecca: Hmm...oddly suspicious. 

Carlito: Ladies, the voice is almost ready - 
Rebecca: How would you know, you best buds with him?
Carlito: I asked the producers. He's eating lunch. 
KT!: Oh! Alrighty! 

It is now time for the next match! Randomised again, it is time for Carlito and Rebecca to go head to head to find out who will move onto the final round! 
Carlito: See? Not a long wait after all. 
Rebecca: Yeah. I know. 
Carlito: Ready to get down to business? 
Rebecca: Uh huh. 

Carlito: I don't think we've spoken much. 
Rebecca: Probably not. You seem...harsh. 
Carlito: Oh yeah? Really? 
Rebecca: Yep. Your's like a roguish cowboy, like the ones in movies, the ones you come to hate. I don't know... 

Carlito: Sometimes you look roguish yourself. 
Rebecca: I wear black sometimes. I don't wear a black cowboy hat, weirdo. 
Carlito: It's the Carlito style. Don't fix what ain't broken - 
Rebecca: You wear it inside. Always. Worried the lights will give you cancer? 

Carlito: I see your strategy here, girl. You think you can piss me off enough that I'll lose my mind, and make poor moves...I don't think so. 
Rebecca: Not at all. I'm not rude. 
Carlito: Oh, okay. Let me just move this. 
Rebecca: Go right ahead. 

Carlito: I think we could have a strong game together, you know - 
Rebecca: Trying to forge an alliance mid-challenge, Carlito? 
Carlito: Why not? 
Rebecca: Fair point. Who knows the outcome of this game? 

Rebecca: Are you hoping I'll promise your safety if I beat you, and then whoever I'd be up against at the end? 
Carlito: There's no use not trying. 
Rebecca: And of course I'd ask of the same. I won't want to be going home this week, what with it being down to final four after this week. 

Carlito: Oh, is it? Well...I'm gonna be there, just watch. 
Rebecca: Oh checkmated me. 
Carlito: Indeed I did, Rebecca. Boom. 
Rebecca: You got me beat. 

Rebecca: I suppose the deal is non-existent then. 
Carlito: It's still on the table. If you want - 
Rebecca: Well, there is no chance of me winning. It's down to you. Why would you want to keep me around then? 
Carlito: I could have my reasons. Think about it? 

Rebecca: Good luck, Carlito. 
Carlito: I only have one more opponent. How hard could it be? 
And with that, Carlito moves on to the final round. Who will be his competition? Find out soon. KT! must compete against...someone? Who will it be? The three losers are competing at the moment for the chance to compete again, for one last chance. 


Second House

Meanwhile, in the second house...
Devra: Time for me to save myself, then. 
Leroy: Oh bring it on. 
Devra: One of us loses after this. Worried, dear? 
Leroy: I'm not worried about hurting your feelings when I win. 

Devra: It is chess time, then. I start, being white - 
Leroy: At least the game isn't racist - 
Devra: And then it is your turn afterwards, and so on - 
Leroy: I know how to play chess, Devra. Just because - 

Devra: Just because you lost against Grape, does not mean you do not know how to play, oh I am sorry, Leroy - 
Leroy: Can you let me finish speaking, please? 
Devra: Oh? How impolite of me - 
Leroy: Let's just play. 

*Devra moves a piece* 
Leroy: I wouldn't have done that - 
Devra: It was my first move, Leroy! It means nothing! 
Leroy: You're foolish to think that - 
Devra: Oh, are you King of Chess! Oh boy! 

Leroy: At least I'd have more status than you - 
Devra: Oh, that was harsh, even from you, Leroy! 
Leroy: I'm just following your lead...
Devra: The sheep you are...

Leroy: Will I even cry if I beat you today? 
Devra: At least I will be rid of another man with a bony erection - 
Leroy: Because you are certainly the abstaining woman - 
Devra: Watch the chessboard, Leroy...not my breasts. 


First House

KT!: Hey Tybalt! 
Tybalt: I have another chance! Oh, I won't waste it - 
KT!: So...what happened? You, Adrian and Skye...what did you do? 
Tybalt: We participated in another mini-competition while the pairings happened out here, similar to chess. Let's call it...Knight Fall. 

