Big Brother, Survivor: Week 2
And welcome back everyone! It's Week 2! Last time, Brennan and Julian faced the first eviction and did not survive. Rest in Peace. I'm kidding. They're just over on the beach sleeping in tents. So, who are you rooting for this week and who do you want to face the cliff's edge this time around? The new intrudes, Nadia and Tyler, have an exciting task: choose the next HOH. Maybe Evarrine? Probs not. Finished with Nadia, Jasper becomes the centre of her attention. Watch out, did you watch The Mole? Let's take one moment to adore Willow. Thank you. Possible alliance blooming? Or maybe even love? #Exciting Back with Nadia, Caren is the next grilling victim. But it seems they've come to a conclusion, since I believe Tyler actually became good friends with someone. New friends? Possibly gossiping about one of the contestant's bad breath. These two. Jesus, Shayne become friends with someone! H...