Current Household September 2014: The Blue Kouadio Triplets!
Hey guys! I'd like to say first that this month, being that of my birthday month, there will be hopefully three current households. Today, I will show you Periwinkle, Buttercup and Sapphire's experience in university! Off to University! The snow looks lovely, doesn't it? Periwinkle looks lovely today. Mind the winter wear, it was winter back in Heradio, so I threw this on her as she aged up. Here's the charming Buttercup, keeping her girly rebel style into her adulthood. And Sapphire looks the nerdiest out of the three, purely since she worked hard throughout high school. Once they met the room mates (Find them on my Studio), I sent them to the Student Union. Believe it or not, but it was basically empty. Sapphire decided to study, even on the day before she begins classes. Oh well, guess she's eager. Btw, she's in the Science and Medicine major. As you can see, Buttercup is trying out her Business major object. Not so much fun f...