KT!: And you won then? Congrats! 
Tybalt: Adrian got himself trapped pretty easily, and Skye...she was harder to defeat, but I found my in. Time...time seemed to pause back there. 
KT!: Wait, huh? Time...paused? That doesn't make sense...
Tybalt: I questioned it myself...

KT!: Well...I can't wait to beat you, Tybbs! 
Tybalt: I told you...I don't plan to waste this chance, so no, you're not going to beat me out of this. 
KT!: I need to be on a roll, Tybalt! So I win HoH! 
Tybalt: Can't you be happy winning only once? 

KT!: Hey! Can't you? Yours was more recent! Wasn't it like, last week? 
Tybalt: was the week before. 
KT!: Ha! Mine was, like, so looong ago! I miss the power, mister! 
Tybalt: It's not what it's cracked up to be...

*a little while later* 
KT!: There we go, hehe. 
Tybalt: My turn then? 
KT!: I...I don't really know what you can do...
Tybalt: Wait...let me check. 

KT!: See! I got you beat! 
I have Shrek the Musical on my brain, so you get a million references to that one specific song. 
Tybalt: Oh...dang. You have. Good job, KT! 
KT!: I'm boss at this game! 
Tybalt: I didn't even notice. 

Tybalt: I mean, I was so confident I could win this and rise back to claim my win, but dang, you found another way! 
KT!: What can I say - 
Tybalt: - except you're welcome? 
KT!: What? Nooo...not that. 

KT!: I just hope that from now on people won't take me for granted as much. 
Tybalt: I'm sure people don't - 
KT!: I am good at chess. I will win this, and rub it in the face of my chess teacher, who said I, and I quote "could not differentiate the pawn from the bishop". Well, he is wrong. 
Tybalt: He sounds...silly. 

Tybalt: Good luck, KT! 
KT!: Thank you, Tybbs! 
Tybalt: I'm rooting for you. 


The final round for the first house pits Carlito against KT! - who will win, who will lose, who will crumble and who will rise? It's time for the contestants to bake! I mean, no, play chess!
Carlito: Whatcha looking at, KT!? 
KT!: The river. It's pretty. And you? 
Carlito: Oh...the chess board. To see how I could win. 

KT!: We play, then. Nervous, Carly? 
Carlito: Don't call me that. 
KT!: Fine...are you nervous a girly like me might beat you? 
Carlito: I have confidence. I haven't lost yet. 

KT!: And neither have I, silly. That's how we're here! 
Carlito: Somehow I feel my track record is better - 
KT!: We've both won things before, silly - 
Carlito: I won a whole show. You...well, you haven't. 

KT!: Those are like two completely different things! Winning...Abnormality, yeah? Winning that is different! You have to make connections with people, as well as being good at competitions. This is...this is just chess! 
Carlito: You think so...'just chess', ha. 
KT!: No, I know it's more - 
Carlito: It's your turn. 

KT!: I know, silly. I'm taking my time. 
Carlito: Oh, you're taking your time on this one? Ha. 
KT!: I won't let myself slip over, Carlito! 
Carlito: Oh I'm sure. 

KT!: I'm not stupid, Carlito. I know what I'm doing. 
Carlito: Oh, I didn't doubt you for a second, miss KT! 
KT!: Don't be sarcastic, mister Carlito, is that how you treat all of the women out there? You can't go around thinking you are better than, like, all of the women that try to compete with you! No! 
Carlito: Jeez...I'm sorry, KT!

KT!: It's fine! I'm okay. 
Carlito: Oh, that's good then. move...come to me...

Carlito: Why do you look glum, KT!, nothing has happened yet? 
KT!:'s just...I remembered when my pet rodent, Scampy, died. 
Carlito: What...what reminded you of that? 
KT!:, he...he was the colour of the white pieces on this board. 

KT!: Aha! That's a good move for me! 
Carlito: just pulling my leg with the dead rodent stuff? 
KT!: No, no, no, not at all...I just moved on! This game is more important right now, Carlito,'d think you'd know! 
Carlito: Right...

Carlito: I think I could beat you soon. 
KT!: But I think I could beat you! 
Carlito: You can, can you? Hmm...are you sure? 
KT!: I think so! Lemme check...or are you tricking me out? 

