Tiger, Tiger - Episode One: Hey, Look Out For That Moving Van!
Trix: It's a surreal feeling, really. You're sitting there being patient as all hell, and you feel everything is both in balance and OUT of it. But there isn't reason to run away, flee, any of that stuff - this is it, this is the real thing and you're sitting a million minutes away from your destiny. Or, whatever. Something like that. Trix: So, picture me. There I am. Triceratops O'Dell. I guess I was wearing an outfit exactly like this one, so it'll help you visualise it. That day was just like this one, truly. Normal, ordinary, but about to change my life. Soon enough I would be walking into the Abnormality house. Trix: But for now, I was sitting in an empty hallway that looked like it had been constructed that morning. It even smelled a little like fresh paint, and like, I know EXACTLY what paint smells like. Literally challenge me on that. I dare you. *TRICERATOPS O'DELL...what a fucked up name.* Trix: I have to hold b...