Carlito: Does this dampen your spirits? 
KT!: Oh woah! 
Carlito: Yeah, boom. 

KT!: Does this dampen your spirits, mister Carlito?
KT!: Yeah, boom. Two can play at this game! 

KT!: You know the importance of this competition, huh, Carlito? I could, like, knock you out this week if you lose! Imagine that...big power move, I reckon - 
Carlito: Yep...what are you hinting at, then?
KT!: Oh, nothing! I don't want to make a deal with you! I...I wouldn't trust you enough for that! It's whoever wins...

Carlito: Exactly that, I guess. If there are no deals to be made...
KT!: Concentrate on your game! Wait, no! Don't! 
Carlito: I've been concentrating. One of us will win. 
KT!: You betcha. 


Second House

Leroy: Do you think men only look at you for your beauty? 
Devra: You admit I'm beautiful? And think you look at me for more than just my looks?
Leroy: know I look to you for more than that. You are...well, you are stunning, yes, are an incredible person too. 

Devra: It's your turn, Leroy. 
Leroy: I know...I just feel like you aren't listening to me anymore - 
Devra: What would you prefer me to say, Leroy? That I will run away with you because you tell me I am incredible? 
Leroy: It's your turn, Devra. 

Devra: I know...hmm...
Leroy: You don't want to go there. 
Devra: Why? Will it help me defeat you, peasant? 
Leroy: Woah, settle, Devra, low blow. 

Devra: I am sorry, but I have...what is the word? Found the checked mate? Checkmate! That's it! 
Leroy: Wait...but you didn't go where I thought you would. 
Devra: You are going home, Leroy - 
Leroy: Devra...don't you care? 

Leroy:, you got me! I'm going! sounds like you're excited, more than anything! 
Devra: I - 
Leroy: No...I don't want you just trying to say you are sorry, because how am I to know if you're telling the truth, or if you're just shitting on me - 

Devra: Leroy - 
Leroy: No, Devra, it's fine! I'm fine! Haha, you beat me down again! Look, I was all for chatting to you back there, because I thought you'd changed your mind, hear that you just wanted to rub my nose in the mud again and again...ha! You're funny, Devra. 
Devra: Leroy! 

Devra: I'm...I am going to miss you, Leroy - 
Leroy: Oh sure! 
Devra: No...I am serious! Leroy...I am sorry I have pissed you off. You know...I do care, you know. I just...I cannot hurt you anymore. 
Leroy: Devra - 

Devra: Leroy...
Leroy: Let me get out of your hair, I'll go pack or whatever I have to do now that you've successfully knocked me out of the competition...and the game...goodbye, Devra. 
Devra: Leroy, listen...
Leroy: I have to go - 

Devra: Leroy - wait! 
Leroy: I'm sorry I was an idiot around you, Devra. I'm sorry - 
Devra: No, no more of this. Can I...may I...may I have a hug from you, Leroy? 
Leroy: Devra...I suppose so. 

Devra: I may never see you again - 
Leroy: Well those are awful sweet parting words - 
Devra: Leroy. I may never see you, but...thank you. I will be playing the rest of the game with you in mind. 
Leroy: shouldn't think of me anymore. 


Grape: Well I guess this is it then. Leroy - 
Leroy: No tears, Grape! No tears! 
Grape: I...I wasn't planning on crying for you, Leroy. But...well, be safe out there. And good luck. The best to you. 
Ben: Yeah. It was good to have you around, Leroy. 

Mysti: Leroy - 
Leroy: It's been admirable alongside you for some of this, Mysti. We kept each other safe when we could, and this was my last laugh, then...
Mysti: I know, Leroy. I will miss you. The best of luck, and...we meet for, what, coffee, when I come out too? It'll be on me...I'll have the money. 
Leroy: *he chuckles* Of course. 

Devra: Goodbye, Leroy - 
Leroy: Goodbye, Devra. 
Devra: Best of everything for you beyond the castle walls. 
Leroy: I will be in another castle soon enough. 

Devra: I am...terribly sorry. 
Leroy: No more words, Devra. Don't make me want to scream again, or cry again, or...or do anything again. Let me leave in peace. 
Devra: Of course. 
Leroy: Goodbye, Devra. 

Leroy: Goodbye to all of you. It has been a pleasant journey, a fun ride, and there were bumps and jumps, but...but we have reached the end, at least I have, no more money, no more tickets, no more hours in the's ended for me. I'll see you all around, and at the finale too. Thank you...thank you guys for the experience. You haven't see the last of me. 

Ben: Goodbye, Leroy...all the best. 
Grape: See ya, dude. Have fun and we'll hang out again soon! 
Mysti: Bye bye birdie. I'm...I'm gonna miss you so. 
Devra: Goodbye, friend. 

And with that, Leroy is the next person eliminated from the game. He'll now go join the others in the Halfway House, with no chance to return to the game. The power of the surprise elimination. Leroy is gone. Four remain in the second house. By the end of the week, it will be three. 


Poor, unfortunate Leroy. Thought he could make it further. Nope. You're trapped! Hahahahaha! 
Nah, I'm just messing, he's not trapped! He just has to spend some quality time in this house with the random others because that's his punishment! 
Again, kidding, gosh. I'm not mean enough to punish Leroy. 
Let's let him inside, shall we? 

Cassandra: Checkmate! I win! 
With her first move...ballsy. 

Leroy: Okay...look, it's Diane, and someone else? 
Who is that? There...there really must have been two houses...

Diane: So, as I was saying, Ted - oh it really that time of week already? 
Ted: That time of the week...oh, Diane...are you alright? 
Diane: Ted! No, that would be time of the month...we have a new guest. 
Ted: Oh! *he turns his head* Hello there. 

Leroy: Good evening, all. 
Diane: Leroy...what has happened? Is it not too early for you to be gracing us with your presence? 
Leroy: I...I was surprise eliminated. No second chance for me. 
Diane: Oh my - 

Ted: Well, it's good to have you, boy. Come take a seat, rest your legs. 
Diane: You know what this must mean, Ted? 
Ted: Oh? 
Diane: Another will likely come tonight. From the first house. 
I wonder who it will be...


First House

Adrian: Jeez, you are far too fast, you know you're racing into your elimination? 
Skye: Nah uh. You are being too slow, you are delaying your elimination! 
Adrian: Whatever...
Skye: Don't be so grumpy, Adrian! Be positive! 

Adrian: I'm not grumpy, princess - 
Skye: Not a princess. 
Adrian: Oh, my apologies. Let's get this show on the road. 
Skye: The show is already on...well, not the road, but it's already in motion, but this game of chess is not! Yay! Let's go! 

Adrian: I get to start then, neat. 
Skye: Of course! You're white! 
Adrian: And you are Captain Obvious, with your hat too - 
Skye: This hat is not what I would wear if I was captain. It is too...well, it does not suit a captain. It's plain, you cannot tell I'm the captain. Gosh. 

Adrian: Oh you moved quick? My turn again...
Skye: The first moves are always breezes...they flow, they are soft...they shouldn't hurt you, unless it is a harsh breeze...or is that a wind? A gale? 
Adrian: What do I look like, a weatherman? 
Skye: Well you always seem to be wet - 

Adrian: Real funny. 
Skye: What? I make jokes. Oooh! Good move, Skye! 
Adrian: It was alright. Not your best. But...alright, better than if you were to, say, just flip the table and give up.
Skye: I'll never do such a thing. 

Adrian: Oh bollocks. 
Skye: Yeah. Bollocks. 
Adrian: What, that hurt you too? 
Skye: I hurt all over after that move. 

Skye: Psych! I knew I could just do this! 
Adrian: Oh...neat. 
Skye: What...why are you not crying? Did I not win? 
Adrian: You did not. You're confusing the rules again. 

Skye: I never confuse the rules. 
Adrian: just did - 
Skye: Huh. Are you calling me an idiot, Adrian, a big idiot that does not know how to play chess? Wowwww. I am an idiot to you! 
Adrian: No, no, no...I never said idiot -

Skye: I'm just messing! 
Adrian: Oh thank god. 
Skye: Sure, I can make little boo-boos in this game, I'm sorry, I am not the best, I suppose - 
Adrian: Oh...I'm sure with practice, you could get better - 

Skye: I think for today, I am fine enough. 
Adrian: Huh - 
Skye: See, I have beat you. It may have taken a little bit more, but I have done it. I have knocked you from the game, unfortunately. 
Adrian: Oh - oh god. Well played. 

Skye: I'm not so bad at this game. 
Adrian: That naughty piece! It crept up on me out of nowhere! 
Skye: Yep. That it did. Sorry, Adrian. 
Adrian: No, you won fair and square - 

Adrian: I just...I wish I had noticed, so I could have counter-played. I tried earlier, when I thought you almost had me, but...well, I am just not as good at chess as I would have hoped. It's bye bye for me then. 
Skye: It is, Adrian - 
Adrian: Skye...good luck. 

Skye: You know of my power now. Good. Pray for me to win, or...if you are not a praying type of man, wish it. I will be the victor. 
Adrian: You have strong competition, I reckon, and you're not HoH this week...but I reckon you can pull through, if you try. 
Skye: When do I not try, Adrian? 

Adrian: Off to pack up my stuff then, I guess. 
Skye: Think they'll let me just continue playing chess for a bit? 
Adrian: I don't know -
Skye: I wanna ask! I'm gonna. 


Adrian: Well, I guess I'm off. 
Skye: Adrian, noo! 
Adrian: Alas, I must. Thanks ladies, and gents, for the time, too bad I have to go now because chess...because chess! Oh well. I'll see you all around - 
Rebecca: Adrian - 

Rebecca: It was nice to get to know you, Adrian, even though...well, you're a bit of a flirt, like a huge flirt, and I just wish you'd find a girlfriend...sorry, going off track. Good luck out there, Adrian. Thanks for being there. 
Adrian: Woah...thanks, Rebecca. Good luck to you too. 
Rebecca: Thank you, Adrian. 
Carlito: Yeah, dude, I barely knew you, but yeah, good luck. 

KT!: poor thing! Eliminated so sharply! Ouch. 
Eww....reminds me of knives...argh, someone take me out of this room! 
Rebecca: Are you alright, KT!? 
Adrian: Yeah, ah...someone check on her. Thanks for the sympathy, KT! 
Tybalt:'ll be so different without you here, Adrian. 

Adrian: Oh, I know, Tybalt, but you'll be right, dude - 
Skye: Adrian. 
Adrian: Yes, Skye? 
Skye: Good luck out there. I will not forget you. I will see you at the finale, at least. You will watch the episodes?

Adrian: Of course I will. I'll watch all of you, and root for you all...well, probably not Carlito, sorry dude, I just...well, I don't care much for you. 
Carlito: Fair. 
Adrian: Okay, well...I better be off. I have to go to some house, where the other eliminated contestants are, like...Marsha, she's probably there. 
I'll...I'll say hi for you all, I guess. 

KT!: Goodbye, Adrian! Sorry I started to have a weird panic attack. I reminded myself of the past, like a silly person, I will shush now, haha. 
Tybalt: Goodbye, good friend. See you soon. 
Rebecca: All will be well for you, Adrian. 
Skye: Goodbye. 


Halfway House

Marsha: *puffing and sweating* Oooh...bahhhh...theees ees...sah sweetay...gahd deeing, ees...haaaaawwt! 
Welcome back to the halfway house, then. Marsha is busy in the living room, doing some exercise, apparently. 
Marsha: Wooooshts! 

Marsha: Ees fatsheen ahn sheeewh ees dahsteeengushes, ehh? Hehe. Moi dreeseees beetah! Hahhhf…hafff...saaahh sweetie! 

Marsha: Wark eet, gurl! Wahhhrk eeet! 

Leroy: There's only four left in my house, so...merge soon then? Probably about the same amount in the other house, then? Woah...I probably just missed out, dang. 
Diane: I wish I had lasted to this merge, both houses had nice people...well, the first house, of course, did not like me so much. 
Ted: I bet it was not the case, Diane. They did like you. 

Adrian: In we go. 

Adrian: Oh, hey folks. 
Diane: have been eliminated by surprise too? 
Leroy: Seems like it. 
Diane: He is the other house eliminated contestant, then. No more surprises for tonight? I hope not. 

Adrian: Yeah, bull, they got me out in chess. 
Leroy: Same here. Leroy, and must be Adrian, as Diane said. 
Adrian: Yep. I need to pee, where's the bathroom? 
Leroy: Oh...I'm not sure, I pretty much just got here. 

Adrian: Wow, helpful. 
Ted: No need to be snappy, Adrian...the bathroom is through that door, through the next door, through the next door after that, and the next after that...and then finally, the next. Gosh. Confusing. 
Leroy: This house sounds like a maze. 

Diane: Oh, it is. Confusing, and almost too small. I would hope that at some point we move into another house, this one is rather...bland. 
Leroy: What...I like this room. 
Diane: The kitchen is rather small, unfortunately. 
Leroy: Ahh...for chef Diane. 

Ted: I am fine enough with the house. It has its charms to it, I think. I am not that fussy, anywho. 
Adrian: Well, I need to pee, so I'll...I guess I have to follow those weird instructions and just take every door, apparently. 
Ted: Perhaps ask Marsha for help?
Adrian: I'm good thanks. 

Beau: Oh...Adrian? Hello. 
Adrian: Beau Smart. 
Beau: How are things, dude? You got eliminated? 
Adrian: Yeah, just shut the hell up, Beau Smart! 

Beau: Oh...okay.
Adrian: Oh...I'm sorry, that was rude, I just need to pee. 
Beau: Oh, it's expected at this point, really it's fine - 
Adrian: No...I shouldn't have said it like that. 
Nice chest, by the way. Sexy. 

Adrian: Oh...someone left the tv on...roomza channel, ha. 
Oh wait...there we go. 

Adrian: At least she's sleeping. Gosh. Thank god. Rather that than her talking my ear off, what an annoyance - 
Marsha: *sleep talking* Whaaa? Ees nahbeedah hahme? 
Adrian: Oh - oh, no one is home, Marsha, move along...

Adrian: Good evening, ma'am. 
Cassandra: Oh? Is it evening? Am I a ma'am? Hmm. 
Adrian: Is everything alright with you? You're rather pale - 
Cassandra: Pale? This is my complexion, boy. I am a ghost in an outer shell.  

Adrian: that true? 
Cassandra: Is what true, boy? That I won my match of chess? Of course that is true! Haha. 
Adrian: The...the ghost thing...
Cassandra: What? Ghost? Where? There are no ghosts here. 

Cassandra: Oh, you are slow, Beau Smart. 
Beau: I...I forgot something in the bathroom. 
I had check myself out again. He said I was sexy. 
Cassandra: I am hungry. Make me a sandwich. 
Beau: No! Don't tell me to shut up! 

Adrian: Oh finally! 

Adrian: A toilet! 

Adrian: This house is so poorly executed. Why is the bathroom literally at the back of the house, it takes five years to get here, and by then, what if Marsha has peed her pants? Ha, I don't piss myself, I have a good enough bladder and I know, tell my pee to not. Keep it in there. 

Adrian: Okay, really, cameradude, you can leave now. Come on, shoo, skedaddle, I need to pee, and I don't want me peeing to be put all over the news, like: Adrian, star of The Mole and whatever this show is, peeing in a toilet like a normie, because somehow that's freaking news now! Ugh, go away, you can get a shot of me getting into bed later, or something, like me eating a grilled cheese sandwich and some of the cheese getting on my face! 

Adrian: Dude, the hell, get out, don't film a mirror shot as you go! God, are you mental? Do they pay you for whatever weird shit you get? Was this "how can we get the contestants filmed in weird positions" week? Oh man, that was the camera crew challenge, wasn't it? You're a bunch of pervs! Get the hell out! I'll stick...I don't know, can Beau fight? Wait, I'll just come at you! You want to stay and watch? Well...imma just punch you right in the dick then! 

Diane: What do you think, Leroy? 
Leroy: About what, again? 
Ted: Oh, only the most exciting event of the year! Christmas is coming! 
Leroy: it? already went! 
Ted: Oh no! We missed out! 

Diane: Well, that is tragic, how could we miss it? 
Ted: There truly is no calendar in this house. 
Diane: Oh, what a shame...Leroy? 
Leroy: Oh, sorry...I was just admiring you both. 
You two look like a talk show interview. 


Week 5 is TO BE CONTINUED...


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